8 MARCH 2025

Although numbers were still a bit down there was no doubting both the hard work we put in and the quality of our singing last week.  This coming week we will be concentrating on our pieces for the opening of Shaftesbury Abbey and Melodies Remembered – I am really hopeful we have a good turn out for both these events of course. 

Songs for next week: Our faith shall lasting be*, If there is to be peace, Blue Moon, Lili Marlene* (with extra verses), California Dreamin’, Green Green, I Can’t Help Falling in Love* + Sunshine Fire and Rain and Heart to Heart to top and tail.   Words of those marked * are attached.  Others have been attached very recently or are not needed.    Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


We have kept our weekly fees as low as possible for as long as possible but, very reluctantly, we are going to have to raise them to £4 from the beginning of April.

Over the last year we have not been getting quite enough regular attendees to cover our costs. If we can increase our numbers back to previous years we may even be able to return to the lower fees but we hope, even at £4, you'll agree it's great value!


 Wednesday 19 March  Singalong (9.00 – 9.30) after our regular choir session for those hoping to take part in Melodies Remembered.   Thanks to those of you who have already suggested songs for inclusion in our programme - much appreciated.  

Saturday 22 March  Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey.  11.00 a.m.  Shaftesbury Anthem (Our faith shall lasting be) + If there is to be peace.

Thursday 27 March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  The venue is not the Town Hall (my mistake), but the Football Club in Coppice Street (adjacent to the British Legion Hall).  There will probably be adequate parking space, though, as many of the audience are brought by car, it would be wise to walk or park elsewhere if you can.  Arrive at 2.00 for 2.15 – sing from 2.30 – 3.30.  NB Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.

Thursday 24 April  Summer is a-comin’ in – a “welcoming springtime” procession.  More details later.

Sunday 20 July  Shaftesbury Fringe.  11.00 a.m.  Abbey Gardens

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment. 


 Friday 14 March  Words Under Ground.  Nun’s Passage (under King Alfred’s Kitchen).  See last week's flyer.


Afghan Musical Evening.  Quaker Meeting House, Salisbury.  Admission free.  See last week's flyer.

Saturday 15 March  For the Love of Song – singing day in Witchampton with Sarah Pennington.  (I have been to several of these and they are brilliant!)  Info sheet attached.

Saturday 22 March  St Matthew Passion by Bach.  South Somerset Choral Society.  Yeovil.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 23 March  Kanekt at the Grosvenor Hotel.  (Karen and Co featuring guitar, sitar and clarinet.)  See earlier flyer.

Sunday 6 April  St John Passion by Bach.  Wincanton Choral Society.  See attached flyer. The lead tenor is the very talented Matthew McKinney who last year won the prestigious Kathleen Ferrier Award. 


Thurs 1 – Sun 4 May Hidden Gems singing weekend in Brussels.  See earlier flye 


The Shaftesbury Tree Group, as part of the Orchard Town initiative, is delighted to inform you that they have twelve top quality, nursery-grown apple trees available for planting in your garden this month.    They are available on a first come, first served basis to anyone living within the Shaftesbury Parish Boundary for half of the cost price, which means just £13 each. A wonderful opportunity to add some edible beauty to your home and our town. See attached flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for. 


8 March 2025

1 MARCH 2025

Although numbers were a bit down there was no doubting the quality of our singing last  week.  Harbour, I felt, was particularly moving and I hope we all enjoyed I open my arms wide.  We’ll be singing this as a warm-up again next time along with Feelin’ Groovy.   We will also continue with Ryegrass and Clover along with Ya Azim and If there is to be peace (both held over from last time) + 500 Miles, Blue Moon, Lili Marlene and California Dreamin’.  These last four I think would be particularly suitable for “Melodies Remembered” and words are attached.   Words of Ryegrass and Clover were attached a couple of weeks ago and other words are not needed.    Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


Saturday 22 March  Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey.  11.00 a.m.

Thursday 27 March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  Town Hall.   Arrive at 2.00 – sing from 2.30 – 3.30.  (Thanks to those of you who have suggested songs for inclusion in our programme.  Much appreciated.  I have attached a list of suggested songs.  If you intend joining us, please look it through and if anything strikes you as unsuitable let me know.  Similarly, if there is anything you feel should be included let me know that as well.)  NB Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.

Thursday 24 April  Summer is a-comin’ in – a “welcoming springtime” procession.  More details later.

Sunday 20 July  Shaftesbury Fringe.  11.00 a.m.  Abbey Gardens

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment. 


Friday 7 March  Karen and Helen Porter entertaining at East Knoyle.  See earlier flyer.

Friday 14 March  Words Under Ground.  Nun’s Passage (under King Alfred’s Kitchen).  See attached flyer.


Afghan Musical Evening.  Quaker Meeting House, Salisbury.  Admission free.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 23 March  Kanekt at the Grosvenor Hotel.  (Karen and Co featuring guitar, sitar and clarinet.)  See earlier flyer.

Thurs 1 – Sun 4 May Hidden Gems singing weekend in Brussels.  See earlier flyer


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for. 


1 March 2025

22 FEBRUARY 2025

What a great rehearsal we had last week.  It was lovely to welcome our visitors, too, who certainly appeared to be enjoying singing along with us.  Particular thanks to Kim for suggesting and providing prizes for the best snowdrop name badge.  Photo attached.

We have been asked to give two performances next month – the first, to sing for a short ceremony to mark the opening of Shaftesbury Abbey at 11.00 a.m. on Saturday 22 March and the second to sing with and for people attending “Melodies Remembered” on the afternoon of Thursday 27 March.  (See below).  Suggestions for good sing-a-long songs for the  latter gratefully received.

This coming week we will pick up our work on Ryegrass and Clover which we have let slip for a couple of weeks now along with Ya Azim, Harbour*, Lifting as we Climb*, Plovi Barko*, If there is to be peace* + I open my arms wide and Simama as warm-ups.  Something for everyone I hope., Words of songs marked * are attached.   Words of Ryegrass and Clover were attached a couple of weeks ago and other words are not needed.    Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


Saturday 22 March  Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey.  11.00 a.m.

