19 NOVEMBER 2022

Another good turn-out last Wednesday – marvelous. This coming week, we’ll be meeting in St. Peter’s (next door to the Town Hall) but still at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00 - the Town Hall has the electricians in all day.  It’s likely to be a bit chilly in there so bring whatever you need to keep your body temperature up! As you know, we have three Christmas events planned as well as our party (see “Coming Events” below) so do please make every effort to turn up ready for a good sing.  This Wednesday we plan to complete Carol of the Bells, [see STOP PRESS below] continue Christmas is Coming + The Cherry Tree Carol, learn Ding Dong, have a quick polish of Hosanna, Come tune your cheerful voice and Fais Dodo, and sing a couple more standard carols too of course.  As ever, something for everyone we hope.  There are no words for Hosanna while words for the others have been attached in recent weeks. Although we will have some sets of words with us, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.   



Sunday 4 December  Singing in Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens.  2.30 – 3.15 

Saturday 10 December Singing outside Town Hall  2.30 – 3.15 

Sunday 18 December Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Wednesday 21 December  Choir Christmas Party 


Saturday 22 April Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Afternoon.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 

Saturday 1 July  Gold Hill Fair 


Sunday 20 November  Afternoon concert with Wessex Strings.  3.00 p.m. Cheap Street Church, Sherborne.  See earlier flier. 

Thursday 24 November Recital given by Tim Blinko at St Peter’s.   Sandwiches and coffee for £10 (or £9 for SAC members if booked in advance).  Tim is a composer of film music and will explain its process and advantages. He will also create piano works with audience participation.  Saturday 3 December  A Christmas Carol – music, poetry and prose for the festive season.  3.00 p.m. St James’ Church. The one-hour concert in aid of Read Easy will consist of Christmas music on the organ, trumpet, recorder, carols and readings.  There will be a collection on leaving.  See attached flyer. 

Sunday 4 December  Light up the World.  Pilgrim Singers in Wincanton. 6.30 p.m.  See attached flier. 

Sunday 11 December  Shaftesbury Orchestra at St James Church.  3.00 pm  See earlier flier. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing! 


Are you able to join in?  The organisers are looking for more people to take part in their Nativity play on Sunday 18th December at 1pm in the market square. 

If you would like to take part, please contact Sam on sam@samskey.co.uk  

Home: 01747 853273 Mob: 07815 095 524   


19, November 2022  


This link comes from Katie (alto).  The conductor is the father their Ukrainian guest Halyna, conducting his choir in the university where he was working until he retired last year. 



Good to see a few new faces last night and a few old faces too of course. Welcome back. This coming week, we’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00. The heating has now been reset so it should be warmer too. We plan to continue Carol of the Bells + The Cherry Tree Carol, sing a few standard carols, work on our new warm-up - Cry Heart together with our usual Christmas warm-up song Hosanna, and have a look at Come tune your cheerful voice, Fais Dodo, and Christmas is Coming.  As ever, something for everyone we hope.  There are no words for the warm-ups, words for the last three carols are attached, while those for the other two were attached last week. Although we will have some sets of words with us, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can. 



Sunday 4 December  Singing in Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens.  Afternoon.  More details later. 

Sunday 18 December Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Saturday 22 April 2023 Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Afternoon.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 

Saturday 1 July  Gold Hill Fair 


TODAY Saturday 5 November.  Heart of the Matter.  5.00 p.m. and  7.00 p.m. St. Mary’s Sturminster Newton.  Karen and co in an inspiring double bill of new chamber works.  See attached flyer. 

Monday 7 November Salisbury Cathedral Choir, St Mary’s, Sturminster Newton  7.30 

Saturday 12 November  An evening with Tony Hawkins, family and friends.  7.00 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  FREE!  See attached flyer 

Sunday 13 November   Gillingham Methodist Church’s final organ concert for 2022 features Geoffrey Morgan from Christchurch Priory.  Sadly, this may well be the last series of concerts at Music at GMC since the church may be forced to close in 2023.  Sad news indeed.  The concert is at 3.00 p.m. and  is FREE!! 

