Although numbers were still a bit down there was no doubting both the hard work we put in and the quality of our singing last week. This coming week we will be concentrating on our pieces for the opening of Shaftesbury Abbey and Melodies Remembered – I am really hopeful we have a good turn out for both these events of course.
Songs for next week: Our faith shall lasting be*, If there is to be peace, Blue Moon, Lili Marlene* (with extra verses), California Dreamin’, Green Green, I Can’t Help Falling in Love* + Sunshine Fire and Rain and Heart to Heart to top and tail. Words of those marked * are attached. Others have been attached very recently or are not needed. Please print them out yourselves if you can and maybe a spare copy to pass onto the needy!
We have kept our weekly fees as low as possible for as long as possible but, very reluctantly, we are going to have to raise them to £4 from the beginning of April.
Over the last year we have not been getting quite enough regular attendees to cover our costs. If we can increase our numbers back to previous years we may even be able to return to the lower fees but we hope, even at £4, you'll agree it's great value!
Wednesday 19 March Singalong (9.00 – 9.30) after our regular choir session for those hoping to take part in Melodies Remembered. Thanks to those of you who have already suggested songs for inclusion in our programme - much appreciated.
Saturday 22 March Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey. 11.00 a.m. Shaftesbury Anthem (Our faith shall lasting be) + If there is to be peace.
Thursday 27 March Singing for “Melodies Remembered” The venue is not the Town Hall (my mistake), but the Football Club in Coppice Street (adjacent to the British Legion Hall). There will probably be adequate parking space, though, as many of the audience are brought by car, it would be wise to walk or park elsewhere if you can. Arrive at 2.00 for 2.15 – sing from 2.30 – 3.30. NB Members share various forms of dementia as well as well as a love of music and singing (and being sung to) and ages range from 60 – 90.
Thursday 24 April Summer is a-comin’ in – a “welcoming springtime” procession. More details later.
Sunday 20 July Shaftesbury Fringe. 11.00 a.m. Abbey Gardens
Saturday 27 September We have been asked by the organisers of Shaftesbury Carnival whether the choir be able to take part in the all-day entertainment.
Friday 14 March Words Under Ground. Nun’s Passage (under King Alfred’s Kitchen). See last week's flyer.
Afghan Musical Evening. Quaker Meeting House, Salisbury. Admission free. See last week's flyer.
Saturday 15 March For the Love of Song – singing day in Witchampton with Sarah Pennington. (I have been to several of these and they are brilliant!) Info sheet attached.
Saturday 22 March St Matthew Passion by Bach. South Somerset Choral Society. Yeovil. See attached flyer.
Sunday 23 March Kanekt at the Grosvenor Hotel. (Karen and Co featuring guitar, sitar and clarinet.) See earlier flyer.
Sunday 6 April St John Passion by Bach. Wincanton Choral Society. See attached flyer. The lead tenor is the very talented Matthew McKinney who last year won the prestigious Kathleen Ferrier Award.
Thurs 1 – Sun 4 May Hidden Gems singing weekend in Brussels. See earlier flye
The Shaftesbury Tree Group, as part of the Orchard Town initiative, is delighted to inform you that they have twelve top quality, nursery-grown apple trees available for planting in your garden this month. They are available on a first come, first served basis to anyone living within the Shaftesbury Parish Boundary for half of the cost price, which means just £13 each. A wonderful opportunity to add some edible beauty to your home and our town. See attached flyer.
If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:
Shaftesbury Community Choir
Account no. 23158960 Sort code: 30-65-21
Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.
8 March 2025