Thursday 27 March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.  Afternoon but more details later.

Thursday 24 April  Summer is a-comin’ in – welcoming springtime procession.  More details later.

Sunday 20 July  Shaftesbury Fringe.  11.00 a.m.  Abbey Gardens

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment. 


Friday 7 March  Karen and Helen Porter entertaining at East Knoyle.  See last week’s flyer.

Sunday 23 March  Kanekt at the Grosvenor Hotel.  (Karen and Co featuring guitar, sitar and clarinet.)  See last week’s flyer.

Thurs 1 – Sun 4 May Hidden Gems singing weekend in Brussels.  See earlier flyer


Don’t forget that we are still making a weekly collection for the foodbank.



If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


22 February 2025

15 FEBRUARY 2025

Looking forward to this coming Wednesday’s practice when we will be having an open rehearsal and concentrating on nature songs as part of the Shaftesbury Snowdrop Festival.  Pleased do invite family and friends.  It will be a BADGE WEDNESDAY too, so come sporting a suitable name badge if you can (sticky label badges provided for those who can’t).  Kim (tenor) has offered to provide a prize for the best badge.  Thankyou Kim.

Songs will be chosen from the following:

Green Green, Be still My Soul*, Green Man, Ryegrass and Clover, Circle of Life, Tree of Life, Now I Walk in Beauty, Oak of Old, Oh Sweet Earth, I open my arms wide, Follow the Heron*, Wake Up*, I am a River, Morning has come*.  Words of songs marked * are attached.   Words of other songs, where needed, have been attached over the last couple of weeks.


Wednesday 19 February Open rehearsal concentrating on nature songs as part of the Snowdrop Festival.   Do invite your family and friends and let’s give it our best shot – who knows we may get a few new members!

Thursday 27 March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.  Afternoon but more details later.

Sunday 20 July  Shaftesbury Fringe.  11.00 a.m.  Abbey Gardens

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment. 


TODAY Saturday 15 February Melodies Remembered – a dementia friendly afternoon of music and singing (plus tea and cake)  2.00 -  4.00 Town Hall.  See attached flyer.

Friday 7 March  Karen and Helen Porter entertaining at East Knoyle.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 23 March  Kanekt at the Grosvenor Hotel.  (Karen and Co featuring guitar, sitar and clarinet.)  See attached flyer.

Thurs 1 – Sun 4 May Hidden Gems singing weekend in Brussels.  See last week’s flyer


Don’t forget that we are still making a weekly collection for the foodbank.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


15 February 2025


Many thanks to those of who took part in the Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration last Sunday.  It was a touching occasion and much appreciated by all who were there.  And while we are remembering those who are no longer with us, I am sorry to have  to share with you all the sad news that Elinor Tolfee’s (tenor) mother, Susan, died peacefully at home in St.James earlier this week, at the remarkable age of 101 … and four months!

It was lovely to see a few new faces and welcome back at least one old friend on Wednesday.  This coming week we will concentrate on songs with a nature theme in preparation for our open rehearsal on Wednesday 19th.  We will continue work on Green Green, Be still My Soul (held over from last time), Green Man and our new one, Ryegrass and Clover, together with Circle of Life, Tree of Life + Now I Walk in Beauty and Oak of Old as warm-ups.   Words of Circle and Tree are attached.  (Others where needed have been attached in the last couple of weeks.)   Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


Wednesday 19 February Open rehearsal concentrating on nature songs as part of the Snowdrop Festival.   Do invite your family and friends and let’s give it our best shot – who knows we may get a few new members!

Thursday 27 March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.  Afternoon but more details later.

Sunday 20 July  Shaftesbury Fringe.  11.00 a.m.  Abbey Gardens

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment. 


TODAY Saturday 8 February  Handpan Live Concert.  Mere.  See last week’s flyer

Saturday 15 February Melodies Remembered – a dementia friendly afternoon of music and singing (plus tea and cake)  2.00 -  4.00 Town Hall.  See attached flyer.

Thurs 1 – Sun 4 May Hidden Gems singing weekend in Brussels.  See last week’s flyer


Don’t forget that we are still making a weekly collection for the foodbank.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


8 February 2025


Great singing as ever – we got the Year of the Snake off to a pretty good start I thought.  Don’t forget if you are singing for the Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration on Sunday that we are meeting at 2.30 in St Peter’s when we will have a quick run through and make our final decision as what to sing.  This coming week we will use Bella Mama and Our Choir as warm-ups, continue work on Be still My Soul and Green, Green and have a look at Green Man and a new one, Ryegrass and Clover.  Words of these last two are attached.  (Our Choir and Green, Green were attached last week.)   Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


Sunday 2 February  Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration.  Town Hall.  We will meet at 2.30 p.m. at St Peter’s for a quick run through.  The service starts at 3.00 and will last an hour.  Tea and cake afterwards! Two (maybe three) songs out of Follow the Heron, I am a River, Hold On, This is Home and Go Placidly.  Usual dress code – i.e. shades of red above the waist (no patterns), dark or black below.

Wednesday 19 February Open rehearsal concentrating on Nature Songs as part of the Snowdrop Festival.

Thursday 27 March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.  Afternoon but more details later.

Sunday 20 July  Shaftesbury Fringe.  11.00 a.m.  Abbey Gardens

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment. 


Until Sat 1 February  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz- The Pantomime. Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See last week’s flyer.

Saturday 8 February  Handpan Live Concert.  Mere.  See attached flyer

Thurs 1 – Sun 4 May Hidden Gems singing weekend in Brussels.  See attached flyer


A music bag was picked up by mistake last night.  Izzie (alto) will bring it to St Peter’s on Sunday


Don’t forget that we are still making a weekly collection for the foodbank.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


30 January 2025

25 JANUARY 2025

Great to see a few old friends and some new faces last night.  I hope we all made you feel welcome. Great singing too of course.  This coming week we will sing Our Choir once more, continue work on Be still My Soul, which was surprisingly well remembered, and make a start on a new one, Green, Green. We will also look at five of our standards (Follow the Heron, I am a River, Hold On, This is Home and Go Placidly) and make a decision as to which ones to sing for the hospital remembrance service and celebration next weekend when I hope a goodly number of you will be able to participate.  We will also sing We wish you joy to celebrate Chinese New Year (Year of the Snake) which begins on Wednesday.  Words attached where needed. Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


Sunday 2 February  Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration.  Town Hall.  2.00 p.m.  Two (maybe three) songs – see above.