Sunday 20 November  Afternoon concert with Wessex Strings.  Cheap Street Church, Sherborne.  See last week’s flier. 

Sunday 11 December  Shaftesbury Orchestra at St James Church.  3.00 pm  See attached flier. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing! 

CHRISTMAS WREATH WORKSHOP at The English Florist, Stalbridge, DT10 2SG 

Learn how to make a beautiful fresh foliage Christmas wreath for your front door. 

£52.95 per person, including step by step tuition and all the equipment and materials you will need to complete a wreath to take home. Complimentary tea, coffee, festive mince pies and cake are provided. Free parking on site. Details from: www.theenglishflorist.co.uk/floristryandcraftworkshopsdorset 


29 OCTOBER 2022

Lovely singing the other night – The Red Kalyna sounded particularly beautiful I thought – thankyou Halyna.  This coming week, we’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00.   We plan to polish Chattanooga, Campfire Song and The Red Kalyna, sing Go Placidly (held over from last time) and have a look at Carol of the Bells + The Cherry Tree Carol along with a couple of warm-ups - Cry Heart (a new one) and Viva la Musica.  As ever, something for everyone we hope.  There are no words for the warm-ups, words for the two carols are attached, while the others have all been attached over the last couple of weeks. Although we will have some sets of words with us, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.  


Sunday 4 December  Singing in Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens.  Afternoon.  More details later. 

Sunday 18 December Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Saturday 22 April 2023 Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Afternoon.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 

Saturday 1 July  Gold Hill Fair  


TOMORROW Sunday 30 October  Gillingham Methodist Church Autumn Organ Concert #4: Lyndon Ford: 3pm   No tickets are required and admission is free, but a retiring collection will be taken. 

Thursday 3 November   Rosemary Tuck, playing lots of lovely romantic piano music Chopin, Ravel and Liszt. 1pm at St Peter’s (free sandwich and coffee, just £10 or £9 for members booked in advance). 

Monday 7 November Salisbury Cathedral Choir, St Mary’s, Sturminster Newton  7.30 

Sunday 13 November   GMC’s final organ concert for 2022 features Geoffrey Morgan from Christchurch Priory.  Sadly, this may well be the last series of concerts at Music at GMC since the church may be forced to close in 2023.  Sad news indeed. 

Sunday 20 November  Afternoon concert with Wessex Strings.  Cheap Street Church, Sherborne.  See attached flier. 

Sunday 11 December  Shaftesbury Orchestra at St James Church.  3.00 pm  See earlier flier. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing! 

CHRISTMAS WREATH WORKSHOP at The English Florist, Stalbridge, DT10 2SG 

Learn how to make a beautiful fresh foliage Christmas wreath for your front door. 

£52.95 per person, including step by step tuition and all the equipment and materials you will need to complete a wreath to take home. Complimentary tea, coffee, festive mince pies and cake are provided. Free parking on site. Details from: www.theenglishflorist.co.uk/floristryandcraftworkshopsdorset 


22 OCTOBER 2022

This coming week, we’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00.   We plan to continue Chattanooga and Campfire Song, polish The Long and Winding Road and Go Placidly and have a look at To Walk Along This Shore, As I went down in the River to Pray and The Red Kalyna.  As ever, something for everyone we hope.  There are no words for “Walk” while the others have all been attached over the last couple of weeks. Although we will have some sets of words with us, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can. 


Sunday 4 December  Singing in Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens.  Afternoon.  More details later. 

Sunday 18 December Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Saturday 22 April 2023 Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Afternoon.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 


LAST NIGHT Saturday 22 October  The Flint Street Nativity.  (Adult comedy!!)  Shaftesbury Arts Centre. See earlier flier. 

Sunday 30 October  Gillingham Methodist Church Autumn Organ Concert #4: Lyndon Ford: 3pm   No tickets are required and admission is free, but a retiring collection will be taken. 

Thursday 3 November   Rosemary Tuck, playing lots of lovely romantic piano music Chopin, Ravel and Liszt. 1pm at St Peter’s (free sandwich and coffee, just £10 or £9 for members booked in advance). 

