11 MAY 2024

There was a really great turn out for the Food Festival last weekend and our efforts were much appreciated by both the abbey volunteers and our audience, who stayed the course despite the pretty terrible weather.  Monica (alto) suggested we should rename ourselves the “Shaftesbury All-weather Choir”. A photo is attached – thanks Estrella (alto) - and Julia has uploaded a few more on our website https://www.shaftesburycommunitychoir.org/  

Excellent singing last Wednesday as well.  Home, Java Jive, In My Life and Say, Say Yes are now sounding very secure, and we are making good progress with Moma don’t allow and Lifting As we Climb. This coming week we’ll continue with these last two together with Funiculi Funicula and Banana Boat Song (both held over from last time) + Tongo and Viva la Musica  as a warm-up.  All words (where needed) have been attached in recent weeks.


Sunday 28 July  Concert in Abbey Gardens. (Shaftesbury Fringe)  11.15 for 11.30

Wednesday 31 July  Supper and Song – in aid of Shaftesbury Hospital – Abbey.  6.30 (TBD)

(To remind you, songs will be selected from our summer pad i.e. Banaha; Bela Mama; Lili Marlene, Ghafoor’s Bus; Hamba Nighale; I am a River; Jug of Punch;  Vive la Compagnie; Home; When I was One and Twenty; Wake Up, Viva la Musica, Funiculi Funicula, Java Jive, In My Life, Go Placidly, Blue Moon, Say Say Yes, Five Hundred Miles, Banana Boat Song, Moma don’t allow, Lifting As we Climb)




TODAY Saturday 11 May  Bruton Choral Society spring concert.  See last week’s flyer. 

TOMORROW Sunday 12 May   Coracle at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  (Karen and friends) See last week’s flyer. 7.00 p.m.

Thursday 16 May Fish and Chips quiz night in aid of the hospital Friends.  7.30  British Legion Hall, Coppice Street.    It’s great that we’re fielding a team and that quite a few other choir members are taking part as well.

Friday 18 May  Behold Ye Ramblers a new musical production about the Clarion Movement and the Right To Roam – 8.00 p.m.  Lighthouse Poole   Quite a few choir members are appearing in this show so do come and support us.  BOX OFFICE: 01202 280000   https://www.lighthousepoole.co.uk/event/behold-ye-ramblers/


Many, many congratulations to Vanessa (soprano) who completed her 100 km night bike ride across London last weekend to raise research money for those women living with cancer and those lost to it to celebrate their bravery.  If you would like to learn more or to contribute to the money that she is raising please click on the link below:



If any choir members would prefer to pay their subs online, our bank details are:

Shaftesbury Community Choir

Account no. 23158960    Sort code: 30-65-21

Payments can be made for individual sessions or block payments of several weeks but payments should be made before the session and please indicate the date of session/s paid for.


11 May 2024