24 FEBRUARY 2024

Great turn out on Wednesday and a glorious sound too.  This coming week we will polish the Shaftesbury Anthem and make our choice of what else to sing on 23 March with a brief look at all the contenders: Every time I feel the spirit, Up above my head, My little cup, Kyrie and Go Placidly.  With luck we will finish Call of Wisdom as well, continue Throw it away (held over from last time, revisit Say say yes + This is home as a warm up.

Words where needed have all been attached recently.  There are no additional words this week.

Please note that this week we will have to access the Town Hall using the side doors as there will be scaffolding across the front doors.  Apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause, it will be for 1 week only.


Stand for Ukraine 1.00pm today, Saturday, at the War Memorial on Park Walk – marking two years since the Russian invasion.   ALL WELCOME.


Saturday 23 March   Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey  12 o’clock.

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30 (Sorry for the mistake in last week’s newsletter.)


Most of us took part in the wonderful Town Twinning concert that was held in St Peter’s last year when members of the community choir were joined by Palida and musician from Brionne.  Brionne have invited everyone over from 30th August to 1st September to help them celebrate the anniversary of their liberation in 1944 and the organisers wonder whether members of the Community Choir might be interested in joining the celebration?  The cost would be around £200.  Let me know if you would like more info or are interested in going.


TODAY Saturday 24 February  


Voices of Freedom  7.00 p.m. Blandford Parish Church.  Palida, Karen, Abby Fiddik, Emily Burridge.  Tickets can be bought from members of Palida as well as Eventbrite.  Tickets also available at the door. See earlier flyer.


A Concert for Child of Hope. St Peter’s Church.   7:00-9:00pm.  (See earlier flyer)

Saturday 2 March  Quiz Night + Syrian Buffet.  Motcombe Memorial Hall.  (See earlier flyer)

Friday 8 March BSO Quintet.  7.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  A real coup!  See attached flyer.

Saturday 16 March FOR THE LOVE OF SONG in Cranborne  led by the wonderful Sarah Pennington.  Lift your heart with a day of singing heartfelt songs in glorious harmony with others.  Venue: Village Hall, Cranborne, BH21 5QB; Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm; Cost: £30 on the day / £25 if booked and paid by 9th March.   Email: info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097   https://www.naturalvoice.net/event/for-the-love-of-song-cranborne/

Saturday 6 April  Hambledon Hopstep Band Ceildidh.  7.00 p.m.  Motcombe Village Hall.  See earlier flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


24 February 2024

17 FEBRUARY 2024

Numbers were a bit down on Wednesday, no doubt a combination of rotten weather, half term and (of course) Valentine’s Day, but the singing was as good as ever.  We made a promising start on the anthem* Tim Laycock and Nick Crump wrote for the Abbey and I am attaching a copy of the music for those who are readers.   (We will be singing this on 23 March - see below.)  This coming week we will work on this and Call of Wisdom* (held over from last time) and continue Throw it Away* along with Evo banke and Plovi Barko + Feelin’ Groovy and Cry Heart as warm-ups .  Words attached where needed. (Words of those marked with * were attached recently.) Please print them of yourselves if you possibly can.   


Saturday 23 March   Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey  12 o’clock.

Sunday 26 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  tbd


Most of us took part in the wonderful Town Twinning concert that was held in St Peter’s last year when members of the community choir were joined by Palida and musician from Brionne.  Brionne have invited everyone over from 30th August to 1st September to help them celebrate the anniversary of their liberation in 1944 and the organisers wonder whether members of the Community Choir might be interested in joining the celebration?  The cost would be around £200.  Give it some thought and I will ask for a rough show of hands on Wednesday.


Saturday 24 February   Voices of Freedom  Blandford Parish Church.  Palida, Karen, Abby Fiddik, Emily Burridge.  Tickets can be bought from members of Palida as well as Eventbrite.   See last week’s flyer.


A Concert for Child of Hope. St Peter’s Church.   7:00-9:00pm.  (See earlier flyer)

Saturday 2 March  Quiz Night + Syrian Buffet.  Motcombe Memorial Hall.  (See earlier flyer)

Saturday 16 March FOR THE LOVE OF SONG in Cranborne  led by the wonderful Sarah Pennington.  Lift your heart with a day of singing heartfelt songs in glorious harmony with others.  Venue: Village Hall, Cranborne, BH21 5QB; Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm; Cost: £30 on the day / £25 if booked and paid by 9th March.   Email: info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097   https://www.naturalvoice.net/event/for-the-love-of-song-cranborne/

Saturday 6 April  Hambledon Hopstep Band Ceildidh.  7.00 p.m.  Motcombe Village Hall.  See attached flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


17 February 2024


More good singing last Wednesday. Bravo.  This coming week we will continue One Man’s Hands* and Call of Wisdom*, polish John Ball* and sing Go Placidly* (held over from last week), Throw it Away, May Your Cup/We Wish You Joy (to welcome in the Year of the Dragon), To Walk Along this Shore and Ya Asim.  Words attached where needed. (Words of those marked with * were attached recently.) Please print them of yourselves if you possibly can.   



Saturday 23 March   Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey  12 o’clock.