Wednesday 19 February Open rehearsal concentrating on Nature Songs as part of the Snowdrop Festival.  Details anon. 

Thursday 27th March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.  Afternoon but more details later.

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment. 


Sat 25 – Sun 26 January  Shaftesbury Festival of Baroque – various venues.  (See earlier flyer)

Until Sat 1 February  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz- The Pantomime. Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See attached flyer.


Don’t forget that we are still making a weekly collection for the foodbank.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


25 January 2025


4 JANUARY 2025

Happy New Year everyone.  I trust you all had a good Christmas and are looking forward to some more joyous singing in 2025.  We will hit the ground running of course as we have our first performance of the year just one week tomorrow (Sunday 12th).  See below.

This coming week we will look at our two songs, Follow the Heron and Wake Up, (great if they could be sung from memory), a new round by Ali Burns (I believe that one fine day) and one from Zambia (Sanna), another new one by Jackie (tenor), our regular new year song (May Your Cup / We Wish You Joy - can it really be twelve months since we sang it last?) and, if time,  the Gloucester Wassail.  Words attached where needed  Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


Wednesday 8 January   First rehearsal of 2025

Sunday 12 January  Concert in memory of Nick Crump. The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.  We will be singing Follow the Heron and Wake Up.  Can we get there by 1.15 at the latest please so that we can practise on the stage before the audience arrive.

Normal dress code (red above the waist – no patterns; dark or black beneath)

Format for the afternoon:

2pm -3.15 concert

3.15 to 4.15 tea and cake* +  slide show of Nick

4.15 to 5 pm celidh

*If you would like to bake a cake to share it would be MUCH appreciated,.

Sunday 2 February  Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration.  Town Hall.  Afternoon.  More details later.

Wednesday 19 February Open rehearsal concentrating on Nature Songs as part of the Snowdrop Festival.  Details anon. 

Thursday 27th March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.  Afternoon but more details later. 

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment.


Wed 22 – Sun 26 January  Shaftesbury Festival of Baroque.  (See attached flyer)


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for. 


4 January 2025

21 DECEMBER 2025

Numbers were a little down on Wednesday, which was only to be expected really, but we had a really good sing and Ukrainian Bell Carol, No Small Wonder and Christmas is Coming were all sounding great by the end of the evening.  Our carol singing for the Thursday Farmers’ Market was also great fun – photo attached – and the seasonal refreshments at the Arts Centre afterwards much appreciated.    We are now having a couple of weeks off before we recommencing on 8th January when we will have only this ONE rehearsal to prepare for our performance at The Exchange.


Have a very happy Christmas everyone.



Wednesday 8 January   First rehearsal of 2025


Sunday 12 January  Concert in memory of Nick Crump.  Afternoon.  The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.  We will be singing Follow the Heron, Wake Up and possibly one more.


Sunday 2 February  Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration.  Town Hall.  Afternoon.  More details later.


Wednesday 19 February Open rehearsal concentrating on Nature Songs as part of the Snowdrop Festival.  Details anon. 


Thursday 27th March   Singing for “Melodies Remembered”  Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.  Afternoon but more details later.


Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment. 





Sunday 22 December  Carols by Candlelight.  Marnhull.  See last week’s flyer.


Carols and readings at St John’s Enmore Green.  3 o’clock.  Lots of familiar faces and a really good pop-up choir!  Refreshments afterwards too.

Wed 22 – Sun 26 January  Shaftesbury Festival of Baroque.  (See last week’s flyer)





If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.



30 NOVEMBER 2024

Although numbers were rather fewer than we had expected, our singing for Tony’s concert last weekend was excellent.  In fact, given the size of the audience, we were probably the right sized group; it was good to pay tribute to a pretty remarkable man.  I am attaching a couple of photos – thankyou Estrella (alto).  We have several more public performances in the coming weeks and a couple quite early in the new year including one at the Exchange, Sturminster Newton in early January.  Do make a note of these in your diary.  Those of you singing at St Denis Lodge next week, please read the note from Jackie (tenor) at the very end of this newsletter.

We already have quite a number of songs and carols in our Christmas repertoire .  Next week we should complete the Ukrainian Bell Carol and No Small Wonder, have a look at the next section of Christmas is Coming, refresh our memories of First Nowell, See Amid, Carol of Adoration, While Shepherds, Ding Dong, Silent Night, Hosanna, Joy to the World and In the Bleak.  Whew!  Most of these are in the Bethlehem Carol Sheet and our choir carol booklets while the words of the others have been attached in the last couple of weeks.



Sunday 8 December Carol singing at the Shaftesbury Christmas market.  11.30 am for about thirty minutes or so.  We will congregate by the Christmas tree near King Alfred’s Tea Room at about 11.15.  Collection for DEC

Tuesday 10 December  Singing carols and Christmas songs at St Denis Lodge.  2.30 p.m.   Antlers optional.  (See note from Jackie at the bottom of the newsletter)

Wednesday 11 December  Open rehearsal – invite your friends, maybe do a party piece etc.   Festive refreshments.  Details anon. 

Thursday 19 December  Market Day Carol Singing followed by seasonal refreshments at the Arts Centre.  Late morning, times to be decided.  Collection for DEC


Sunday 12 January  Concert in memory of Nick Crump.  Afternoon.  The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.

Sunday 2 February  Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration.  Town Hall.  Afternoon.  More details later.

Wednesday 19 February Open rehearsal concentrating on Nature Songs as part of the Snowdrop Festival.  Details anon. 

Unspecified Thursday  Singing for the Shaftesbury Thursday afternoon Dementia Friendly group

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment.  I have said provisionally yes so please make a note of the date in your next year’s diaries.  Many thanks.


Friday 6 December  Hope, Light and Love – An Advent Journey.  St Peter’s Church.  6.30 p.m.  Lovely seasonal music,  wine and mince pies. See attached flyer.

