Numbers were a bit down on Wednesday, no doubt a combination of rotten weather, half term and (of course) Valentine’s Day, but the singing was as good as ever. We made a promising start on the anthem* Tim Laycock and Nick Crump wrote for the Abbey and I am attaching a copy of the music for those who are readers. (We will be singing this on 23 March - see below.) This coming week we will work on this and Call of Wisdom* (held over from last time) and continue Throw it Away* along with Evo banke and Plovi Barko + Feelin’ Groovy and Cry Heart as warm-ups . Words attached where needed. (Words of those marked with * were attached recently.) Please print them of yourselves if you possibly can.
Saturday 23 March Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey 12 o’clock.
Sunday 26 July Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe) tbd
Most of us took part in the wonderful Town Twinning concert that was held in St Peter’s last year when members of the community choir were joined by Palida and musician from Brionne. Brionne have invited everyone over from 30th August to 1st September to help them celebrate the anniversary of their liberation in 1944 and the organisers wonder whether members of the Community Choir might be interested in joining the celebration? The cost would be around £200. Give it some thought and I will ask for a rough show of hands on Wednesday.
Saturday 24 February Voices of Freedom Blandford Parish Church. Palida, Karen, Abby Fiddik, Emily Burridge. Tickets can be bought from members of Palida as well as Eventbrite. See last week’s flyer.
A Concert for Child of Hope. St Peter’s Church. 7:00-9:00pm. (See earlier flyer)
Saturday 2 March Quiz Night + Syrian Buffet. Motcombe Memorial Hall. (See earlier flyer)
Saturday 16 March FOR THE LOVE OF SONG in Cranborne led by the wonderful Sarah Pennington. Lift your heart with a day of singing heartfelt songs in glorious harmony with others. Venue: Village Hall, Cranborne, BH21 5QB; Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm; Cost: £30 on the day / £25 if booked and paid by 9th March. Email: Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097
Saturday 6 April Hambledon Hopstep Band Ceildidh. 7.00 p.m. Motcombe Village Hall. See attached flyer.
If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:
Shaftesbury Community Choir
Account no. 23158960
Sort code: 30-65-21
Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.
17 February 2024