Monday 7 November Salisbury Cathedral Choir, St Mary’s, Sturminster Newton  7.30 

Sunday 13 November   GMC’s final organ concert for 2022 features Geoffrey Morgan from Christchurch Priory.  Sadly, this may well be the last series of concerts at Music at GMC since the church may be forced to close in 2023.  Sad news indeed. 

Sunday 11 December  Shaftesbury Orchestra at St James Church.  3.00 pm  See earlier flier. 


One of our former choir members is very keen to rejoin us.  She lives in St James and has some mobility issues.  If you feel you can offer a lift to the Town Hall and back please on a Wednesday evening let me know either by e-mail or next time we meet. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing! 

CHRISTMAS WREATH WORKSHOP at The English Florist, Stalbridge, DT10 2SG 

Learn how to make a beautiful fresh foliage Christmas wreath for your front door. 

£52.95 per person, including step by step tuition and all the equipment and materials you will need to complete a wreath to take home. Complimentary tea, coffee, festive mince pies and cake are provided. Free parking on site. Details from: www.theenglishflorist.co.uk/floristryandcraftworkshopsdorset 


15 OCTOBER 2022

Another jolly session on Wednesday I thought – it’s really good to see numbers creeping up again.   Based on last week’s show of hands we have arranged to sing at the Abbey on the afternoon on Sunday 4 December.  More details later but please put this date in your diary now.  This coming week, we’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00.  

Next time we plan to continue The Long and Winding Road and Campfire Song and have a look at Go Placidly (held over from last time) along with Bach Minuet, As I went down in the River to Pray, Chatanooga and Kalyna.  As ever, something for everyone I hope.  Words for the last three are attached, there are no words for the Bach and the others have been attached over the last couple of weeks. Although we will have some sets of words with us, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can. 


Sunday 4 December  Singing in Shaftesbury Abbey Gardens.  Afternoon.  More details later. 

Sunday 18 December Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Saturday 22 April 2023 Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Afternoon.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 


TODAY Sat 15 – Sun 16 October  Come and Sing Purcell.  Wardour.  See earlier flyer. 

Wed 19 – Sat 22 October  The Flint Street Nativity.  (Adult comedy!!)  Shaftesbury Arts Centre. See earlier flyer. 

Monday 7 November Salisbury Cathedral Choir at St Mary’s Sturminster Newton  7.30 

Sunday 11 December  Shaftesbury Orchestra at St James Church.  3.00 pm  See attached flier. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing! 


Being west of the great divide (i.e. Henstridge traffic lights), Milborne Port Opera are desperately short of men for their spring production – Yeomen of the Guard.  They are a very friendly group and really would welcome you with open arms.  They rehearse on Thursday evenings.  Let me know if you’d like contact details.  

CHRISTMAS WREATH WORKSHOP at The English Florist, Stalbridge, DT10 2SG 

Learn how to make a beautiful fresh foliage Christmas wreath for your front door. 

£52.95 per person, including step by step tuition and all the equipment and materials you will need to complete a wreath to take home. Complimentary tea, coffee, festive mince pies and cake are provided. Free parking on site. Details from: www.theenglishflorist.co.uk/floristryandcraftworkshopsdorset 


8 OCTOBER 2022

A particularly jolly session on Wednesday I thought, with three birthdays to celebrate, cards to sign, cakes from Kim (tenor), one or two new members and a visit from four young men from Shaftesbury School two of whom stayed for our opening song (Ya Azim) and really quite enjoyed themselves!  I wonder whether they will be with us again this week?  We missed Jerome (tenor) of course and wish him a very speedy recovery.  (For those of you who don’t know, he was knocked off his bike last week.)  This coming week, we’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00.  

Next time we plan to polish Travellers’ Blessing (held over from last time), continue The Long and Winding Road and Campfire Song together with Wake Up and Go Placidly + a couple of warm-ups.  As ever, something for everyone I hope.  Words for all of these have been attached over the last couple of weeks. Although we will have some sets of words with us, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can. 