OTHER COMING EVENTS – lots of them!

TODAY Saturday 3 February  Salisbury Sinfonia.  St Thomas’ Church  (See last week’s flyer)

Mon 5 to Sun 11 February The lakeside gardens at Springhead, Fontmell Magna, will be open from 10-4 with a cafe serving light refreshments on 9, 10 and 11 (11-3). There will also be an art exhibition in the Mill Building

Saturday 24 February   A Concert for Child of Hope.   From Joe Stone, curate of St Francis Church, Salisbury writes:  Child of Hope runs schools in Eastern Uganda, providing free education, healthcare and welfare to kids from the poorest and most vulnerable families. The Concert for Hope is to raise funds to help furnish and equip two new sixth-form classrooms which Child of Hope are adding to their secondary school. The concert will be from 7:00-9:00pm.  If you would like to support the concert, I am looking for donations for the tombola – unwanted Christmas gifts and other high-quality items welcome.  

joe@st-francischurch.org.uk, Tel: 07512 482 114  (See last week’s flyer)

Saturday 2 March  Quiz Night + Syrian Buffet.  Motcombe Memorial Hall.  (See last week’s flyer)


The Community Choir don’t appear to have been unduly hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale or absolutely perishing … or both.  If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home.

The weekly collection is up and running once more.


See last week’s flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


3 February 2024

27 JANUARY 2024

More good singing last Wednesday and really great to have such a good turn-out for our Badge Wednesday.  A few new faces too - lovely to have you with us. 

This coming week we will with luck complete Tuxedo Junction*, look at One Man’s Hands* (held over for  couple of weeks now) and continue Call of Wisdom* along with Ego Sum Pauper, Go Placidly, This is Home and John Ball.  Words attached where needed. (Words of those marked with * were attached either last week or the week before.) Please print them of yourselves if you possibly can.    


Saturday 23 March   Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey  12 o’clock. 

OTHER COMING EVENTS – lots of them! 

TOMORROW Sunday 28 January Shaftesbury Festival of Baroque – final concert. 3 o’clock.  St Peter’s Church. (See earlier flyer) 

Thursday 1 February  Jazz at the Grosvenor.  Karen is joined by singer and pianist Helen Porter.  6.00 – 7.00.  FREE  Pass the Hat.  DEFINITELY NOT TO BE MISSED (See attached flyer) 

Saturday 3 February  Salisbury Sinfonia.  St Thomas’ Church  (See attached flyer) 

Mon 5 to Sun 11 February The lakeside gardens at Springhead, Fontmell Magna, will be open from 10-4 with a cafe serving light refreshments on 9, 10 and 11 (11-3). There will also be an art exhibition in the Mill Building 

Saturday 24 February   A Concert for Child of Hope.   From Joe Stone, curate of St Francis Church, Salisbury writes: Child of Hope runs schools in Eastern Uganda, providing free education, healthcare and welfare to kids from the poorest and most vulnerable families. The Concert for Hope is to raise funds to help furnish and equip two new sixth-form classrooms which Child of Hope are adding to their secondary school. The concert will be from 7:00-9:00pm.  If you would like to support the concert, I am looking for donations for the tombola – unwanted Christmas gifts and other high-quality items welcome.   

joe@st-francischurch.org.uk, Tel: 07512 482 114  (See attached flyer) 

Saturday 2 March  Quiz Night + Syrian Buffet.  Motcombe Memorial Hall.  (See attached flyer) 


The Community Choir don’t appear to have been unduly hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale or absolutely perishing … or both.  If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home. 

The weekly collection is up and running once more. 


See attached flyer. 



If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are: 

Shaftesbury Community Choir 

Account no. 23158960 

Sort code: 30-65-21 

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for. 


27 January 2024 

20 JANUARY 2024

More good singing last Wednesday and really great to have got such a positive response to the invitation for us to sing Nick Crump and Tim Laycock’s hymn for the opening of the abbey on Saturday 23 March.  A lovely way of paying tribute to Nick who meant so much to so many people I think. Put the date in your diary now

This coming week we will polish To drive the cold winter away* and Everytime I feel the spirit*, continue Tuxedo Junction* and look at One Man’s Hands* (held over from last time) along with Ceremony Boogie, a new warm-up This is Home, Call of Wisdom + Hambani Ghale to finish.  Words attached where needed. (Words of those marked with * were attached last week.) Please print them of yourselves if you possibly can.   And most importantly, this coming Wednesday it will be BADGE WEDNESDAY.  Do come along sporting a name badge so that you can get to know some new people.  Sticky labels available for those who forget! 


We will meet for a quick run through at 2.45 prompt in St Peter’s before moving over to the Town Hall for a 3 o’clock start.  Usual dress code (shades of red [no patterns] above the waist, dark or black below).  Tea and buns afterwards of course. 



Sunday 21 January  Remembrance “Service” (but a non-religious event) for families who have lost a loved one at the Westminster Hospital.   

Saturday 23 March   Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey  12 o’clock. 


