23 DECEMBER 2023

Although I’ve had a really marvellous holiday, it was lovely to be back home and to be able to enjoy Wednesday’s party with you all  – thanks to everyone who made it such a success.  Karen has clearly done a great job over the past five weeks.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and come back on 10th renewed and refreshed.   Karen and I will no doubt get together over the holidays to plan what we’re going to be singing so watch this space.  And before I forget, if you have taken a copy (copies?) of the Bethlehem Carol Sheet can you make sure you return it / them?


Wednesday 10 January.  Choir recommences.  Karen and I will be in touch nearer the date with the pieces we will be singing.

Sunday 21 January  Remembrance Service on for families who have lost a loved one at the Westminster Hospital.   We have been asked if a small group of us could sing two joyful songs at some point between 3 pm - 4 pm.  More details later. 


The Community Choir don’t appear to have been hit yet (we are clearly a healthy lot) but we will be practising with the doors open unless it is blowing a gale.  If you are ill or know you should probably self-isolate please stay at home.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960

Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.

Wishing you a very merry Christmas


23 December 2023
