Hi everyone, well sung last night. This Saturday 16th we have our next Christmas gig. Arrive 10.45 at Quaker Meeting House reds and Christmas sparkles.( 5 Abbey Walk, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8BB). We start singing at 11 am for about ½ an hour.
Set list will be drawn from Hosanna, Come Tune Your Cheerful Voice, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, I Saw Three Ships, Ukrainian Carol of the Bells, Boars Head Carol, Past Three A Clock + Ding Dong. The Friendly Beasts Carol, as well as regular carols.
Next week we will be having our Christmas Party and welcoming David back home! Mulled wine and mince pies will be provided. Dress up in Christmas gaiety if you fancy.
. We will be singing our repertoire, interspersed with people doing a few turns.
Saturday 16 December 11.00- 11.30 am at the Quaker Meeting House Abbey Walk
Choir will continue until Wednesday 20 December and then we will have a couple of weeks off, resuming on Wednesday 10 January.
Sunday 21 January Remembrance Service on for families who have lost a loved one at the Westminster Hospital. We have been asked if a small group of us could sing two joyful songs at some point between 3 pm - 4 pm. More details later.
Friday 15 December Gillngham Arts Workshop Gillingham Library 5 pm -6 pm
Saturday 16 December Palida Christmas concert 6 -7 pm St Nicholas Church Durweston
Tuesday 19 December Join Palida for Christmas songs and a drink at the Grosvenor 8 pm
Thursday 21 December Gwyneth Wentink is giving her first local concert on 21st December at the Grosvenor Arms at 8pm. She plays baroque, classical, contemporary,
The Community Choir don’t appear to have been hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale. If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home.
If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:
Shaftesbury Community Choir
Account no. 23158960
Sort code: 30-65-21
Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.
Karen 14.12
P.S. Apologies from Andrea for neglecting to post newsletters here for the past couple of months. She has been somewhat overwhelmed by other voluntary roles. Hopefully, things will settle down in the new year but in the meantime there are several new photos on the gallery page.