Tues 23 to Sun 28 January Shaftesbury Festival of Baroque.  Four daytime events. (see last week’s flyer) 

Mon 5 to Sun 11 February The lakeside gardens at Springhead, Fontmell Magna, will be open from 10-4 with a cafe serving light refreshments on 9, 10 and 11 (11-3). There will also be an art exhibition in the Mill Building 


The Community Choir don’t appear to have been unduly hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale or absolutely perishing … or both.  If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home. 

The weekly collection is up and running once more. 


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are: 

Shaftesbury Community Choir 

Account no. 23158960 

Sort code: 30-65-21 

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for. 



20 January 2024 

7 JANUARY 2024

Happy New Year everyone. 

Karen and I are looking forward to seeing you all this coming Wednesday, renewed and refreshed and ready for a good sing.  This week we plan on doing Senzeni Na, May Your Cup/We Wish You Joy,  I am a river, Green Man, Everytime I feel the spirit, Sunshine fire and rain, To drive the cold winter away. Words attached where needed.   

We shall be asking for a few volunteers to sing a couple of songs on Sunday 21st (see “Choir Coming Events” below) and before I forget, if you have taken a copy (copies?) of the Bethlehem Carol Sheet can you make sure you return it / them on Wednesday if possible? 


Sunday 21 January  Remembrance Service on for families who have lost a loved one at the Westminster Hospital.   We have been asked if a small group of us could sing two joyful songs at some point between 3 pm - 4 pm.   


The Community Choir don’t appear to have been hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale.  If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home. 


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are: 

Shaftesbury Community Choir 

Account no. 23158960 

Sort code: 30-65-21 

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for. 


7 January 2024 


23 DECEMBER 2023

Although I’ve had a really marvellous holiday, it was lovely to be back home and to be able to enjoy Wednesday’s party with you all  – thanks to everyone who made it such a success.  Karen has clearly done a great job over the past five weeks.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and come back on 10th renewed and refreshed.   Karen and I will no doubt get together over the holidays to plan what we’re going to be singing so watch this space.  And before I forget, if you have taken a copy (copies?) of the Bethlehem Carol Sheet can you make sure you return it / them?


Wednesday 10 January.  Choir recommences.  Karen and I will be in touch nearer the date with the pieces we will be singing.

Sunday 21 January  Remembrance Service on for families who have lost a loved one at the Westminster Hospital.   We have been asked if a small group of us could sing two joyful songs at some point between 3 pm - 4 pm.  More details later. 


The Community Choir don’t appear to have been hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale.  If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.

Wishing you a very merry Christmas


23 December 2023


14 DECEMBER 2023

Hi everyone, well sung last night. This Saturday 16th we have our next Christmas gig.  Arrive 10.45 at Quaker Meeting House reds and Christmas sparkles.( 5 Abbey Walk, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8BB).  We start singing at 11 am for about ½ an hour. 

Set list will be drawn from Hosanna, Come Tune Your Cheerful Voice, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, I Saw Three Ships,  Ukrainian Carol of the Bells, Boars Head Carol, Past Three A Clock + Ding Dong. The Friendly Beasts Carol, as well as regular carols.

Next week we will be having our Christmas Party and welcoming David back home!  Mulled wine and mince pies will be provided.  Dress up in Christmas gaiety if you fancy. 

. We will be singing our repertoire, interspersed with people doing a few turns.    

 Saturday 16 December 11.00- 11.30 am at the Quaker Meeting House Abbey Walk

Choir will continue until Wednesday 20 December and then we will have a couple of weeks off, resuming on Wednesday 10 January.

Sunday 21 January  Remembrance Service on for families who have lost a loved one at the Westminster Hospital.   We have been asked if a small group of us could sing two joyful songs at some point between 3 pm - 4 pm.  More details later. 


Friday 15 December Gillngham Arts Workshop Gillingham Library 5 pm -6 pm

Saturday 16 December Palida Christmas concert 6 -7 pm St Nicholas Church Durweston

Tuesday 19 December  Join Palida for Christmas songs and a drink at the Grosvenor 8 pm

Thursday 21 December  Gwyneth Wentink is giving her first local concert on 21st December at the Grosvenor Arms at 8pm. She plays baroque, classical, contemporary,





The Community Choir don’t appear to have been hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale.  If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.

Karen 14.12

P.S. Apologies from Andrea for neglecting to post newsletters here for the past couple of months. She has been somewhat overwhelmed by other voluntary roles. Hopefully, things will settle down in the new year but in the meantime there are several new photos on the gallery page.

14 OCTOBER 2023

Good work on Wednesday - things are really well on track for our forthcoming Town Twinning concert.   Please do tell your friends and family about it so that we can be sure of performing to a full house.  I’m attaching a flyer for you to share.  This coming week we will start at St Peter’s so that we can practise Moon River and Verdi with the piano and then move over to the Town Hall for the rest of the evening.  Don’t forget, if I can’t help, Be still, I am a River, Wake up and Moon River could be sung without words that would be particularly professional looking.


The Community Choir don’t appear to have been hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale.  If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home.


