23 AUGUST 2024

A good turn out last week with some lovely singing and some delicious biscuits too!   Thankyou Sue (soprano).  We are making excellent progress with The Road Home and it was lovely to revisit some old favourites which were surprisingly well remembered.   Kathy (soprano) made a quick recording of California Dreamin’ which I am attaching.  What it lacks in finesse it certainly makes up for in vitality.    Jackie (tenor) has also shared of Voces8 singing "The Road Home".  It’s on the choir Facebook page.   What a glorious sound.  Thankyou Jackie.

Next time we will continue The Road Home, add a few finishing touches to Blue Moon, make a start on a new one by Ali Burns, Grateful and Loved,  and have a look at This Little Light, Lollipop and Ya Asim along with Alleluia (Pachelbel) and Oak of Old as warm-ups.  The words of Grateful and Loved and Lollipop are attached; The Road Home and Blue Moon have both been attached in recent weeks.  (Other words are not needed.)  Please print them out yourselves if you can.


Sunday 25 August  Songs of Praise  6.30 St Mary Magdalen Church, Fifehead Magdalen.  This is a lovely little church just south of the A30 a little bit further on from West Stour.  Well known hymns and you will recognize the organist!

Sundays 25 Aug; 8, 22 Sep; 6, 20 Oct; 3 Nov  Free autumn concerts.  St Mary’s, Marnhull.  3.00p.m.  See attached flyer

Saturday 21 September  Rotary Club of Gillingham Annual Charity Quiz in aid of the Westminster Memorial Hospital.  See attached flyer.  It would be great if we could get a team(s) together. 

Saturday 5 October  Come and Sing Mozart Requiem.  St James Church.  See last week’s flyer and / or speak to me if you’d like more information.


This well-established local choir which has a great conductor is seeking to recruit new members  for the autumn season.  See attached flyer and / or chat to Mike (bass) 


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for. 


24 August 2024


Looking ahead to next month, neither Karen nor I are available on 25th September so, regrettably, there will be no choir on that date.   Call this “advanced warning” if you like although it’s pretty low-tech really.


17 AUGUST 2024

More great singing and really lovely to have Yuko back with us, even if only for a week. 

Next time we will continue with A Little Bit of Love and The Road Home, check that all the hard work that went into I Stand Tall has paid off and recap California Dreamin’ and Blue Moon (both held over from last time) together with Follow the Heron.  All this + Alleluia (Pachelbel) and Ceremony Boogie as warm-ups.  Follow the Heron is attached.  The words of the others, where needed, have all been attached in recent weeks.  Please print them out yourselves if you can.


Saturday 5 October  Come and Sing Mozart Requiem.  St James Church.  See attached flyer and / or speak to me if you’d like more information.


Wincanton Choral Society have an exciting year ahead to celebrate their 35th birthday.  See attached info sheet.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for. 


17 August 2024

3 AUGUST 2024

What a great few days we’ve all had, what with a vibrant Fringe and the rather more laid back summer picnic – the latter on a truly idyllic summer’s night too.  The Abbey team were absolutely delighted with both events and we have an open invitation to go back whenever we like.  In terms of being able to hear the other parts, I think we all found singing in front of the wall and hedge as we did for the picnic was a lot easier than in front of the gazebo.  However we did ourselves proud on both occasions.  The Abbey “meeters-and-greeters” reckoned there was a footfall of over 400 people for our Fringe performance!   

I am attaching an e-mail from the chairman of the Friends of Westminster Hospital which is well worth reading.  We also have Kathy (soprano)’s Ukrainian friend to thank for the attached very evocative photo from the picnic, which came with a message saying “Thankyou so much for a lovely evening. It was divine.” The first time many of us will have heard that word used in connection with the choir I am sure!   If you have photos from either event do let me have them and we will get  selection up on the website.

Although we ourselves have no events planned for the immediate future, we will, of course, continue to meet as usual over the summer.  This coming week we will sing Heart to Heart (which I inadvertently left out on Wednesday - sorry) and Bamba Lela as warm-ups, some old favourites, Haere Mai, Shenandoah, Simply There, Blue Moon and California Dreamin’, together with The Road Home and I Stand Tall (two brand new songs for us to learn).  All the words are attached where needed – please print them out yourselves if you can.


Sunday 11 August  Ain’t it a Pretty Night in KnoxvilleLetitia Stevens (soprano) with Bonnie Donham  3.00 p.m.  St Peter’s Church.  Tickets: £12. SAC Members & Friends £10. Under 18s free


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


3 August 2024

27 JULY 2024

More excellent singing on Wednesday and another great turn out too.  11 tenors! We have a great Fringe show in store for everyone – marvelous.  Do make sure you tell your family and friends about it - our Fringe flyer is in attached zip folder once again. Our performance on Sunday is due to start at 11.30.  Please get to the Abbey some time before 11.15.  Normal dress code – i.e. shades of red above the waist – block colour, no patterns, dark or black below the waist.  If you haven’t already done so, it might be worth putting our pad in a separate folder, perhaps even in alphabetical order (see below)!

To remind you, our pieces will be selected from:   Banaha; Banana Boat Song; Bela Mama; Five Hundred Miles; Funiculi Funicula; Ghafoor’s Bus; Go Placidly;  Hamba Nighale; Heart to Heart; I am a River; In My Life; Jug of Punch; Lifting As we Climb; Lili Marlene; Moma Don’t Allow; Say Say Yes; Simama; This is Home; Viva la Musica;  Vive le Compagnie; Wake Up. 