Fri 6 – Sun 8 December Garden of Delights at Springhead. This popular Christmas fair showcases handmade and unique gifts designed and created by talented local artists and crafts people, including jewellery, ceramics, textiles, garden ornaments, cards, glassware and prints.  10.00 am to 4.00 pm.  Entry is Free.   Cash and cheque preferred: not all artists are able to take card payments.   See attached flyer

Sunday 8 December    ‘Tis Christmas Time.  Pilgrim Singers featuring soloist Marta Fontanals-Simmons, fresh from the Proms and Covent Garden.   Wincanton 7.00 p.m.  See last week’s flyer.


Saturday 14 December  A Winter’s Night - Gillingham Singers Christmas Concert, Milton on Stour  6.30 p.m.  See last week’s flyer.

Sunday 15 December  Wincanton Choral Society Christmas Concert.  See earlier flyer.

Tuesday 17 December  Gillingham Arts Workshop – Drive the Cold Winter Away.  Carols and readings.  Gillingham Library 5.00 p.m.   See last week’s flyer.

Thursday 19 December Handel's Messiah 6.00p.m. ST MARY'S CHURCH, Bruton, BA10 0EB   A rare intimate chamber performance of Handel’s great work.  Tickets £12.50, booking fee applies, children free (no ticket required). Refreshments available beforehand. Tickets purchased here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/bruton/st-marys-church/handels-messiah/2024-12-19/18:00/t-moayrye or on the door (£15). Retiring collection for St Mary's Church.


Annie (soprano) is offering mixed ability Yoga classes in Shaftesbury on Thursdays.   See earlier flyer for full details.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


30 November 2024

Travel advice for those choir members singing at St Denis.
St Denis is situated by the junction of the A30 and the C13 on the outskirts of Shaftesbury.  This junction has recently been altered for safety reasons.
Instructions for approaching from the west:
From the Royal Chase Roundabout, you could take the exit directly into the Half Moon, park there and walk along the pavement till you reach St Denis.

take the exit on to the A30 (direction Salisbury/Ludwell. Stay in the right hand lane.  There are breaks in the central reservation.  Ignore the first one that leads to a bungalow on the opposite side of the road.  Turn right across the next break, which is immediately before the
new junction.  Cross the carriageway straight into St Denis. If you miss that one turn right at the new junction, taking the route marked "Town centre".  Turn left immediately into St Denis.
Approaching from the east:
After the second set of traffic lights keep to the right, following
"Town centre" sign.  Turn immediately left into St Denis.

23 NOVEMBER 2024

A belated Happy St Cecilia’s Day to you all.  (St Cecilia is the patron saint of musicians and it was her big day yesterday – thanks for the tip-off Jackie)

Looking forward to the concert later on today – our three pieces are sounding absolutely lovely.  I have made some reserved labels for you so please make sure you are in your seats by 4.45  Don’t let Storm Bert put you off from coming either.    Normal dress code of course (shades of red above the waist [plain, no patterns], dark or black beneath, and absolutely NO antlers.) 

Our Christmas repertoire  continues to go well.  Next week we will continue work on the Ukrainian Bell Carol and The First Nowell* and have a look at No Small Wonder*, Christmas is Coming*, See Amid and While Shepherds.  These last two are in the Bethlehem Carol Sheet and our choir carol booklets.  Those of you (altos, tenors and basses) who have them from previous years please bring them with you. 

*The words of Christmas is Coming and No Small Wonder are attached + music for the First Nowell for those who would like it.  (Words are in the Bethlehem Carol Sheet.)  Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  




TODAY Saturday 23 November  Concert celebrating the life of Tony Hawkins.  5.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church. 

Sunday 8 December Carol singing at the Shaftesbury Christmas market.  11.30 am for about thirty minutes or so.  We will congregate by the Christmas tree near King Alfred’s Tea Room at about 11.15.  Collection for DEC

Tuesday 10 December  Singing carols and Christmas songs at St Dennis Lodge.  2.30 p.m.   Antlers oprtional.

Wednesday 11 December  Open rehearsal – invite your friends, maybe do a party piece etc.   Festive refreshments.  Details anon. 

Thursday 19 December  Market Day Carol Singing followed by seasonal refreshments at the Arts Centre.  Late morning, times to be decided.  Collection for DEC


Sunday 2 February  Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration.  Town Hall.  Afternoon.  More details later.

Wednesday 19 February Open rehearsal concentrating on Nature Songs as part of the Snowdrop Festival.  Details anon. 

Unspecified Thursday  Singing for the Shaftesbury Thursday afternoon Dementia Friendly group

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment.  I have said provisionally yes so please make a note of the date in your next year’s diaries.  Many thanks.


Sat 23 – Mon 25 November  Donhead Art Exhibition.  See last week’s flyer.

Sunday 24 November  Jump   Field recordings of insects and amphibians combine with Karen playing live and multi-tracked clarinets to take audiences on an enchanting musical journey through a symphony of small voices.     Dorchester Corn Exchange.  2.00 p.m.   Further details on https://www.dorchesterarts.org.uk/2024/04/25/sun-24-november-jump/

also …

Rolling Harmony at the Grosvenor, Shaftesbury.  4.00 p.m.  Tickets £12.  See last week’s flyer.

also …

Sing along with the Swingers.  Victoria Hall, Tisbury.  3.00 p.m.  Free entry.  See last week’s flyer

Friday 29 November  The Folk Detectives – music and humour from Matthew Crampton and Paul Hutchinson (Karen’s amazing accordionist friend).  Hornblotton Village Hall  7.30 p.m.  See attached flyer.

Friday 6 December  Hope, Light and Love – An Advent Journey.  St Peter’s Church.  6.30 p.m.  Lovely seasonal music,  wine and mince pies.  Not to be missed.

Sunday 8 December    ‘Tis Christmas Time.  Pilgrim Singers featuring soloist Marta Fontanals-Simmons, fresh from the Proms and Covent Garden.   Wincanton 7.00 p.m.  See attached flyer.