Wednesday 18 October  Entertainment for the residents of John Shoobridge Court, Bleke Street 2.15 -3.00 (approx.)  We will meet at 1.15 in Haimes Lane for  a quick run through on the day.  Our songs will be chosen from: Down in the river to pray, I'm gonna sing sing, sing, Viva la musica, A place called England, Jug of punch, Follow the heron, Sezeni na.  We will also be doing some community songs with piano and clarinet accomp.  These will most likely be: I’m getting married in the morning, Yesterday, Ob-la-di, My old man, Blue Skies, Moon River.  I will provide song sheets for all concerned.

Saturday 28 October  Combined concert featuring ourselves, Palida and musicians from Brionne.  Our songs will be: I can’t help, Be still and I am a River (by ourselves); Wake up and Dvorak (with Palida); Verdi and Moon River (with Palida and Brionne musicians).  St Peter’s.  7.00.  SEE ATTACHED FLYER – PLEASE CIRCULATE IT AMONGST YOUR FRIENDS


TODAY Saturday 14 October  FOR THE LOVE OF SONG with Sarah Pennington.  Note the last minute change of venue which is now the Witchampton Village Hall BH21 5AP.  Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm   Cost: £30

TOMORROW Sunday 15 October  Informal concert.  Three Bach cantatas with orchestra. 4. 00 p.m. Sturminster Newton High School.  FREE

Friday 20 October.  JUMP.  A short bespoke house concert with music composed and performed by Karen at Dean’s Court, Wimborne.  4.00 p.m. and  6.00 p.m.  See attached flyer.



If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


7 OCTOBER 2023

Hard work on Wednesday and great progress.  This coming week we will have a quick sing of Moon River which we are doing in place of Dry your Tears and which is very easy.   We should be able to complete the Dvorak too and get the others sounding even more slick!  Just a thought, if I can’t help, Be still, I am a River, Wake up and Moon River could be sung without words that would be particularly professional looking. The words of Moon River are attached if you need them. 


Wednesday 18 October  Entertainment for the residents of John Shoobridge Court, Bleke Street 2.15 -3.00 (approx.)  We will meet at 1.15 for  a quick run through on the day.  Our songs will be: Down in the river to pray, I'm gonna sing sing, sing, Viva la musica, A place called England, Jug of punch, Follow the heron, Sezeni na.  We are also going to do some community songs with piano accomp.  These will most likely be: I’m getting married in the morning, Yesterday, Ob-la-di, My old man, Blue Skies, Moon River.  I will provide song sheets for everyone concerned. 

 Saturday 28 October  Combined concert featuring ourselves, Palida and musicians from Brionne.  Our songs will be: I can’t help, Be still and I am a River (by ourselves); Wake up and Dvorak (with Palida); Verdi and Moon River (with Palida and Brionne musicians).  St Peter’s.  7.00.  SEE ATTACHED FLYER 


TODAY Saturday 7 October FAURÉ REQUIEM & CANTIQUE.  ST. JAMES’ CHURCH.  Informal concert (free) at 4.00.
Saturday 14 October  FOR THE LOVE OF SONG with Sarah Pennington.  Village Hall, Cranborne, Dorset, BH21 5QB    Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm   Cost: £30 on the day / £25 if booked and paid by 7th October  Email: info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097  www.joyousisle.com/workshops.php 

Friday 20 October.  JUMP.  A short bespoke house concert with music composed and performed by Karen at Dean’s Court, Wimborne.  4.00 p.m. and  6.00 p.m.  See attached flyer. 


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are: 

Shaftesbury Community Choir 

Account no. 23158960 

Sort code: 30-65-21 

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for. 


7 October 2023 


The amount collected for the Ukrainian dancers to pay for their full English at the Salt Cellar was exactly covered ( with 50 p to spare!) by the generosity of the choir.    I gather they’ve become quite addicted to fry-ups during their stay here and were very grateful.  


More excellent singing on Wednesday.  Personally, it was great to hear the Verdi take shape in particular - sitting back and playing the piano while everyone else did the work.  Marvellous.

This coming week we will revert to the Town Hall, consolidate the good work we did on Be Still and Verdi and crack on with the Dvorak Anthem and Dry Your Tears – both held over from last time – where does the time go?   Our warm-up song will be I am a River once more.  All are pieces we will be singing at the Town Twinning concert.

Thanks also to the dozen or so choir members who volunteered to sing at John Shoobridge Court on the afternoon of Wednesday 18 October.  Can you let me know what songs you might  like to do  - either at choir on Wednesday or, better, by e-mail over the next couple of days so that I can make a start on the planning?  Maybe we could all stay on for 10 minutes or so on Wednesday.



Wednesday 18 October  Entertainment for the residents of John Shoobridge Court 2.15 -3.00 (approx.)

Saturday 28 October  Combined concert featuring ourselves, Palida and musicians from Brionne.  Our songs will be: I can’t help, Be still and I am a River (by ourselves); Wake up and Dvorak (with Palida); Verdi and Africa (with Palida and Brionne musicians).  St Peter’s.



Sunday 1 October  Carnival Thanksgiving Service.  St John’s, Enmore Green.  3.00 p.m.  Another chance for a really good sing.