Sunday 18 December Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Saturday 22 April 2023 Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Afternoon.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 


TODAY Saturday 8th October FOR THE LOVE OF SONGCranborne Village Hall, BH21 5QB.  10.30am – 4.30pm.   Email: info@joyousisle.com  Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097.  Led by Sarah Pennington (of Sarah and Gilo fame).  BACS payment via Joyous Isle website 

Sunday 9 October  Bach Cantatas at Sturminster Newton High School.  Choir and full orchestra.  4.30.  FREE 

Sat 15 – Sun 16 October  Come and Sing Purcell.  Wardour.  See earlier flyer. 

Wed 19 – Sat 22 October  The Flint Street Nativity.  (Adult comedy!!)  Shaftesbury Arts Centre. See earlier flyer. 

Monday 7 November Salisbury Cathedral Choir at St Mary’s Sturminster Newton  7.30 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing! 



Linda (alto) has been trying to contact friends of her friend Bryan to let them know about his illness. She knows he has a friend Julia who lives in Shaftesbury, probably in one of the housing estates north of Tesco's, but doesn't know her surname or any contact details.  She does have a husband, Stan, who has Parkinson's disease and used to run a Watch (Junior wildlife) group in Somerset.   Do you know who Linda is talking about?  If you do, can you contact her direct or let me know and I’ll forward on the info to her.  Many thanks 


Being west of the great divide (i.e. Henstridge traffic lights), Milborne Port Opera are desperately short of men for their spring production – Yeomen of the Guard.  They are a very friendly group and really would welcome you with open arms.  They rehearse on Thursday evenings.  Let me know if you’d like contact details.  

CHRISTMAS WREATH WORKSHOP at The English Florist, Stalbridge, DT10 2SG 

Learn how to make a beautiful fresh foliage Christmas wreath for your front door. 

£52.95 per person, including step by step tuition and all the equipment and materials you will need to complete a wreath to take home. Complimentary tea, coffee, festive mince pies and cake are provided. Free parking on site. Details from: www.theenglishflorist.co.uk/floristryandcraftworkshopsdorset 



I hope you are enjoying this lovely sunny morning and that those of our number who are in Palida and who singing with Karen in France had a safe journey. The Festival of 1001 Vegetables sounds great fun.  Numbers were down a bit again on Wednesday but we had a good sing nonetheless.  This coming week, we’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00.  

Next time we plan to polish Every Time I Feel the Spirit and Travellers’ Blessing (held over from last time), continue Forever Young and have a look at Campfire Song and The Long and Winding Road together with Ya Azim and I open my arms wide as warm-ups.  As ever, something for everyone I hope.  You won’t need words for the warm-ups, Campfire Song and Winding Road are attached while the words of the others have been attached recently. Although we will have some sets of words with us, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    


Sunday 18 December Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Saturday 22 April 2023 Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 


TODAY  Saturday 24 September  ‘Sing like a Nun — for Fun!’ exploring plainchant and polyphony. £12.50 (or £11.50 Members of SAC). Booking essential via the Shaftesbury Arts Centre.   

NEXT WEEKEND Saturday 1 October  Choral Day Stainer’s Crucifixion and The Daughter of Jairus.  St James’ Church.  (See attached flyer – there’s still time to book your place) 

Sunday 2 October  Organ recital at Gillingham Methodist Church given by David Bednall (Bristol Cathedral).  3.00 p.m. 

Saturday 8th October FOR THE LOVE OF SONGCranborne Village Hall, BH21 5QB.  10.30am – 4.30pm.  £25 on the day / £20 if booked and paid by 1st October   Email: info@joyousisle.com  Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097.  Led by Sarah Pennington (of Sarah and Gilo fame).  BACS payment via Joyous Isle website.  (I’m going myself and may well be able to offer you a lift if you’d like to go.)
Sat 15 – Sun 16 October 
Come and Sing Purcell.  Wardour.  See earlier flyer. 

Wed 19 – Sat 22 October  The Flint Street Nativity.  (Adult comedy!!)  Shaftesbury Arts Centre. See attached flyer. 

Monday 7 November Salisbury Cathedral Choir at St Mary’s Sturminster Newton  7.30 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing! 