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Westminster Hospital.  The Abbey grounds open from 6.00 p.m. for picnics with singing starting at our usual time of 7.30.  We will sing until about 8.30 after which we’ll all go home.   Come prepared for the weather and bring a groundsheet or deck chair.

The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.   The whole occasion will, we hope, be very relaxed.  Come as you are (i.e. no dress code), bring your family and friends and be prepared to have a thoroughly good time – all in aid of a very good cause.  We will sing pieces from our summer pad together with a very, very simple round that I hope to teach to everyone.  There will be no charge for this session and no foodbank collection.

The weather forecast at the moment is cloudy but with a very high lunchtime temperature which bodes well for the evening. However I will send an e-mail to everyone on our mailing list at around 4 o’clock on Wednesday to confirm that the event is taking place as planned or that we are having to revert the Town Hall.  If you have friends who don’t have e-mail (or don’t look at it) please keep them in the loop.



11.00 – 12.00 noon Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  King Alfred’s Kitchen.  See attached flyer

2.00 – 3.00 p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  St Peter’s Church Hall.  See attached flyer

4.00 p.m.   Technophobe.  Story, poetry and monologue.  King Alfred’s Kitchen.  See attached flyer. 

5.00 – 6.00 p.m.  Reel Deal   Folk Music   Buskers Stage


12.15 p.m. Summer of Love  Palida Choir   12.15   Abbey Gardens    (This follows straight on from our own concert at 11.30.)   See attached flyer

3.00 – 4.00 p.m.  Phoenix Café Orchestra.  St James Church.  See attached flyer.

6.30 – 7.15  At the Turning of the World  Emily Burridge – mellow cello.  Bell Street United Church.  See attached flyer

Sunday 11 August  Ain’t it a Pretty Night in KnoxvilleLetitia Stevens (soprano) with Bonnie Donham  3.00 p.m.  St Peter’s Church.  Tickets: £12. SAC Members & Friends £10. Under 18s free


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


27 July 2024

20 JULY 2024

Excellent singing on Wednesday and a great turn out too.  Most of our summer repertoire is very secure now requiring only a bit of tweaking.  This coming week we will sing Banana Boat Song, Five Hundred Miles, Funiculi Funicula, In My Life and Lifting As We Climb once more and have look at Go Placidly, Hamba Nighale, Heart to Heart, Moma Don’t Allow and Wake Up which we didn’t have time for last week.

To remind you, our Fringe and Supper and Song pieces are:   Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch; Vive la Compagnie; Home; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, In My Life, Go Placidly, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma Don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb, Simama and Heart to Heart. 

Our Fringe flyer is in attached zip folder once again.  Do print a few off if you can and display them prominently.  Alternatively, there will be copies available on Wednesday.  Last year, I think we got the second or third biggest Fringe audience - let's see if we can improve on that this time round.


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30. (The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.)


TODAY Saturday 20 July Kipps – the new Half a Sixpence.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre’s summer show.  A real feel-good experience.  See earlier flyer.

Sunday 21 July  Lumas Wind Quintet  3.00 p.m.  St Peter’s Church.  Tickets: £18. SAC Members & Friends £16. Under 18s free.


Mark Shepherd organ recital – St James’ Church 3.00 p.m.  FREE

Sunday 11 August  Ain’t it a Pretty Night in KnoxvilleLetitia Stevens (soprano) with Bonnie Donham  3.00 p.m.  St Peter’s Church.  Tickets: £12. SAC Members & Friends £10. Under 18s free.


If any choir members are involved with a Fringe event other than our own, please send the info to me and I will make sure it is listed below:


11.00 – 11.30  p.m. Clarinets Before Coffee  (Karen and fellow musician Julia Blinko) Gold Hill Museum  See attached flyer

1.30 – 2.30  p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  Gold Hill Museum.  See attached flyer

2.00 – 2.45 p.m. Into the Amazon. Emily Burridge – mellow cello.  Bell Street United Church.  See attached flyer

3.00 – 4.00 p.m.  Reel Deal.     Folk music    Jam Shed

4.00 – 5.00 p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  Bell Street United Church.  See attached flyer

4.00  p.m. Technophobe.  Story, poetry and monologue.  Grosvenor Arms.  See attached flyer. 

6.00 – 7.00 p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  Two Brewers Skittle Alley.  See attached flyer

7.00 p.m.  The Spoonfeds.  Rutter Room, Shaftesbury Arts Centre.   See attached flyer. 


11.00 – 12.00 noon Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  King Alfred’s Kitchen.  See attached flyer

2.00 – 3.00 p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  St Peter’s Church Hall.  See attached flyer

4.00 p.m.   Technophobe.  Story, poetry and monologue.  King Alfred’s Kitchen.  See attached flyer. 

5.00 – 6.00 p.m.  Reel Deal   Folk Music   Buskers Stage


12.15 p.m. Summer of Love  Palida Choir   12.15   Abbey Gardens    (This follows straight on from our own concert at 11.30.)   See attached flyer

3.00 – 4.00 p.m.  Phoenix Café Orchestra.  St James Church.  See attached flyer.

6.30 – 7.15  At the Turning of the World  Emily Burridge – mellow cello.  Bell Street United Church.  See attached flyer


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


20 July 2024

6 JULY 2024

Another great turn-out last Wednesday with some great singing to match.  Our summer pad is really shaping up well.  To save time you might like to put all our summer songs in a separate folder for the next few weeks.   (To remind you, these are:   Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch; Vive la Compagnie; Home; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb, Simama and Heart to Heart).  