Saturday 7 October COME AND SING FAURÉ REQUIEM & CANTIQUE.  ST. JAMES’ CHURCH.  Have a word if you would like more workshop details.  Informal concert (free) at 4.00.
Saturday 14 October  FOR THE LOVE OF SONG The day is led by Sarah Pennington whom many of us know.  She is a highly experienced and enthusiastic voice teacher who inspires confidence and trust in her singers.    Please take food to contribute to a shared lunch, preferably vegetarian, and they'll lay it all out on tables for a community feast!   Venue: Village Hall, Cranborne, Dorset, BH21 5QB    Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm   Cost: £30 on the day / £25 if booked and paid by 7th October
Email: info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097  www.joyousisle.com/workshops.php


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.



Kyiv Ballet are coming to Shaftesbury for a week! Lots more info here + quiz nights and art events   https://www.shaftesburyrefugeegroup.org/kcb-events-2023


We were in fine voice I felt last Wednesday and our final rendition of Kheruvimskaya was absolutely superb.  We still have work to do on I can’t help falling in love which, through lack of time, was a bit rushed, but everything else went very well indeed.  Bravo all round.

This coming week we will be polishing I Can’t Help Falling in Love along with Be Still My Soul, and Ani Couni (both held over from last time) together with As Above as a warm-up once more.  Time (and numbers!) permitting our other pieces will be Anthem (that mighty Clark-Dvorak collaboration) and / or Funiculi Funicula  The words of these last two are attached.  Words for the others (where needed) have all been attached in recent weeks.



Saturday 28 October  Combined concert featuring ourselves, Palida and musicians from Brionne.  More details later.


TODAY Saturday 2 September  Emily Burridge at Donhead St Mary Church.  7.00 P.M. See attached flyer.

Saturday 9 September  3.00pm in St. James’s Church. Nick Crump and Tim Laycock celebrate 35 years of musical friendship with a concert playing their favourite songs and tunes. See last week’s poster.

Sat 9 – Sun 17 September The Blackmore Vale Art Trail is centred around Shaftesbury but expands out as far as Gillingham, Sturminster Newton, Belchelwell and Child Okeford.  26 artists in 20 venues all very different in style and happy to welcome  visitors and chat about art. Amongst the artists are choir members past and present including Viv Rudd, Elizabeth Hazelwood, Jane Shepherd and  Andrea Jenkins. Free brochures available at choir.

Saturday 16 September  Writing the land - an opportunity for a small group to enjoy an author-led activity designed to inspire writing about nature and place. See last week’s flyer.


Phoenix Café Orchestra  2.45 – 4.00  The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.  In aid of the Blackmore Vale ReadEasy Group.  See last week’s flyer.


Two Te Deums in a Day (choral day)  Dorset Rural Music School, Blandford.  See attached flyer.

SATURDAY 7 OCTOBER, COME AND SING FAURÉ REQUIEM & CANTIQUE.  ST. JAMES’ CHURCH.  Have a word with me if you would like more details.


The organisers of the Shaftesbury Town Twinning are looking for hosts for visitors from Brionne towards the end of October.  Mainly adults.  If you are interested in offering hospitality have a  word with Karen.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


2 September 2023

26 AUGUST 2023

Our new warm-up, As Above, sounded really confident last week and some good work was done on both I Can’t Help and Stand By Me.  We’ll be looking at all three again next week.  It was great to sing Walk a Mile again, too, which we have not looked at for a couple of years.  A suitably rousing finisher I think we all agreed.

Another plea from the good souls who help with the washing up at the end of our sessions – PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN MUGS and when it comes to the words of the songs, PLEASE PRINT OUT YOUR OWN COPIES IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN.

This coming week we will be polishing I Can’t Help Falling in Love, As Above and Stand By Me along with Be Still My Soul, Ani Couni and Keruvimskaya (all held over from last time) together with Tongo and Alleluia as warm-ups.  The words of all of these (where needed) have all been attached in recent weeks.


Saturday 28 October  Combined concert featuring ourselves, Palida and musicians from Brionne.  More details later.


Saturday 2 September  Emily Burridge at Donhead St Mary Church.  See earlier flyer

Saturday 9 September  3.00pm in St. James’s Church. Nick Crump and Tim Laycock celebrate 35 years of musical friendship with a concert playing their favourite songs and tunes. See attached poster.

Sat 9 – Sun 17 September The Blackmore Vale Art Trail is centred around Shaftesbury but expands out as far as Gillingham, Sturminster Newton, Belchelwell and Child Okeford.  26 artists in 20 venues all very different in style and happy to welcome  visitors and chat about art. Amongst the artists are choir members past and present including Viv Rudd, Elizabeth Hazelwood, Jane Shepherd and  Andrea Jenkins. Free brochures available at choir from Wednesday.   See attached flyer.

Saturday 16 September  Writing the land - an opportunity for a small group to enjoy an author-led activity designed to inspire writing about nature and place. See attached flyer.  Also STOP PRESS below.


Phoenix Café Orchestra  2.45 – 4.00  The Exchange, Sturminster Newton.  In Aid of the Blackmore Vale Read Easy Group.  See attached flyer.

SATURDAY 7 OCTOBER, COME AND SING FAURÉ REQUIEM & CANTIQUE.  ST. JAMES’ CHURCH.  Have a word with me if you would like more details.


