More good singing last time. Bushes and Briars and California Dreamin’ both sounded great, we made a really good start on Kheruvimskaya and solidified (I hope) the first four verses of Be Still My Soul.
This week coincides with the G&S Show of course, but we will meet as usual. Fingers crossed for a big turnout. We will be singing Bushes and Briars once more, continue Kheruvimskaya, Be Still, Ani Couni and Cry Heart, make a start on I Can’t Help Falling in Love (held over from last time) and by popular request, try Isa Lei at a somewhat brisker tempo. Words (where needed) of all of these have been attached in recent weeks. PLEASE PRINT OUT YOUR OWN COPIES IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN.
Sunday 13 August Virtuoso horn player Felix Klieser, who was born without arms and plays the instrument with his toes, makes his Proms debut with Mozart's Horn Concerto No 4, with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. BBC 4 8.00 p.m. NOT TO BE MISSED.
Tuesday 22 August Jabberwocky. Springhead. 7.00 p.m. See attached flyer
Saturday 2 September Emily Burridge at Donhead St Mary Church. See earlier flyer
The organisers of the Shaftesbury Town Twinning are looking for hosts for visitors from Brionne towards the end of October. Mainly adults. If you are interested in offering hospitality have a word with Karen.
If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:
Shaftesbury Community Choir
Account no. 23158960
Sort code: 30-65-21
Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.
12 August 2023