Saturday 14 December  A Winter’s Night - Gillingham Singers Christmas Concert, Milton on Stour  6.30 p.m.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 15 December  Wincanton Choral Society Christmas Concert.  See earlier flyer.

Tuesday 17 December  Gillingham Arts Workshop – Drive the Cold Winter Away.  Carols and readings.  Gillingham Library 5.00 p.m.   See attached flyer.

Thursday 19 December Handel's Messiah 6.00p.m. ST MARY'S CHURCH, Bruton, BA10 0EB   A rare intimate chamber performance of Handel’s great work.  Tickets £12.50, booking fee applies, children free (no ticket required). Refreshments available beforehand. Tickets purchased here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/bruton/st-marys-church/handels-messiah/2024-12-19/18:00/t-moayrye or on the door (£15). Retiring collection for St Mary's Church.


Annie (soprano) is offering mixed ability Yoga classes in Shaftesbury on Thursdays.   See earlier flyer for full details.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


23 November 2024

16 NOVEMBER 2024

Lots to take in today so please read this newsletter carefully maybe have your diaries at the ready.

There was a great turn-out last Wednesday.  Thanks Estrella (alto) for the chocs.  Our three pieces for Tony’s concert were sounding absolutely lovely by the end.  We will be doing them again next week of course when we will adjourn to St Peter’s after our coffee break for a final run through and, most importantly, to sort out where we will be sitting / performing from etc.   If you are intending to sing it is really important that you are there.

Next week we will also continue our Christmas repertoire with work on standard carols + Carol of Adoration, the Ukrainian Bell Carol (in Ukrainian of course), The First Nowell and Ding Dong Merrily together with Hosanna once more as our festive warm-up.  Those of you (altos, tenors and basses) who have choir carol booklets from previous years please bring them along

COMING CHOIR EVENTS – there are a lot of these, so DIARIES OUT!


Saturday 23 November  Concert celebrating the life of Tony Hawkins.  5.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  We will be singing three songs – When I was One and Twenty, Grateful and Loved and The Road Home.  Normal dress code (shades of red above the waist [plain, no patterns], dark or black beneath.)   Do tell your family and friend about this and maybe download and circulate the attached flyer.  It’s always great to perform to a  full house.

Sunday 8 December Carol singing at the Shaftesbury Christmas market.  11.30 am for about thirty minutes or so.  We will congregate by the Christmas tree near King Alfred’s tea rooms at about 11.15.  Collection for DEC

Tuesday 10 December  Singing carols at St Dennis Lodge.  2.30 p.m.

Wednesday 11 December  Open rehearsal – invite your friends, maybe do a party piece etc.   Festive refreshments.  Details anon. 

Thursday 19 December  Market Day Carol Singing followed by seasonal refreshments at the Arts Centre.  Late morning, times to be decided.  Collection for DEC


Sunday 2 February  Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration.  Town Hall.  Afternoon.  More details later,

Unspecified Thursday  Singing for the Shaftesbury Thursday afternoon Dementia Friendly group

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment.  I have said provisionally yes so please make a note of the date in your next year’s diaries.  Many thanks.




THIS WEEKEND Sunday 17 November  Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra concert.  Beethoven’s Fifth, Magic Flute Overture, Dvorak’s Czech Suite and a new work by their amazing conductor Sarah Freestone.  4.00 p.m. St James Church.  Admission free.  See last week’s flyer.

Fri 22 – Mon 25 November  Donhead Art Exhibition.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 24 November  Jump   Field recordings of insects and amphibians combine with Karen playing live and multi-tracked clarinets to take audiences on an enchanting musical journey through a symphony of small voices.     Dorchester Corn Exchange.  2.00 p.m.   I am going to this and could probably offer a lift to two or three people if anyone would like transport.  See attached flyer.  Further details on https://www.dorchesterarts.org.uk/2024/04/25/sun-24-november-jump/

also …

Rolling Harmony at the Grosvenor, Shaftesbury.  4.00 p.m.  Tickets £12.  See attached flyer.

also …

Sing along with the Swingers.  Victoria Hall, Tisbury.  3.00 p.m.  Free entry.  See attached flyer

Friday 6 December  Hope, Light and Love – An Advent Journey.  St Peter’s Church.  6.30 p.m.  Lovely seasonal music,  wine and mince pies.  Not to be missed.

Sunday 15 December  Wincanton Choral Society Christmas Concert.  See last week’s flyer.

Thursday 19 December Handel's Messiah 6.00p.m. ST MARY'S CHURCH, Bruton, BA10 0EB   A rare intimate chamber performance of Handel’s great work, ‘Messiah’, featuring world-class musicians 'The Echoing Air', a vocal ensemble of eight singers will sing both the choruses and solos, accompanied by instrumental ensemble.  Tickets £12.50, booking fee applies, children free (no ticket required). Refreshments available beforehand. Tickets purchased here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/bruton/st-marys-church/handels-messiah/2024-12-19/18:00/t-moayrye or on the door (£15). Retiring collection for St Mary's Church.



Annie (soprano) is offering mixed ability Yoga classes in Shaftesbury on Thursdays.   See attached flyer for full details.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


16 November 2024



Lovely singing last Wednesday.  Our three pieces for Tony’s concert (see below) are already sounding really confident as regards notes so we will be able to concentrate on detail next week.  If you can do a bit of homework and memorise the words of “Grateful and Loved” that would be marvellous.   In addition we will continue our Christmas repertoire – standard carols + Carol of Adoration (held over from last time), the Ukrainian Bell Carol (in Ukrainian of course), The First Nowell and Come Tune Your Cheerful Voice.  Words where needed have all been attached recently.  Those of you (altos, tenors and basses) who have choir carol booklets from previous years please bring them along

COMING CHOIR EVENTS – there are a lot of these!


Saturday 23 November  Concert celebrating the life of Tony Hawkins.  5.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  We will be singing three songs – When I was One and Twenty, Grateful and Loved and The Road Home.

Sunday 8 December Carol singing at the Shaftesbury Christmas market.  Late morning.  Collection for DEC

Tuesday 10 December  Singing carols at St Dennis Lodge.  2.30 p.m.