The organisers of the Shaftesbury Town Twinning are looking for hosts for visitors from Brionne towards the end of October.  Mainly adults.  If you are interested in offering hospitality have a  word with Karen.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


26 August 2023


In case you haven’t heard it,  Jane Adams gave a good interview with Keri on This is Alfred on Tuesday 22nd - 


12 AUGUST 2023

More good singing last time.  Bushes and Briars and California Dreamin’ both sounded great, we made a really good start on Kheruvimskaya and solidified (I hope) the first four verses of Be Still My Soul.  

This week coincides with the G&S Show of course, but we will meet as usual.  Fingers crossed for a big turnout.  We will be singing Bushes and Briars once more, continue Kheruvimskaya, Be Still, Ani Couni and Cry Heart, make a start on I Can’t Help Falling in Love (held over from last time) and by popular request, try Isa Lei at a somewhat brisker tempo. Words (where needed) of all of these have been attached in recent weeks.    PLEASE PRINT OUT YOUR OWN COPIES IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN.


Sunday 13 August Virtuoso horn player Felix Klieser, who was born without arms and plays the instrument with his toes, makes his Proms debut with Mozart's Horn Concerto No 4, with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.  BBC 4 8.00 p.m.  NOT TO BE MISSED.

Tuesday 22 August  Jabberwocky.  Springhead.  7.00 p.m.   See attached flyer

Saturday 2 September  Emily Burridge at Donhead St Mary Church.  See earlier flyer


The organisers of the Shaftesbury Town Twinning are looking for hosts for visitors from Brionne towards the end of October.  Mainly adults.  If you are interested in offering hospitality have a  word with Karen.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


12 August 2023


5 AUGUST 2023

Numbers were a little down on Wednesday but the quality of the singing was really good – congrats to all who were there.  This coming week we will definitely make a start on Kheruvimskaya (held over for two weeks now) and continue looking at Be Still My Soul, California Dreamin’ and Ani Couni, together with Cry Heart, Bushes and Briars, Isa Lei and I Can’t Help Falling in Love.  Words for these last three are attached.

We had some excellent news from the clerk to the Town Council earlier in the week who wrote: Thank you very much for your grant application . I am pleased to inform you that last night Shaftesbury Town Council resolved to fully support the grant application for continued free use of the Guild Hall by the Community Choir for 12 months on Wednesday evenings.  We wish you a successful year.

Many thanks to Julia, Tracey and Annie for submitting the grant application for us.  Also thanks to Estrella (alto) and Paul for the attached photo from the Fringe.


TODAY Saturday 5 August   Anna Tam is returning to perform at Shaftesbury Abbey - an extraordinary performer!  See last week’s flyer

Saturday 2 September  Emily Burridge at Donhead St Mary Church.  See last week’s flyer


Richard (tenor) has had a couple of enquiries last week as to whether he'd be bringing Shaftesbury Home Grown’s  eggs again.   This was actually only a temporary arrangement  and for the foreseeable future they will be left on sale outside Matthew Tagney's house at 17, Tanyard Lane


There are lots of exciting new courses for Shaftesbury and Gillingham in the Autumn.   See earlier flyer

The organisers of the Shaftesbury Town Twinning are looking for hosts for visitors from Brionne towards the end of October.  Mainly adults.  If you are interested in offering hospitality have a  word with Karen.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


5 August 2023

29 JULY 2023

Our performance at the Fringe seems such a long time ago now but it was only last weekend!  A great turn out and a very appreciative and generous audience.  (An amazing 316 were clicked in for our performance and we raised approximately £171 so with a 80/20 split with the Abbey we have an extra £139 for the choir.)

Annabel, the manager writes:   

Just to say a big thank you for your wonderful performance at the Abbey. I know the weather wasn't the best, but we had such a happy time and really positive and generous responses from your audience. It's lovely to see the place full of people enjoying music in the gardens and I'm very grateful you chose us as a venue.   We'll hope to see you next year in brilliant sunshine!   With many thanks.


If any of you have any photos of our performance please zap them to me or Julia and we can put them on the website.


This coming week we will make a start on Jug of Punch* and Kheruvimskaya* (both held over from last time) and continue looking at Be Still My Soul and California Dreamin* along with Ani Couni, Sunshine, Fire and Rain and Freedom is Coming.   (* Words for these three were attached last time, Ani Couni is attached to this e-mail and no words are needed for the others.)



Saturday 5 August   Anna Tam is returning to perform at Shaftesbury Abbey - an extraordinary performer!  See attached flyer

Saturday 2 September  Emily Burridge at Donhead St Mary Church.  See attached flyer


Many of you will know that Channel 5 were filming in Shaftesbury a couple of weeks ago.  “Dorset: country and coast” started last Wednesday at 8pm.  It's expected to air weekly.  (You won’t be able to watch it live of course as you won’! Three cheers for technology though.)

There are lots of exciting new courses for Shaftesbury and Gillingham in the Autumn.   See last week’s flyer


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


29 July 2023

15 JULY 2023

Great singing again on Wednesday.  Good to re-visit a few old favourites as well as polishing some of the items for our forthcoming Fringe show (see below).  As you know, quite a number of choir members are involved in other Fringe productions too. I have been given info for the ones listed below – do support them if you can. Looking back to the weekend before last, photos from the Gold Hill Festival are now on our website. 