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.   


Listen to Alfred Arts with Jeanette Hardiman.  Listen on demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/226162 (fast forward 8.30 seconds). 

 -Jeanette chats with Lindsay Buck who talks about her business, Slumbermonkey and explains some of the more unusual materials she’s used. 

 -Artist Cali Norton reveals her love of painting and her passion for calligraphy and hidden symbols.  

 -Anya Noakes chats  about her recent work on the Dave comedy awards at Edinburgh Fringe. 



A good turn-out on Wednesday despite the atrocious weather and another good sing too.  This coming week we’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00.  

Next time we plan to polish For Once in my Life and Travellers’ Blessing, continue Every Time I Feel the Spirit and look at Forever Young, Little Bit of Love and John Ball together with Balanced be the Way and Yenamanoa as warm-ups.  As ever, something for everyone I hope.  You won’t need words for Balanced or Yenamanoa, Forever Young, Little Bit of Love and John Ball are attached while the words of the others have all been attached recently. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    


Sunday 18 December Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Saturday 22 April 2023 Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 


Saturday 17 September 'Everywhere is somewhere'  Writing the land, with Stephen Boyce  Fee £10 including tea/coffee.   Meet at the Friends Meeting House, Abbey Walk, Shaftesbury at 9.45am. Discussion/coffee. Depart for walk at 10.30, return to FMH around midday and finish at about 1.00pm.   See last week’s flyer. 

Sunday 18  September  The second of the wonderful autumn organ concerts at Gillingham Methodist Church. (Other concerts on 18 2, 16 and 30 October) 

Monday 19 September  Salisbury Cathedral Choir at St Mary’s Sturminster Newton.  7.00  See last week’s flyer. 

Tuesday 20 September.  Twelfth Night at Springhead. 6.30 p.m.  See last week’s flyer. 

Saturday 24 September  ‘Sing like a Nun — for Fun!’ exploring plainchant and polyphony. £12.50 (or £11.50 Members of SAC). Booking essential via the Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See last week’s flyer 

Saturday 1 October  Choral Day Stainer’s Crucifixion and The Daughter of Jairus.  St James’ Church.  (See earlier flyer) 

Sat 15 – Sun 16 October  Come and Sing Purcell.  Wardour.  See earlier flyer. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing – it was a bit thin on Wednesday again!  


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.    


Japanese courses are available on Monday and Thursday evenings at Bath College under the expert tuition of Yuko (soprano)   https://www.bathcollege.ac.uk/course/search?q=Japanese 


Listen to Alfred Arts on 107.3FM with Jeanette Hardiman.  Check out the schedule at https://thisisalfred.com/schedule or listen on demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/219872 (fast forward 3 mins). 

-Rachel Raine talks about her fabulous silver creations and her strict use of sustainable materials 

-Singer Annmarie Lees chats reveals how the music of Stephen Sondheim and many of her musical friends have been part of her life for many years 

-Photographer David Joy talks about leaving a successful career to follow his creative dreams 


20 AUGUST 2022

Congratulations to those of you who hot footed from the G&S Show to round off their day with a good sing.    This coming week we’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at around 9.00.  Although we didn’t manage it last week, if the weather is good, we might just sing outside again.   It might be worth bringing a jumper just in case.   

Next time we plan to polish Can’t buy me love and look at Travellers’ Blessing (both held over from last time), complete The Red Kalyna and have a look at I Wish I Knew How, Walk a Mile in My Shoes and Every Time I Feel the Spirit together with Come and Sing and We Got All the Love as warm-ups.  As ever, something for everyone I hope.  Words of Every Time and I Wish are attached, the others have either been attached recently or you won’t need them. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.     


Sunday 18 December! Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).   