Wednesday 11 December  Open rehearsal – invite your friends, maybe do a party piece etc.   Festive refreshments.  Details anon. 

Thursday 19 December  Market Day Carol Singing followed by refreshments at the Arts Centre.  Collection for DEC


Sunday 2 February  Westminster Hospital Remembrance Service and Celebration.  Town Hall.  Afternoon.  More details later,

Unspecified Thursday  Singing for the Shaftesbury Thursday afternoon Dementia Friendly group

Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment.  I have said provisionally yes so please make a note of the date in your next year’s diaries.  Many thanks.


Tuesday 12 November  Pianist Simeon Walker, St Peter’s church, 1-2pm.   Hot drinks free. Tickets £12/10.    Simeon is currently on a tour of the U.K. playing his own compositions — moody and melodic!   We are lucky to get him in Dorset as he is often on  Classic FM and Radio 3, plus YouTubes.

Friday 15 November  Blandford Literary Festival featuring Karen’s Palida Choir.  Lots of familiar faces among them of course.  7.00 p.m. Blandford Parish Church.  See attached flyer

Sunday 17 November  Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra concert.  Beethoven’s Fifth, Magic Flute Overture, Dvorak’s Czech Suite and a new work by their conductor Sarah Freestone.  4.00 p.m. St James Church.  Admission free.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 24 November  Jump   Field recordings of insects and amphibians combine with Karen playing live and multi-tracked clarinets to take audiences on an enchanting musical journey through a symphony of small voices.     Dorchester Corn Exchange.  2.00 p.m.   I am hoping to go to this so could probably offer a lift to two or three people if anyone would like transport.  Details on https://www.dorchesterarts.org.uk/2024/04/25/sun-24-november-jump/

Sunday 15 December  Wincanton Choral Society Christmas Concert.  See attached flyer.

Thursday 19 December Handel's Messiah 6.00p.m. ST MARY'S CHURCH, Bruton, BA10 0EB   A rare intimate chamber performance of Handel’s great work, ‘Messiah’, featuring world-class musicians 'The Echoing Air', a vocal ensemble of eight singers will sing both the choruses and solos, accompanied by instrumental ensemble.  Tickets £12.50, booking fee applies, children free (no ticket required). Refreshments available beforehand. Tickets purchased here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/bruton/st-marys-church/handels-messiah/2024-12-19/18:00/t-moayrye or on the door (£15). Retiring collection for St Mary's Church. 


Annie (soprano) is offering mixed ability Yoga classes in Shaftesbury on Thursdays.   See attached flyer for full details.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


9 November 2024


Good work on Wednesday.  Our three pieces* for Tony’s concert (see below) are sounding great and we’ll be able to finish Lollipop too next time I’m pretty sure.  This coming week we will do these four together with Cry Heart as a warm-up and then make a start on our Christmas repertoire – standard carols + Carol of Adoration, the Ukrainian Bell Carol and Come Tune Your Cheerful Voice.  Words of these three are attached.  Those of you (altos, tenors and basses) who havechoir carol booklets from previous years please bring them along.  I will be printing off a few more so with luck there will be enough to go round.  There will also be multiple copies of Bethlehem Carol Sheet available of course. 

(* If you can do a bit of homework and memorise the words of “Grateful and Loved” that would be marvelous)


Saturday 23 November  Concert celebrating the life of Tony Hawkins.  5.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  We will be singing three songs – When I was One and Twenty, Grateful and Loved and The Road Home.

Sunday 8 December Carol singing at the Shaftesbury Christmas market.  Late morning.  Collection for DEC

Wednesday 11 December  Open rehearsal – invite your friends, maybe do a party piece etc.  Details anon.

Thursday 19 December  Market Day Carol Singing followed by mulled wine and mince pies.  Collection for DEC

Unspecified Thursday in 2025  Singing for the Shaftesbury Thursday afternoon Dementia Friendly group

Saturday 27 September 2025 We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment.  I have said provisionally yes so please make a note of the date in your next year’s diaries.  Many thanks.

NB The proposed Ali Burns workshop has been postponed to 2026!

OTHER COMING EVENTS – a busy day tomorrow!

Sunday 3 November  Tim Laycock in The Year Clock – a dramatic and musical celebration of William Barnes.  3.00 p.m.  The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.  See earlier flyer.


Asian Adventures – an illustrated talk by yours truly.  2.30 p.m.  St John’s Church, Enmore Green.  £5.00 to include tea and cake.  What a bargain.  See earlier flyer.


Concert featuring the music of Ian Jordinson (who lives in Marnhull). Stephen Binnington, Gaenor Hockey & Olivia Chapman will be performing a selection of Ian’s organ, cello, flute and piano compositions.  3pm, St Gregory’s Church, Marnhull.  Admission to the concert is free but donations towards church funds will  be welcomed. Refreshments will be provided following the performance. 

Thursday 19 December Handel's Messiah 6.00p.m. ST MARY'S CHURCH, Bruton, BA10 0EB   A rare intimate chamber performance of Handel’s great work, ‘Messiah’, featuring world-class musicians 'The Echoing Air', a vocal ensemble of eight singers will sing both the choruses and solos, accompanied by instrumental ensemble.  Tickets £12.50, booking fee applies, children free (no ticket required). Refreshments available beforehand. Tickets purchased here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/bruton/st-marys-church/handels-messiah/2024-12-19/18:00/t-moayrye or on the door (£15). Retiring collection for St Mary's Church.


Monica  writes …

Dear singers,

I'm trying to move closer to the choir! So I'm putting the word around.If you know of a granny annexe (preferably) or room in a house available for rent, please could you let me know!  I can't pay a huge rent, but I could also offer shopping, dog walking, cat/baby sitting etc. to supplement this.   In Shaftesbury or nearby: Cann, Motcombe, Stour Provost, Margaret Marsh, Fontmell Magna, Compton Abbas, Donhead St Mary. Thanks!  Monica (alto) poston.monica@gmail.com


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for. 


2 November 2024


19 OCTOBER 2024

First and foremost, thanks and congratulations to those members of the choir who took part in the short ceremony last Tuesday to mark the one hundred years of the Abbey being declared a national monument.  It was a really joyful occasion and gave us all a real buzz.