This coming week we will double check items for the Fringe and, if time, continue looking at a few old favourites – probably Be Still My Soul, Senzeni Na and My Little Cup (no words will be needed) 


Sunday 23 July  Shaftesbury Fringe   11.15 a.m.  Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens. As you know our programme will be chosen from the following: Bela Mama; Simama; Vive La Compagnie; Blue Moon; Give Me Wings; Place Called England; Wake Up; I am a River; Morning has come; Up above my head; Little Bit of Love; 500 Miles; Ooh-la-la-lay; Follow the Heron; Shaftesbury’s Delights; Say, Say Yes; The Green Man; Circle of Life, Hold On.  Last year our show got the second biggest Fringe audience – let’s do better this time! 


TOMORROW Sunday 16 July  Shaftesbury Orchestra  Sibelius, Schubert, Weber, Wagner and Faure.  FREE.   4.00 p.m. St James’ Church.  See last week’s flyer. 

FRINGE EVENTS  Fri 21 – Sun 23 July 

The following feature members of the choir or their families.  Flyers for most of them are attached with more to come I’m sure. 


Richard Foreman’s 26 Letters.  4.00 Grosvenor Hotel  


The Long Arc  11.00-12.00  Grosvenor Hotel 

Alice’s Marmalade Cat  2.00  Trinity Centre 

Helen Porter and Karen Wimhurst  9.00 p.m.  St Peter’s Church 


Palida Sings  12.30 -1.15  Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens 

Mill Singers Male Voice Choir  2.00 -3.00 Bell Street United Church 

Phoenix Café Orchestra  Tea at the Ritz.  3.30 – 4.15.  Saint James’ Church.  

Songs of Praise for Today. 6.00 – 7.00.  Saint James’ Church.  


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are: 

Shaftesbury Community Choir 

Account no. 23158960 

Sort code: 30-65-21 

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for. 


15 July 2023 

8 JULY 2023

What a wonderful turn-out for Gold Hill Festival last weekend and what a great sound too.  If any of you have any photos of the event (good ones that is) do send them to either me or Julia and we will put a few of them on our website.  Our three summer events have been very well supported and justifiably well received; only the Shaftesbury Fringe to go now.   Last year our show got the second biggest Fringe audience – let’s do better this time! Quite a number of choir members will be involved in other Fringe productions too, of course, so if you would like your show to be added to the list of events below let me know and I’ll add you. (Basic info + a flyer is probably best.)

This coming week we will double check Green Man, 500 Miles and Little Bit of Love, sing Senzeni Na again and revisit a few old favourites – probably Rongo Mau, Be Still My Soul, My Little Cup and Hold On (no words will be needed)


Sunday 23 July  Shaftesbury Fringe   11.15 a.m.  Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens.  As you know our programme will be chosen from the following: Bela Mama; Simama; Vive La Compagnie; Blue Moon; Give Me Wings; Place Called England; Wake Up; I am a River; Morning has come; Up above my head; Little Bit of Love; 500 Miles; Ooh-la-la-lay; Follow the Heron; Shaftesbury’s Delights; Say, Say Yes; The Green Man; Circle of Life.


Sunday 16 July  Shaftesbury Orchestra  Sibelius, Schubert, Weber, Wagner and Faure.  FREE.   4.00 p.m. St James’ Church.  See attached flyer.

FRINGE EVENTS  Fri 21 – Sun 23 July

Friday Richard Foreman’s 26 Letters.  4.00 Grosvenor Hotel  See attached flyer

Sunday Phoenix Café Orchestra  Tea at the Ritz.  3.30 – 4.15.  Saint James’ Church.  See attached flyer


Songs of Praise for Today. 6.00 – 7.00.  Saint James’ Church. See attached flyer


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


8 July 2023

24 JUNE 2023

I didn’t realise what a profound effect a glass of prosecco could have on our singing.  Most of Wednesday evening went very well, though the less said about Say, Say Yes the better I think.  We’ll have another attempt at this next time.

As you know, with two events coming up in July (Gold Hill Festival and the Shaftesbury Fringe) we will be using the next few Wednesdays to put a bit of polish on those numbers that need it and maybe even get some of them sung from memory.

Our programme for both events will be based on the following: Bela Mama; Simama; Vive La Compagnie; Blue Moon; Give Me Wings; Place Called England; Wake Up; I am a River; Morning has come; Up above my head; Little Bit of Love; 500 Miles; Ooh-la-la-lay; Follow the Heron; Shaftesbury’s Delights; Say, Say Yes; The Green Man.


Saturday 1 July  Gold Hill Festival  5.00 p.m.  Barton Hill Recreation Ground SP7 8DQ.  We are the first item on the programme so please be at the stage between 4.30 - 4.45.

Sunday 23 July  Shaftesbury Fringe   11.15 a.m.  Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens



If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


TODAY Saturday 24 June  Concert for Ukraine.  7.30.  St John’s, Tisbury.  Baroque orchestral music to include Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 4.  FREE  See earlier flyer


Twelfth Night.  Abbey Gardens, Shaftesbury.  See earlier flyer.


