18 MAY 2024

Excellent singing on Wednesday and a lot of good work done.  We are making good progress with Lifting As we Climb, Funiculi Funicula and Banana Boat Song all of which we will be continuing next time along with Moma don’t allow (held over from last time) Go Placidly and Simama once more.  (I am thinking we might add Simama and Heart to Heart to our summer pad* as they are such fun to sing too.)


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30. (The organisers will leave the gazebo from the Fringe up for shade and will serve ices and drink to supplement people’s picnics.)

(* To remind you, songs will be selected from our summer pad i.e. Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch;  Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb + Simama and Heart to Heart)


TODAY Saturday 18 May  Behold Ye Ramblers a new musical production about the Clarion Movement and the Right To Roam – 8.00 p.m.  Lighthouse Poole   Quite a few choir members are appearing in this show so do come and support us if you can.     https://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk/event/behold-ye-ramblers/ 

BOX OFFICE: 01202 280000

Sunday 9 June  Serenata Guitar Trio.  St James Church.  3.00 p.m.  FREE  See attached flyer.

Friday 14 June  Caroline d’Cruz and Tracy Kennington.  St Andrew’s Church, Fontmell Magna.  12.15  FREE + retiring collection.  See attached flyer for details of this and future events.


Apologies to all those who set out for a good evening last Thursday, but as  those of us who were in Shaftesbury at the time know, the power was on and off all evening.  Elizabeth writes:  “We were all set up for last night’s quiz when the lights went out and halted us in our tracks.  We understood that power might not be restored  until 11.00pm so we felt there was no option but to postpone the event as there would be no Fish&Chips even if we could get light.”

The revised date is Thursday 13 June.


Although Sue (alto) will be away for a few weeks, the foodbank collections will continue to operate as near to normal as possible.  Thanks to all those who support this very sad necessity.


If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


18 May 2024