Saturday 22 April 2023 Celebration of the life of Steven Ridout.  Charlton Hall 

Saturday 10 June  Motcombe Fete 




Sunday 4 September  The first of the wonderful autumn organ concerts at Gillingham Methodist Church.  See last week’s flyer.  (Other concerts on 18 September, 2, 16 and 30 October)  

Saturday 24 September  ‘Sing like a Nun — for Fun!’ exploring plainchant and polyphony. Royal School of Church Music tutor David Beeby will conduct a workshop at St Peter’s Church.  No music knowledge needed, just a willingness to join in and discover the earliest development of western music.  £12.50 (or £11.50 Members of SAC). Booking essential via the Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  

Saturday 1 October  Choral Day Stainer’s Crucifixion and The Daughter of Jairus.  St James’ Church.  (See corrected flyer, attached. 

Sat 15 – Sun 16 October  Come and Sing Purcell.  Wardour.  See earlier flyer. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing.   


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.   


Listen to Alfred Arts on 107.3FM with Jeanette Hardiman.  Visit https://thisisalfred.com/schedule for a list of show times for the week 15 August or listen on demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/210737 (fast forward 2 minutes). 

-Strolling photographer Philip Galvan tells Jeanette more about his career and his travels.  And he has a number of useful tips for aspiring photographers. 

-Anya Noakes tells Jeanette all about her artist father Michael Noakes who painted many famous personalities and was a royal favourite. 

-Dancer Erica Phillips chats about her love of tap dancing and reveals the many benefits it offers for all ages 


13 AUGUST 2022

A good sing last Wednesday and great fun to perform “I’m Alive” outdoors to our small but hugely appreciative audience.  Lovely to make a start on The Red Kalyna too.  Thankyou Halyna for introducing it to us; I for one am looking forward to the next bit this coming week.   

We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00 so, if you are off to the G&S show, make sure you save enough strength to round off your day in song.  If the weather is good, we might sing outside again.   It might be worth bringing a jumper just in case.   

Next time we plan to polish Can’t buy me love (a bit rushed last time I think), continue The Red Kalyna and Mravalzemia (held over from last time) and have a look at One heart Beating, One Man’s Hands, Traveller’s Blessing  and Up Above My Head.  As ever, something for everyone I hope.  Words of the last four are attached, the others have either been attached recently or you won’t need them. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    


Sunday 18 December! Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).  Nothing like being booked early. 

Saturday 10 June 2023!!  Motcombe Fete 



until Tuesday 16 August  Exhibition at Shaftesbury Arts Centre with work by Anne Louise Richards, whom many of you know, and others. 

Saturday 24 August  Growing Pains – Project Dance FREE (see last week’s newsletter) 

Sunday 4 September  The first of the wonderful autumn organ concerts at Gillingham Methodist Church.  See attached flyer.  (Other concerts on 18 September, 2, 16 and 30 October)  

Saturday 24 September  Early history of music, plainchant to polyphony (afternoon course).  St Peter’s Church.  More details later. 

Saturday 1 October  Choral Day Stainer’s Crucifixion and The Daughter of Jairus.  St James’ Church.  See attached flyer and note below. 

Sat 15 – Sun 16 October  Come and Sing Purcell. Wardour.  See last week’s flier. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing.   


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.   


Listen to Alfred Arts on 107.3FM with Jeanette Hardiman.  Visit https://thisisalfred.com/schedule for a list of show times for the week 8 August or listen on demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/207726 (fast forward 4 minutes). 

-Artist Karren Burkett gives some useful hints and tips on preparing for an exhibition and remembers some of her more interesting past sales. 

-Grace Macdonald shares the excitement of being a drama student and talks about managing to keep focused on her future success. 

 -Photographer Philip Galvan shares a multitude of memories from his travels including many of the important life lessons he’s picked up along the way. 


13, August 2022  


I am organizing this workshop to which members of the choir are cordially invited and Andrea has produced a wonderful flyer to advertise the event (attached).  I have identified most of the singers pictured to ask their permission but there remain three mystery faces.  My apologies if your image is being used without permission.  I did try! 

7 AUGUST 2022

We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall this coming week at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00.  If the weather is good, we might take our chairs outside – we’ve not managed it yet but who knows?  It might be worth bringing a jumper just in case.   