Organ recital by organist extraordinaire Chris Mahon.  3.00 p.m. St James’ Church.  FREE.  See attached flyer.

Monday 26 June  “West End to Broadway” – a musical theatre review.  Interest evening at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See attached flyer.

Thursdays 29 June and  9 July   Baroque Academy  Dorset Rural Music School.  See attached flyer.

Saturday 1 July  Another choral event.  See https://snappytickets.co.uk/events/songs-of-returning-helen-chadwick-group-in-the-round-choral-event-singing-workshop-in-shaftesbury/

Sunday 2 July  Phoenix Café Orchestra.  Tea for two … or three or four or more.  St Peter’s Church.  3.30 p.m. (Doors open at 3 o’clock) See attached flyer


Sumer is icumen in – charity concert in aid of Bees for Development.  Wincanton.  See attached flyer.


Someone left their red choir folder behind in the Abbey Gardens.  I have it.


24 June 2023

10 JUNE 2023

A lot of hard work on Wednesday and some great singing once more.  Don’t forget we have Motcombe Fete today (arrive at 12.00 for 12.15 start) and our Green Week Big Sing next Wednesday in the Abbey Gardens - doors open at 6.00, music from 6.30 and we perform at about 7.00.  Please do give both events your full support if you possibly can.

Our MOTCOMBE programme, in no particular order, will consist of most of the following: Bela Mama; Simama; Vive La Compagnie; Blue Moon; Give Me Wings; Place Called England; Wake Up; I am a River; Morning has come; Up above my head; Little Bit of Love; 500 Miles.

Usual dress code – red above the waist (no patterns), black or dark beneath.


Our GREEN WEEK programme, again in no particular order, will consist of Simama, Ooh-la-la-lay and Bela Mama (all with audience participation); Give Me Wings, Circle of Life, I am a River, Follow the Heron, Morning has Come and Blue Moon (by ourselves); Shaftesbury’s Delights, Place Called England, Tree of Life and Wake Up (with Palida).   

Wear something colourful + a bit of green if you can.

For both these events please make sure you have your words ready (unless of course you know them!)


TODAY Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete  12.15 – 12.45.   Main Stage  Please arrive by 12.00 (when the gates open).  See details above.

Wednesday 14 June Big Green Week. Abbey Gardens.  Bring friends, family and picnics.  Doors open at 6.00 p.m.  There will be music from around 6.30 and we will start at around 7.00.  Bring a blanket and perhaps a folding chair too. (NB There will be no food bank collection.) NO CHARGE

Wednesday 21 June  Make Music Day 2023.  Normal choir session (7.30 start) + free glass of prosecco for those that want.

Saturday 1 July  Gold Hill Fair  5.00 p.m.  Barton Hill.

Sunday 23 July  Shaftesbury Fringe   11.15 a.m.  Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens


Thursday 15 June  Jump – composed and performed by Karen as part of the Big Green Week.  Music for live and multi-tracked clarinets, insect and amphibian calls. See attached flyer.

Sat 17 – Sun 18 June Stour Provost Flower Festival – with art and music.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 18 June  Wessex Strings.  Cheap Street Church, Sherborne.  See attached flyer.

Thursday 22 June  Lunchtime Concert.  Duo Redgate.  St Peter’s Church.  See last week’s flyer.  Free coffee and sandwiches as usual!

Fri 23 and Sat 24 June  Two concerts for Ukraine.  St John’s, Tisbury.  See earlier flyer

Saturday 24 June   Twelfth Night.  Abbey Gardens, Shaftesbury.  See earlier flyer.


Organ recital by organist extraordinaire Chris Mahon.  3.00 p.m. St James’ Church.  FREE.  More details later.

Saturday 1 July  Another choral event.  See https://snappytickets.co.uk/events/songs-of-returning-helen-chadwick-group-in-the-round-choral-event-singing-workshop-in-shaftesbury/

Sunday 2 July  Phoenix Café Orchestra.  Tea for two … or three or four or more.  St Peter’s Church.  3.30 p.m. (Doors open at 3 o’clock) See attached flyer



The first episode of Richard (tenor)’s  podcast, ‘Richard Foreman’s Dodgy Reg Encounters’ was created and became available on 30th May.  13 subsequent episodes will be appearing weekly every Tuesday.  If you have time and interest, do please have a listen and if you are so inclined, do share them.  Richard doesn’t expect to ‘go viral’ but a chap can dream, can’t he?  Here are some links to the various places he hopes you’ll be able to locate the podcast.

On my ‘platform’ (Acast) at: https://shows.acast.com/richard-foremans-dodgy-reg-encounters/

On my (PCs only) website at: https://www.richeff.co.uk/podcast  (feel free to take a look around while you’re there!)

On Spotify at: https://open.spotify.com/show/5HGJw7iOuE4hU3i3wTtRmt

On YouTube at: https://youtu.be/VkI78r0K55U


Conversation, listening,  reading,  translation and fun! 

Coffee and cake  

Sunday 11 June from 11am -  12.30

Manston village hall  DT10 1EX

£15 cash or BACS, message Hazel for details – 07969 465875


10 June 2023