Although numbers were a little down on Wednesday (what has happened to all our lovely altos? - we need you) there was some great singing.   We will continue work on Swimming Song next week along with Isa Lei and Lollipop.  We’ll also be doing When I was One and Twenty and Cry Heart along with Balanced be the way and Listen as our warm-ups.  Words for One and Twenty are attached.  The others are not needed or have been attached in the last couple of weeks. Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  

Finally, next week will be a BADGE WEDNESDAY.  Please come sporting a jolly name badge so that everyone can get to know a few more people.  (Sticky labels available for those who forget.)


Saturday 23 November  Concert celebrating the life of Tony Hawkins.  5.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  We will be singing three songs – probably When I was One and Twenty, Grateful and Loved and The Road Home.

Saturday 27 September 2025 We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all day entertainment.  I have said provisionally yes so please make a note of the date in your next year’s diaries.  Many thanks.



Saturday 19 October  Come and Sing St John Passion (Bach) in Wincanton.  See earlier flyer.

Saturday 19 October  Music and memories of Acker Bilk.  St Peter’s Church.  2.30 p.m.  £7.00 (with cream tea).  See earlier flyer.

Sat and Sun 19 and 20 October  Jaminaround, The Earthouse, Cranborne.   Two really unusual and original voice practitioners are leading workshops in the daytime together with more relaxed offerings at an evening concert (following the day workshops) and at a community sing on the Sunday morning.   All taking place at The Earthouse, Cranborne, BH21 5RP. Details at https://www.jaminaround.com/events/jaminaround-festival-of-the-voice

Sunday 20 October   Tea Concert by the Phoenix Café Orchestra in aid of “Read Easy”.  Advance booking advised.  Tickets can be booked by phone or e-mail and held for you at the door.   See attached flyer

Sundays 20 Oct; 3 Nov  Free autumn concerts.  St Mary’s, Marnhull.  3.00 p.m.  See earlier flyer

Friday 25 October  More Living Songs. CONCERT SADLY CANCELLED

Sunday 3 November  Tim Laycock in The Year Clock – a dramatic and musical celebration of William Barnes.  (also in Dorchester on Thursday 24 October).  3.00 p.m.  The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.  See earlier flyer.


Asian Adventures – an illustrated talk by yours truly.  2.30 p.m.  St John’s Church, Enmore Green.  £5.00 to include tea and cake.  What a bargain.  See earlier flyer.


Planet Shaftesbury have produced a free leaflet to help us make the most of Shaftesbury’s independent food producers, shops and markets.  More copies will be available from Richard (tenor) next week. 


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


19 October 2024

12 OCTOBER 2024

Great singing last week. The Road Home, Grateful and Loved and Swimming Song are now almost there and we’ll be polishing them off next week.  We’ll also be singing  Isa Lei and Lollipop (which we’d planned to do last month) + Come and Sing and Listen as our warm-ups.  Isa Lei and Lollipop are attached.  Words for the others are not need or have been attached in the last couple of weeks. Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


Saturday 27 September 2025, We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all day entertainment.  I have said provisionally yes so please make a note of the date in your next year’s diaries.  Many thanks.


TODAY Saturday 12 October  Tenors Unlimited, supported by Gillingham Singers. 7.30 p.m.  The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.  Tickets from www.tenorsunlimited.com/tour

Saturday 19 October  Come and Sing St John Passion (Bach) in Wincanton.  See last week’s flyer.

Saturday 19 October  Music and memories of Acker Bilk.  St Peter’s Church.  2.30 p.m.  £7.00 (with cream tea).  See attached flyer.

Sat and Sun 19 and 20 October  Jaminaround, The Earthouse, Cranborne.   Two really unusual and original voice practitioners are leading workshops in the daytime together with more relaxed offerings at an evening concert (following the day workshops) and at a community sing on the Sunday morning.   All taking place at The Earthouse, Cranborne, BH21 5RP. Details at https://www.jaminaround.com/events/jaminaround-festival-of-the-voice

Sunday 20 October   Tea Concert by the Phoenix Café Orchestra in aid of “Read Easy”.  Advance booking advised.  Tickets can be booked by phone or e-mail and held for you at the door.   See last week’s flyer

Sundays 20 Oct; 3 Nov  Free autumn concerts.  St Mary’s, Marnhull.  3.00 p.m.  See earlier flyer

Sunday 3 November  Tim Laycock in The Year Clock – a dramatic and musical celebration of William Barnes.  (also in Dorchester on Thursday 24 October).  3.00 p.m.  The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.  See attached flyer.


Asian Adventures – an illustrated talk by yours truly.  2.30 p.m.  St John’s Church, Enmore Green.  £5.00 to include tea and cake.  What a bargain.  See attached flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


12 October 2024

5 OCTOBER 2024

It might have been a bit on the chilly side in St Peter’s last time, but we had a  great turn out and our singing sounded really good.  We’ll be back home in the Town Hall next time though when we’ll be doing Gospodi once more, Ezulwini, Blue Moon and The Road Home (all held over from last week), continuing Grateful and Loved and Swimming Song + I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing as a warm-up.  Words, where needed, have been attached in recent weeks.  Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!  


TODAY Saturday 5 October  Come and Sing Mozart Requiem.  St James Church.  Free informal concert at 4.00 p.m. or perhaps a bit earlier. (Workshop from 9.30 for 10.00 start.)

Sundays 6, 20 Oct; 3 Nov  Free autumn concerts.  St Mary’s, Marnhull.  3.00p.m.  See earlier flyer

Saturday 19 October  Come and Sing St John Passion (Bach) in Wincanton.  See attached flyer.

Sat and Sun 19 and 20 October  Jaminaround, The Earthouse, Cranborne.   Two really unusual and original voice practitioners are leading workshops in the daytime together with more relaxed offerings at an evening concert (following the day workshops) and at a community sing on the Sunday morning.   All taking place at The Earthouse, Cranborne, BH21 5RP. Details at https://www.jaminaround.com/events/jaminaround-festival-of-the-voice

Sunday 20 October   Tea Concert by the Phoenix Café Orchestra in aid of “Read Easy”.  Advance booking advised.  Tickets can be booked by phone or e-mail and held for you at the door.   See attached flyer


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


5 October 2024


Great singing last week.  Don’t forget neither David nor I are available on 25th September so, regrettably, there will be no choir on that date.  I attach a photo of the rehearsal space David taught Bella Mama and a photo him and Sue suggesting they have survived so far!  

