29 JULY 2023

Our performance at the Fringe seems such a long time ago now but it was only last weekend!  A great turn out and a very appreciative and generous audience.  (An amazing 316 were clicked in for our performance and we raised approximately £171 so with a 80/20 split with the Abbey we have an extra £139 for the choir.)

Annabel, the manager writes:   

Just to say a big thank you for your wonderful performance at the Abbey. I know the weather wasn't the best, but we had such a happy time and really positive and generous responses from your audience. It's lovely to see the place full of people enjoying music in the gardens and I'm very grateful you chose us as a venue.   We'll hope to see you next year in brilliant sunshine!   With many thanks.


If any of you have any photos of our performance please zap them to me or Julia and we can put them on the website.


This coming week we will make a start on Jug of Punch* and Kheruvimskaya* (both held over from last time) and continue looking at Be Still My Soul and California Dreamin* along with Ani Couni, Sunshine, Fire and Rain and Freedom is Coming.   (* Words for these three were attached last time, Ani Couni is attached to this e-mail and no words are needed for the others.)



Saturday 5 August   Anna Tam is returning to perform at Shaftesbury Abbey - an extraordinary performer!  See attached flyer

Saturday 2 September  Emily Burridge at Donhead St Mary Church.  See attached flyer


Many of you will know that Channel 5 were filming in Shaftesbury a couple of weeks ago.  “Dorset: country and coast” started last Wednesday at 8pm.  It's expected to air weekly.  (You won’t be able to watch it live of course as you won’! Three cheers for technology though.)

There are lots of exciting new courses for Shaftesbury and Gillingham in the Autumn.   See last week’s flyer


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


29 July 2023