Our Fringe flyer is attached to this e-mail.  Do print a few off if you can and display them prominently.  Alternatively, there will be copies available on Wednesday.  last year, I think we got the second or third biggest Fringe audience - let's see if we can improve on that this time round

This coming week we will look at Ghafoor's Bus (held over from last time), Java Jive, Lili Marlene, Funiculi Funicula, Go Placidly, Hamba Nighale, Moma Don't Allow and Lifting As We Climb along with Viva la Musica and Banaha as warm-ups.


Jackie (tenor) came across Lea Morris teaching each part of "Lifting as we climb" on Youtube.  It's more or less exactly as we sing it and very clearly taught so she has put it on the Choir Facebook page or you can click on this extraordinarily long link.   Thankyou Jackie.



Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30. (The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.)


TOMORROW Sunday 7 July  A Summer’s Delight.  Pilgrim Singers and soloists.  See earlier flyer.

Thurs 11 – Sat 13 & Thurs 18 – Sat 20 July Kipps – the new Half a Sixpence.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre’s summer show.  A real feel-good experience.  See attached flyer.

Thursday 18 July  Pagoda Project.  7.00 p.m.  Deans Court, Wimborne.  See attached flyer


If any choir members are involved with a Fringe event other than our own, please send the info to me and I will make sure it is listed below:


11.00 – 11.30  p.m. Clarinets Before Coffee  (Karen and fellow musician Julia Blinko) Gold Hill Museum  See attached flyer

1.30 – 2.30  p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  Gold Hill Museum.  See attached flyer

3.00 – 4.00 p.m.  Reel Deal.     Folk music    Jam Shed

4.00 – 5.00 p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  Bell Street United Church.  See attached flyer

4.00  p.m. Technophobe.  Story, poetry and monologue.  Grosvenor Arms.  See attached flyer. 

6.00 – 7.00 p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  Two Brewers Skittle Alley.  See attached flyer

7.00 p.m.  The Spoonfeds.  Rutter Room, Shaftesbury Arts Centre.   See attached flyer. 


11.00 – 12.00 noon Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  King Alfred’s Kitchen.  See attached flyer

2.00 – 3.00 p.m. Hardy Annuals – Thomas Hardy in Words and Music.  St Peter’s Church Hall.  See attached flyer

4.00 p.m.   Technophobe.  Story, poetry and monologue.  King Alfred’s Kitchen.  See attached flyer. 

5.00 – 6.00 p.m.  Reel Deal   Folk Music   Buskers Stage


12.15 p.m. Summer of Love  Palida Choir   12.15   Abbey Gardens    (This follows straight on from our own concert at 11.30.)   See attached flyer

3.00 – 4.00 p.m.  Phoenix Café Orchestra.  St James Church.  See attached flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


6 July 2024


More really good progress on Wednesday although, once again, we had planned to do rather more than we had time for.  Moma Don’t Allow, Banana Boat and Funiculi Funicula are all sounding pretty good and we made a great start with 500 Miles which we haven’t sung for almost two years!  Next week we will polish these and continue with Lifting and In My Life (both held over from last week) along with Simama and Vive la Compagnie as our warm-ups. All words, where needed, have been attached to recent newsletters.


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30. (The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.)

(To remind you, songs will be selected from our summer pad i.e. Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch; Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb + Simama and Heart to Heart)


A reminder that teh Mayor of Shaftesbury, Cllr Alex Chase, is holding his Mayor Making ceremony on Friday 21 June at 6.30pm in the Guild Hall. The Town Council are hoping to make more of an event of it and are in the process of organising a food stall, as well as selling drinks. All proceeds will go to the mayor’s charity, The Brave and Determined Company.  The event will start at 5.30, with music from Conor Smith beforehand. The ceremony itself will be from 6.30 to 7.00 and, although we will not be taking part as a choir, we have an open invitation to attend.


TOMORROW Sunday 16 June  Wessex Strings  3.00, Cheap Street Church, Sherborne.  WELL WORTH THE TRIP.  See earlier flyer

Fri 21 and Sat 22 June  Two concerts for Ukraine.  7.30 p.m.  St John’s Tisbury.  FREE with retiring collection.  See earlier flyer


Motcombe Methodist Church celebrating 250 years!  Floral displays and exhibition celebrating the church’s history in words and pictures.  10.00 – 4.00.  Tea / coffee / snacks available.  See attached flyer

Saturday 22 June Casey Jazz at Donhead St Andrew church SP7 9EB  4.00 p.m.  See earlier flyer  http://cherubimtrust.org/tkts.

Thursday 27 June  Phantasia present Albion’s Delight  7.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  See earlier flyer  Tickets available from Shaftesbury Arts Centre (01747) 854321 www.shaftesburyartscentre.org.uk  Complimentary wine or juice provided.

Saturday 29 June  Songs of Returning.  St Peter’s Church  7.30 p.m. with workshop at 4.30 p.m.  Tickets from: helenchadwick.com/events   See earlier flyer

Sunday 30 June  Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra.  4.00 p.m.  St James’ Church.  Music by Mendelssohn, Smetana and others.  FREE   See attached flyer.

Sunday 7 July  A Summer’s Delight.  Pilgrim Singers and soloists.  See attached flyer.

Thurs 11 – Sat 13 & Thurs 18 – Sat 20 July Kipps – the new Half a Sixpence.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre’ summer show.  A real feel-good experience.  See attached flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


15 June 2024

8 JUNE 2024

More excellent singing on Wednesday although I had planned to do rather more than we had time for.  No matter – we’ll pick up where we left off next time when we will polish Moma Don’t Allow (I think we all know what we should be doing now!), continue with Lifting and In My Life, look at Banana Boat and Funiculi Funicula (both held over from last week) and, if time, 500 Miles along with Bela Mam and Vive la Compagnie as our warm-ups.