This following week you’ll be  doing Ezulwini continuing The Road Home and Grateful and Loved (both well on the way to completion) Blue Moon and to celebrate my first swim of the year in the wonderful Shaftesbury lido (!) I attach the Swimming Song, an easy new song for us.  All words where needed have been attached in recent weeks.   Please print them out yourselves if you can amd maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy! .

Helen and myself are giving a vocal workshop on Friday Sept 27th 1.30 pm before our gig at 5 pm. in the Grosvenor.  Do come along if you can!  Also in Mere on Sunday  Sept 29th with the same programme.  I’m also trailing Heart of the Matter watch party on Oct 2nd at 7 pm.  I’m going to try and organise a screening before choir in the townhall (someone suggested it last week) 


Sundays  22 Sep; 6, 20 Oct; 3 Nov  Free autumn concerts.  St Mary’s, Marnhull.  3.00p.m

Wednesday 25 September  No choir.  Heart of the Matter (K’s opera in London)

Friday 27 September  Vocal workshop in Town Hall  and The first show of Karen and Helen (Porter)’s nine-date tour. See attached flyer.  Grosvenor Hotel, Shaftesbury. 

Saturday 28 September   Bournemouth Sinfonietta, are holding a Come and Sing Elijah at Wimborne Methodist Church. This is an opportunity to sing some of the dramatic choruses from Mendelssohn’s Elijah - one of the great works of the romantic choral repertoire. There is also a delicious tea.  See last weeks’ flyer.

Saturday 5 October  Come and Sing Mozart Requiem.  St James Church.  See earlier flyer and / or speak to me if you’d like more information. Also Sing and Swing concert by the Military Wives and Big Bandin Wincanton (see flier)

Saturday 19 October  Come and Sing St John Passion (Bach) in Wincanton.  See attached flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.



More hard last time but a lot of fun I think (or at least I hope).  You’ll be in Karen’s capable hands for the next couple of weeks before the two of us are back together again in next month.  Don’t forget neither Karen nor I are available on 25th September so, regrettably, there will be no choir on that date.  

This coming week you’ll be  doing Oak of Old and This Little light as warm-ups, continuing The Road Home and Grateful and Loved (both well on the way to completion) and, with luck Blue Moon and Lollipop (both held over for a couple of weeks now).    All words where needed have been attached in recent weeks.   Please print them out yourselves if you can.


Sundays 8, 22 Sep; 6, 20 Oct; 3 Nov  Free autumn concerts.  St Mary’s, Marnhull.  3.00p.m.  See last week’s flyer

Saturday 15 September   Organ Recital at St James’ Church.  See attached flyer.

Saturday 21 September  Rotary Club of Gillingham Annual Charity Quiz in aid of the Westminster Memorial Hospital.  See last week’s flyer.  It would be great if we could get a team(s) together. 

Wednesday 25 September  No choir.

Friday 27 September  The first show of Karen and Helen (Porter)’s nine-date tour. See attached flyer.  Grosvenor Hotel, Shaftesbury. 

Saturday 28 September   Bournemouth Sinfonietta, are holding a Come and Sing Elijah at Wimborne Methodist Church. This is an opportunity to sing some of the dramatic choruses from Mendelssohn’s Elijah - one of the great works of the romantic choral repertoire. There is also a delicious tea.  See last weeks’ flyer.

Saturday 5 October  Come and Sing Mozart Requiem.  St James Church.  See earlier flyer and / or speak to me if you’d like more information.

Saturday 19 October  Come and Sing St John Passion (Bach) in Wincanton.  See attached flyer. 


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


6 September 2024

31 AUGUST 2024

We worked really hard last time with some truly great results.   The first two verses of The Road Home are sounding pretty good already and we are well on the way to getting Oak of Old really secure.  In connection with this I have Kirsten (soprano) to thank for telling me about the Silton Oak.  This ancient tree is visited by people from far afield although many locals don’t know about it. I am attaching a couple of her photos.  Thankyou Kirsten.  This Little Light took rather more time than expected (I had actually envisaged it as a quick warm-up) but I think we’ve got it now and we’ll be doing it again this coming week, together with Oak of Old, The Road Home, Grateful and Loved (which we just started), Blue Moon and Lollipop (both held over from last week) + Come and Sing as a warm-up

All words where needed have been attached in recent weeks.   Please print them out yourselves if you can.


Sundays 8, 22 Sep; 6, 20 Oct; 3 Nov  Free autumn concerts.  St Mary’s, Marnhull.  3.00p.m.  See last week’s flyer

Saturday 21 September  Rotary Club of Gillingham Annual Charity Quiz in aid of the Westminster Memorial Hospital.  See last week’s flyer.  It would be great if we could get a team(s) together. 

Saturday 28 September   Bournemouth Sinfonietta, are holding a Come and Sing Elijah at Wimborne Methodist Church. This is an opportunity to sing some of the dramatic choruses from Mendelssohn’s Elijah - one of the great works of the romantic choral repertoire. There is also a delicious tea.  See last weeks’ flyer.

Saturday 5 October  Come and Sing Mozart Requiem.  St James Church.  See earlier flyer and / or speak to me if you’d like more information. 


This well-established local choir which has a great conductor is seeking to recruit new members  for the autumn season.  See attached flyer and / or chat to Mike (bass)



If there is anyone who travels via St James and can offer to help Elinor (tenor) get to choir for a few Wednesdays please get in touch with me or Elinor herself if course.   Sue Shewell (tenor) would also like a bit of help from time to time.  Getting home is no problem but coming in from Cranborne sometimes proves difficult.  Again, please get in touch if you can help.  Thanks. 


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


31 August 2024 


Looking ahead to next month, neither Karen nor I are available on 25th September so, regrettably, there will be no choir on that date.