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30. (The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.)

(To remind you, songs will be selected from our summer pad i.e. Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch; Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb + Simama and Heart to Heart)


The Mayor of Shaftesbury, Cllr Alex Chase, is holding his Mayor Making ceremony on Friday 21 June at 6.30pm in the Guild Hall. The Town Council are hoping to make more of an event of it and are in the process of organising a food stall, as well as selling drinks. All proceeds will go to the mayor’s charity, The Brave and Determined Company.  The event will start at 5.30, with music from Conor Smith beforehand. The ceremony itself will be from 6.30 to 7.00 and, although we will not be taking part as a choir, we have an open invitation to attend.


TODAY until Tues 11 June  Summertime – exhibition by Andrea Jenkins at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See earlier flyer.

TOMORROW Sunday 9 June  Serenata Guitar Trio.  St James Church.  3.00 p.m.  FREE  See earlier flyer.

Thursday 13 June  Shaftesbury Westminster Hospital fish and chip supper and quiz night.

Friday 14 June  Caroline d’Cruz and Tracy Kennington.  St Andrew’s Church, Fontmell Magna.  12.15  FREE + retiring collection.  See earlier flyer for details of this and future events.

Sunday 16 June  Wessex Strings  3.00, Cheap Street Church, Sherborne.  WELL WORTH THE TRIP.  See earlier flyer

Fri 21 and Sat 22 June  Two concerts for Ukraine.  7.30 p.m.  St John’s Tisbury.  FREE with retiring collection.  See earlier flyer

Saturday 22 June Casey Jazz at Donhead St Andrew church SP7 9EB  4.00 p.m.  See earlier flyer  http://cherubimtrust.org/tkts.

Thursday 27 June  Phantasia present Albion’s Delight  7.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  See earlier flyer  Tickets available from Shaftesbury Arts Centre (01747) 854321 www.shaftesburyartscentre.org.uk  Complimentary wine or juice provided.

Saturday 29 June  Songs of Returning.  St Peter’s Church  7.30 p.m. with workshop at 4.30 p.m.  Tickets from: helenchadwick.com/events   See earlier flyer

Sunday 30 June  Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra.  4.00 p.m.  St James’ Church.  Music by Mendelssohn, Smetana and others.  FREE   See attached flyer.

Thurs 11 – Sat 13 & Thurs 18 – Sat 20 July Kipps – the new Half a Sixpence.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre’ summer show.  A real feel-good experience.  More details later.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


1 JUNE 2024

My apologies if you didn’t get last week’s newsletter - quite a few bounced back as undeliverable for some reason or other.  More excellent singing on Wednesday although number were just a little bit down.  We have now just about finished learning Moma Don’t Allow and  Funiculi Funicula and made really good progress with Lifting As we Climb and Banana Boat Song.  This coming week we will polish the first two, continue with Lifting and Banana Boat, revisit Lili Marlene and In My Life and, if time, take a look at 500 Miles (words attached*) along with Banaha as our warm-up. (* You should already have the words of the others.)


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30. (The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.)

(To remind you, songs will be selected from our summer pad i.e. Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch; Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb + Simama and Heart to Heart)

OTHER COMING EVENTS   June seems to be a particularly busy month. Don’t forget it is the second of the two Dorset Art Weeks as well.

Wed 5 – Tues 11 June  Summertime – exhibition by Andrea Jenkins at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See below and also attachment.

Friday 7 June   Violin classics played by Emma-Marie Kabanova accompanied by Dr Richard Hall, former director of the Dorset Rural Music Centre. The bar will be open and snacks (not sandwiches) provided. Bring your own lunch if you like. 1.00 Phoenix Room, Shaftesbury Arts Centre

Sunday 9 June  Serenata Guitar Trio.  St James Church.  3.00 p.m.  FREE  See earlier flyer.

Thursday 13 June  Shaftesbury Westminster Hospital fish and chip supper and quiz night.

Friday 14 June  Caroline d’Cruz and Tracy Kennington.  St Andrew’s Church, Fontmell Magna.  12.15  FREE + retiring collection.  See earlier flyer for details of this and future events.

Sunday 16 June  Wessex Strings  3.00, Cheap Street Church, Sherborne.  WELL WORTH THE TRIP.  See attached flyer

Fri 21 and Sat 22 June  Two concerts for Ukraine.  7.30 p.m.  St John’s Tisbury.  FREE with retiring collection.  See last week’s flyer

Saturday 22 June Casey Jazz at Donhead St Andrew church SP7 9EB  4.00 p.m.  See last week’s flyer.  http://cherubimtrust.org/tkts.

Thursday 27 June  Phantasia present Albion’s Delight  7.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  See last week’s flyer.  Tickets available from Shaftesbury Arts Centre (01747) 854321 www.shaftesburyartscentre.org.uk  Complimentary wine or juice provided.

Saturday 29 June  Songs of Returning.  St Peter’s Church  7.30 p.m. with workshop at 4.30 p.m.  Tickets from: helenchadwick.com/events   See last week’s flyer.

To all my Choir friends:

It would be lovely to see you at the celebration of my exhibition ‘Summertime’ at Shaftesbury Arts Centre Gallery on FRIDAY 7TH JUNE 5 -7PM.

The exhibition takes place from 5th to 11th June and will be open every day 10am - 4pm, so do visit to see my new collection of colourful, abstract paintings and collages, intended to make you smile! I will be there every day and am always happy to chat about the ideas and processes behind my work.    I hope to see you soon.   Andrea x'


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


1 June 2024

25 MAY 2024

More excellent singing on Wednesday and a lot of fun as ever.  This coming week we will continue with Lifting As we Climb, Moma Don’t Allow, Funiculi Funicula (held over from last time) and Banana Boat Song along with I am a River and Viva la Musica as warm-ups.


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30. (The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.)

(To remind you, songs will be selected from our summer pad i.e. Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch;  Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb + Simama and Heart to Heart)

OTHER COMING EVENTS   June seems to be a particularly busy month.

Friday 7 June   Violin classics played by Emma-Marie Kabanova accompanied  by Dr Richard Hall, former director of the Dorset Rural Music Centre. The bar will be open and snacks (not sandwiches) provided. Bring your own lunch if you like. 1.00 Phoenix Room, Shaftesbury Arts Centre

Sunday 9 June  Serenata Guitar Trio.  St James Church.  3.00 p.m.  FREE  See last week’s flyer.

Thursday 13 June  Shaftesbury Westminster Hospital fish and chip upper and quiz night.

Friday 14 June  Caroline d’Cruz and Tracy Kennington.  St Andrew’s Church, Fontmell Magna.  12.15  FREE + retiring collection.  See last week’s flyer for details of this and future events.

Fri 21 and Sat 22 June  Two concerts for Ukraine.  7.30 p.m.  St John’s Tisbury.  FREE with retiring collection.  See attached flyer

Saturday 22 June Casey Jazz at Donhead St Andrew church SP7 9EB  4.00 p.m.  See attached flyer.  http://cherubimtrust.org/tkts.

Thursday 27 June  Phantasia present Albion’s Delight  7.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  See attached flyer.  Tickets available from Shaftesbury Arts Centre (01747) 854321 www.shaftesburyartscentre.org.uk  Complimentary wine or juice provided.

Saturday 29 June  Songs of Returning.  St Peter’s Church  7.30 p.m. with workshop at 4.30 p.m.  Tickets from: helenchadwick.com/events   See attached flyer.


The choir were very well represented at Poole Lighthouse last weekend for Townsend Production’s “Behold Ye Ramblers”.  And what a great time we had.  The one man show about the Clarion Movement and the rise of socialism in northern England was absolutely riveting and I for one felt really privileged  to be a part of it.  Neil Gore (the “one man”) was first rate and, as one of the choir put it, so generous with his thanks (and praise) for us.  A memorable experience for all the right reasons.  A very atmospheric photo attached – thanks Di (soprano) and Marie (alto).


Although Sue (alto) will be away for a few weeks, the foodbank collections will continue to operate as near to normal as possible.  Thanks to all those who support this very sad necessity.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


25 May 2024

18 MAY 2024

Excellent singing on Wednesday and a lot of good work done.  We are making good progress with Lifting As we Climb, Funiculi Funicula and Banana Boat Song all of which we will be continuing next time along with Moma don’t allow (held over from last time) Go Placidly and Simama once more.  (I am thinking we might add Simama and Heart to Heart to our summer pad* as they are such fun to sing too.)


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30. (The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.)

(* To remind you, songs will be selected from our summer pad i.e. Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch;  Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb + Simama and Heart to Heart)


TODAY Saturday 18 May  Behold Ye Ramblers a new musical production about the Clarion Movement and the Right To Roam – 8.00 p.m.  Lighthouse Poole   Quite a few choir members are appearing in this show so do come and support us if you can.     https://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk/event/behold-ye-ramblers/ 

BOX OFFICE: 01202 280000

Sunday 9 June  Serenata Guitar Trio.  St James Church.  3.00 p.m.  FREE  See attached flyer.

Friday 14 June  Caroline d’Cruz and Tracy Kennington.  St Andrew’s Church, Fontmell Magna.  12.15  FREE + retiring collection.  See attached flyer for details of this and future events.


Apologies to all those who set out for a good evening last Thursday, but as  those of us who were in Shaftesbury at the time know, the power was on and off all evening.  Elizabeth writes:  “We were all set up for last night’s quiz when the lights went out and halted us in our tracks.  We understood that power might not be restored  until 11.00pm so we felt there was no option but to postpone the event as there would be no Fish&Chips even if we could get light.”

The revised date is Thursday 13 June.


Although Sue (alto) will be away for a few weeks, the foodbank collections will continue to operate as near to normal as possible.  Thanks to all those who support this very sad necessity.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


18 May 2024

11 MAY 2024

There was a really great turn out for the Food Festival last weekend and our efforts were much appreciated by both the abbey volunteers and our audience, who stayed the course despite the pretty terrible weather.  Monica (alto) suggested we should rename ourselves the “Shaftesbury All-weather Choir”. A photo is attached – thanks Estrella (alto) - and Julia has uploaded a few more on our website https://www.shaftesburycommunitychoir.org/  

Excellent singing last Wednesday as well.  Home, Java Jive, In My Life and Say, Say Yes are now sounding very secure, and we are making good progress with Moma don’t allow and Lifting As we Climb. This coming week we’ll continue with these last two together with Funiculi Funicula and Banana Boat Song (both held over from last time) + Tongo and Viva la Musica  as a warm-up.  All words (where needed) have been attached in recent weeks.


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30 (TBD)

(To remind you, songs will be selected from our summer pad i.e. Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch;  Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Blue Moon, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb)




TODAY Saturday 11 May  Bruton Choral Society spring concert.  See last week’s flyer. 

TOMORROW Sunday 12 May   Coracle at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  (Karen and friends) See last week’s flyer. 7.00 p.m.

Thursday 16 May Fish and Chips quiz night in aid of the hospital Friends.  7.30  British Legion Hall, Coppice Street.    It’s great that we’re fielding a team and that quite a few other choir members are taking part as well.

Friday 18 May  Behold Ye Ramblers a new musical production about the Clarion Movement and the Right To Roam – 8.00 p.m.  Lighthouse Poole   Quite a few choir members are appearing in this show so do come and support us.  BOX OFFICE: 01202 280000   https://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk/event/behold-ye-ramblers/


Many, many congratulations to Vanessa (soprano) who completed her 100 km night bike ride across London last weekend to raise research money for those women living with cancer and those lost to it to celebrate their bravery.  If you would like to learn more or to contribute to the money that she is raising please click on the link below:



If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


11 May 2024

4 MAY 2024

A whirlwind of a session on Wednesday in preparation for tomorrow’s Food Festival concert.  Looking forward to seeing you all (+ family and friends too of course – the more the merrier) at the Abbey.  11.00 for 11.15.  Usual dress code – shades of red (no patterns) above the waist, dark or black beneath. 

Our programme will be taken from the following (in no particular order):  Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch;  Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up + Viva la Musica.

Next week we will look at anything that may need attention following our Feastival performance and then get on with some of the other songs in our summer pad which have (where needed) all been attached in recent weeks i.e. Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Say, Say Yes, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow + a completely new one, Lifting As we Climb. (The words of this last one are attached.)  Something for everyone I hope.


TOMORROW Sunday 5 May  Music for the Food “Feastival”  11.00 for 11.15 – Abbey.   See attached flyer.    We have permission to park in the grounds of Castle Hill House on Bimport.  Thankyou Sue (alto) for organizing this.

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30 (TBD)


TODAY Saturday 4 May Orlando Singers.  St Peter’s 7.00 p.m.   I know nothing about the choir, which I think is Blandford based, but their conductor, Sam Hanson, is a 5* musician and I’m definitely going.  Maybe see you there.  See earlier flyer.

Friday 10 May  Bird Tunes.  Sandford Orcas.  See earlier flyer.

Saturday 11 May  Bruton Choral Society spring concert.  See attached flyer. 

Sunday 12 May   Coracle at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  (Karen and friends) See attached flyer. 7.00 p.m.

Thursday 16 May Fish and Chips quiz night in aid of the hospital Friends.  7.30  British Legion Hall, Coppice Street.    It’s great that we’re fielding a team and that quite a few other choir members are taking part as well.

Friday 18 May  Behold Ye Ramblers a new musical production about the Clarion Movement and the Right To Roam – 8.00 p.m.  Lighthouse Poole   Quite a few choir members are appearing in this show so do come and support us.  BOX OFFICE: 01202 280000   https://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk/event/behold-ye-ramblers/


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


4 May 2024

27 APRIL 2024

A pretty good turn out last Wednesday and a lot of good work done. This coming week we will sing through our pieces for the Food Festival (see below) most of which should be quite straightforward.  Assuming all goes well we will then spend the rest of the evening sorting out Moma Don’t Allow which will, hopefully be ready in time.  Words, where needed, have all been attached in recent weeks.


Sunday 5 May  Music for the Food “Feastival”  11.00 for 11.15 – Abbey.  Our programe will be taken from the following (in no particular order):

Banaha; Bela Mama; Java Jive; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch; Say, Say Yes; Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up + Moma Don’t Allow (with luck).

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30 (TBD)


TODAY   Saturday 27 April  Cello Recital – St Mary’s Church Compton Abbas.  6.00 p.m.  See earlier flyer

Saturday 4 May Orlando Singers   See last week’s flyer.

Friday 10 May  Bird Tunes.  Sandford Orcas.  See earlier flyer.

Thursday 16 May Fish and Chips quiz night in aid of the hospital Friends.  7.30  British Legion Hall, Coppice Street.   


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


27 April 2024

20 APRIL 2024

Great turn out last Wednesday and some great singing too. We made an excellent start on Funiculi Funicula and Moma Don’t Allow, while In My Life just needs a bit of polish.  This coming week we should be able to complete Java Jive, Moma and Banana Boat Song + continue Funiculi Funicula - all of which will form part of our summer “pad”.  We will also do Bela Mama and Vive la Compagnie as our warm-ups along with Ghaafoor’s Bus and Go Placidly.  Something for everyone as ever I hope.  Words, where needed, have all been attached in recent weeks. 


Sunday 5 May  Music for the Food “Feastival”  11.00 for 11.15

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30 (TBD)


TODAY  Saturday 20 April   Iuventus String Quartet with Haydn “Sunrise” Quartet, Shostakovich String Quartet no. 8 opus 110 and Schubert “Death & The Maiden”, 6pm, Port Regis.   (The first of three concerts to mark the relaunch of the Shaftesbury Chamber Music Series.)   Future concerts on Saturday 15th June Saturday 21st September.  Tickets from: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/t-dvoazqo 


'O Flowr'y May'. Tim Laycock & Alastair Braidwood present an evening of words and folk music celebrating Spring  Shaftesbury Abbey  See attached flyer.

Sunday 21 April  All Trees are Clocks.  Karen and friends.  Dorchester.  See last week’s flyer


Gildas Quartet 3pm in St Peter’s, as one of the Concerts in the West series

Saturday 27 April  Cello Recital – St Mary’s Church Compton Abbas.  6.00 p.m.  See last week’s flyer

Saturday 4 May Orlando Singers   See attached flyer.

Friday 10 May  Bird Tunes.  Sandford Orcas.  See earlier flyer.

Thursday 16 May Fish and Chips quiz night in aid of the hospital Friends.  7.30  British Legion Hall, Coppice Street.    Have a word if you are interested in forming or being part of a team.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


20 April 2024

13 APRIL 2024

Numbers were a bit down last week but some great singing nonetheless.  This coming week we should be able to complete Java Jive and In My Life, continue Banana Boat Song and hopefully make a start on Funiculi Funicula (held over for quite a few of weeks now) - all of which will form part of our summer “pad”.  We will also be looking at a new foodie song by Steve (Moma Don’t Allow) together with Vive la Compagnie [words by Jackie] and Banaha as our warm-ups.  Words for Moma and Compagnie attached;  others, where needed, have all been attached in recent weeks. 


Sunday 5 May  Music for the Food “Feastival”  11.00 for 11.15

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30 (TBD)


TODAY  Saturday 13 April  All in the April Evening.  Gillingham Singers.  7.00 p.m. Motcombe Church.  Lots of familiar faces in the choir so do give them (us!) your support.   It would be really lovely to see you.  See last week’s flyer.   Tickets (£8) from 07572 786416 or at the door.

Saturday 20 April   Iuventus String Quartet with Haydn “Sunrise” Quartet, Shostakovich String Quartet no. 8 opus 110 and Schubert “Death & The Maiden”, 6pm, Port Regis.   (The first of three concerts to mark the relaunch of the Shaftesbury Chamber Music Series.)   Future concerts on Saturday 15th June Saturday 21st September.  Tickets from: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/t-dvoazqo 

Sunday 21 April  All Trees are Clocks.  Karen and friends.  Dorchester.  See last week’s flyer

Saturday 27 April  Cello Recital – St Mary’s Church Compton Abbas.  6.00 p.m.  See attached flyer.

Friday 10 May  Bird Tunes.  Sandford Orcas.  See last week’s flyer

Thursday 16 May Fish and Chips quiz night in aid of the hospital Friends.  7.30  British Legion Hall, Coppice Street.    Have a word if you are interested in forming or being part of a team.


I am hopeful some of you might be interested in signing this petition which draws attention to the dire state of funding for school music – something that is very close to my heart.



If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


13 April 2024

6 APRIL 2024

What a marvelous turn-out on Wednesday.  Nine tenors and eight basses too!  That must be a bit of a record. Special thanks to those of you who have expressed an interest in forming a team for the hospital quiz night on 16 May.  Let me know if there are any more of you out there and I’ll let you have the details!


This coming week we will continue work on Java Jive and In My Life and make a start on Funiculi Funicula (held over for a couple of weeks now).  We will also begin to put together a “pad” of around twenty pieces from which we will select songs for our various performances this summer.   Karen and I are open to further suggestions of course but we will be making a start with I am a River, Banaha, Wake Up and Banana Boat Song.  Words for these last three are attached, others, where needed, have all been attached in recent weeks. 


Sunday 5 May  Music for the Food “Feastival”  11.00 for 11.15

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30 (TBD)


TODAY Saturday 6 April  Milborne Port Opera “The Drowsy Chaperone".   Details at: https://thelittleboxoffice.com/mpo/event/view/196334


Hambledon Hopstep Band Ceildidh.  (Shaftesbury Town Twinning event)  7.00 p.m.  Motcombe Village Hall.  See earlier flyer.

Saturday 13 April  All in the April Evening.  Gillingham Singers.  7.00 p.m. Motcombe Church.  Lots of familiar faces in this choir too so do give them (us!) your support.   See last week’s flyer.   Tickets (£8) from 07572 786416.

Saturday 20 April   Iuventus String Quartet with Haydn “Sunrise” Quartet, Shostakovich String Quartet no. 8 opus 110 and Schubert “Death & The Maiden”, 6pm, Port Regis.   (The first of three concerts to mark the relaunch of the Shaftesbury Chamber Music Series.)   Future concerts on Saturday 15th June and Saturday 21st September.  Tickets from: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/t-dvoazqo 

Sunday 21 April  All Trees are Clocks.  Karen and friends.  Dorchester.  See attached flyer

Friday 10 May  Bird Tunes.  Sandford Orcas.  See attached flyer

Thursday 16 May Fish and Chips quiz night in aid of the hospital Friends.  7.30  British Legion Hall, Coppice Street.    Maybe we could field a team???   More details later.



I am hopeful some of you might be interested in signing this petition which draws attention to the dire state of funding for school music – something that is very close to my heart.



If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


6 April 2024

16 MARCH 2024

Another great turn out on Wednesday and some equally great singing too.  The Shaftesbury Anthem and Go Placidly are sounding very confident and we should be able to give a fine rendition of both NEXT Saturday (23rd).  (Keep up the sirening to exercise those vocal chords.)   Thanks to Kathy (soprano) for recording One and Twenty for us; I have sent a copy to Tony’s son Richard and it is already on our choir website.   Thanks too to Freda for the little piece on Roseberry Topping (see attachment).  This coming week we will run through the Shaftesbury Anthem and Go Placidly once more for good measure, work on Throw it away (held over for a couple of weeks now) together with Ezulwini, Hold On, Funiculi Funicula, Lili Marlene, + Oak of Old and Let the Sunshine as warm-ups.   Words where needed attached. 


This is on Monday (18th) at 2.00 p.m. at St Peter’s.  Bright colours requested.


Saturday 23 March   Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey  12 o’clock.   We will be singing  Shaftesbury Anthem and Go Placidly.  Normal dress code (shades of red [no patterns] above waist, dark or black beneath).

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

OTHER COMING EVENTS – lots happening today and tomorrow.

TODAY and Sunday 17 March  Reading the Land.  Shaftesbury Book Festival.  There are a few tickets still available.  There are also FREE family events over the weekend.



Saturday 16 March FOR THE LOVE OF SONG in Witchampton Village Hall.  10.30am – 4.30pm; Cost: £30.  NOTE THE CHANGE OF VENUE.  Email: info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097   https://www.naturalvoice.net/event/for-the-love-of-song-cranborne/


Pilgrim Singers Training Day.  10.00 – 2.00 Wincanton Methodist Church.  £25.  A very friendly local choir. 

Sunday 17 March  Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra  4.00 pm St James Church  FREE   See last week’s poster

Thurs 21 – Sat 23 March  “Allo Allo”  Mere Amateur Dramatic Society.  See earlier flyer

Saturday 6 April  Hambledon Hopstep Band Ceildidh.  7.00 p.m.  Motcombe Village Hall.  See earlier flyer.

Saturday 13 April  All in the April Evening.  Gillingham Singers.  7.00 p.m. Motcombe Church.  Lots of familiar faces in the choir so do give them (us!) your support.  Tickets (£8) from 07572 786416.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


16 March 2024

9 MARCH 2024

Another great turn out on Wednesday and really lovely to see Julia back too after her trip to the Emerald Isle.   Welcome home. The Shaftesbury Anthem and Go Placidly are already sounding really good and Call of Wisdom is just about finished too while Ghafoor’s Bus was sung is a particularly spirited way I thought.  This coming week we will continue to polish the Shaftesbury Anthem and Go Placidly, work on Throw it away (held over from last time) and with luck finish Call of Wisdom along with When I was one and twenty (only briefly looked at) Jug of Punch (held over from last time) + Viva la musica, We Got All the Love and Balanced is the Way as warm-ups.   Words where needed have all been attached recently. 


Saturday 23 March   Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey  12 o’clock.   We will be singing  Shaftesbury Anthem and Go Placidly

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30


TODAY Sat 9 – Sun 10 March   An opportunity to learn about how to cook Ukrainian food in workshops being held in collaboration with Compton McRae near Semley. All the info is here: https://www.shaftesburyrefugeegroup.org/events


Rolling Harmony workshop and concert.  (Take it from me they are a really first rate bunch of singers.)   7.30 p.m. Holy Trinity Church Bradford on Avon.  See attached flyer.

Fri 15 – Sun 17 March  Reading the Land.  Shaftesbury Book Festival.  There are a few tickets still available and all the info is here: https://www.shaftesburybookfestival.com/reading-the-land-2024  and on the attached flyer. There are also free events for families over the weekend.

Saturday 16 March FOR THE LOVE OF SONG in Cranborne  led by the wonderful Sarah Pennington.  Village Hall, Cranborne, BH21 5QB; 10.30am – 4.30pm; Cost: £30 on the day / £25 if booked and paid by 9th March.   Email: info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097   https://www.naturalvoice.net/event/for-the-love-of-song-cranborne/


Pilgrim Singers Training Day.  10.00 – 2.00 Wincanton Methodist Church.  £25.  A very friendly local choir.  Let me know if you would like more details.

Sunday 17 March  Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra  4.00 pm St James Church  FREE   See attached poster

Thurs 21 – Sat 23 March  “Allo Allo”  Mere Amateur dramatic Society.  See attached flyer

Saturday 6 April  Hambledon Hopstep Band Ceildidh.  7.00 p.m.  Motcombe Village Hall.  See earlier flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


9 March 2024

2 MARCH 2024

Another great turn out on Wednesday and really lovely to see a few old friends there too.  Say, Say Yes sounded particularly spirited and was a very fitting tribute to Tony.  FYI, his funeral will be at St Peter’s at 2.00 p.m. on Monday 18th March. At the time of writing Karen and I have not decided what to sing alongside the Shaftesbury Anthem for the opening of the abbey later this month (i.e. Every time I feel the spirit, Up above my head, My little cup, Kyrie or Go Placidly).  We will let you know on Wednesday.  This coming week we will continue to polish the Shaftesbury Anthem and Throw it away and with luck finish Call of Wisdom (held over from last time) as well, along with Jug of Punch, When I was one and twenty and Ghafoor’s Bus + Simama and Yenamanoa as warm-ups.   Words where needed attached.  Others have all been attached recently. 


Saturday 23 March   Opening of Shaftesbury Abbey  12 o’clock.

Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30


TODAY Saturday 2 March  Quiz Night + Syrian Buffet.  Motcombe Memorial Hall.  (See earlier flyer)

Friday 8 March BSO Quintet.  7.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  A real coup!  See attached flyer.

Sat 9 – Sun 10 March   An opportunity to learn about how to cook Ukrainian food in workshops being held in collaboration with Compton McRae near Semley. All the info is here: https://www.shaftesburyrefugeegroup.org/events

Fri 15 – Sun 17 March  Reading the Land.  Shaftesbury Book Festival.  There are a few tickets still available and all the info is here: https://www.shaftesburybookfestival.com/reading-the-land-2024  and on the attached flyer. There are also free events for families over the weekend.

Saturday 16 March FOR THE LOVE OF SONG in Cranborne  led by the wonderful Sarah Pennington.  Village Hall, Cranborne, BH21 5QB; 10.30am – 4.30pm; Cost: £30 on the day / £25 if booked and paid by 9th March.   Email: info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097   https://www.naturalvoice.net/event/for-the-love-of-song-cranborne/

Sunday 17 March  Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra  4.00 pm St James Church  FREE   See attached poster

Saturday 6 April  Hambledon Hopstep Band Ceildidh.  7.00 p.m.  Motcombe Village Hall.  See earlier flyer.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of the session/s paid for.


2 March 2024