We plan to polish Can’t buy me love, I’m Alive as well as Dowdizenia (held over from last time), recap the first bit of Alleluia, Amen, continue Mravalzemia and have a look at Walk in Beauty and Sunshine Fire and Rain.   As an added bonus, Halyna (alto) will also begin teaching us the Ukrainian song The Red Kalyna (words attached)  Words of the others have either been attached recently or you won’t need them. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    


Sunday 18 December! Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).  Nothing like being booked early. 

Saturday 10 June 2023!!  Motcombe Fete 


Wednesday 10 August  Open Gardens at Springhead. See attached flyer. 

Saturday 24 August  Growing Pains – Project Dance FREE (see below) 

Saturday 24 September  Early history of music, plainchant to polyphony (afternoon course).  St Peter’s Church.  More details later. 

Saturday 1 October  Choral Day Stainer’s Crucifixion and The Daughter of Jairus.  St James’ Church.  More details later. 

Sat 15 – Sun 16 October  Come and Sing Purcell.  Wardour.  See attached flier. 


Julia writes: On Saturday 27 August there is a dance show at Sturminster Exchange which is offering FREE tickets to anyone who goes to the community choir and their friends/family. It is called Project Dance and is at 2.30 pm with performances. Information about the show is here: GROWING PAINS - Project Dance.  Some people may have seen them at The Fringe where they performed at Shaftesbury Arts Centre and were well reviewed. They're made up of 13 - 21 year olds who are training to go into dance professionally. 

If you'd like to go could you let me know and how many tickets you'd like asap? The person who called me from the company said they have plenty and are keen to give community groups like ours the chance to come along so it sounds like an opportunity worth grabbing. There'll be a variety of styles (ballet/jazz/modern/street dance etc) - they're trying to widen the appeal of dance so you can be a seasoned spectator or a newbie to this world and you should enjoy it!    

Look forward to hearing from anyone who's keen. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing.   


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.   


Listen to Alfred Arts on 107.3FM with Jeanette Hardiman.  Visit https://thisisalfred.com/schedule for a list of show times for the week 1 August or listen on demand at  https://player.autopod.xyz/204739 

-Jeanette visits a rehearsal for the splendid Phoenix Café Orchestra, finds out all about the origins of Palm Court Music and discovers why everyone enjoys taking part. 

-Artist Emma Mauger reveals how and why she chose to create quirky and unusual ceramics despite her long-time love of the more normal ‘run of the mill’ items. 

-And in the third and final part of the interview with Dorset musician and actor Tim Laycock, he chats about immersing himself in local folklore and shares one of his poorer career decisions. 


9 JULY 2022

A lot of good work last Wednesday.  It was lovely to see a few new faces too, particularly Helena from Ukraine who is now living in Fontmell Magna and who is a music teacher!  She will be teaching us a few Ukrainian songs next month.  Until then, please continue to make every effort to be with us for the next few weeks as we prepare for the Shaftesbury Fringe Festival.  We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00. As ever, posh biscuits are available but the general consensus is that we should continue to bring our own drinks for the time being at least.   If the weather is good, we plan to take our chairs outside which has the double advantage of being more Covid secure and also provides good practice for our outdoor concert in the Abbey Gardens.  It might be worth bringing a jumper. 

Next time we plan to continue to consolidate our Fringe programme which is likely to consist of (in no particular order) Brahms Lullaby, Things, Isa Lei, Hold On, Ghafoor’s Bus, Morning has come, Follow the Heron, Harbour, John Ball, Vive la Compagnie, Bumper of Good Liquor, You’ve Got a Friend, Be Still My Soul and Alleluia.  Words of all of these (where needed) have been attached to recent emails.  Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    

Finally, many, many thanks to those of you who manned our stall at the Gold Hill Festival last Sunday.  Much appreciated! 


Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens.  

Sunday 18 December! Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).  Nothing like being booked early. 

Saturday 10 June 2023!!  Motcombe Fete 

OTHER EVENTS (including a few selected Fringe events too.  [Let me know of others you feel choir members might be interested in]).    

Sat 9 & Wed 13 – Sat 16 July  The Three Musketeers.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre. See earlier flyer.  

Saturday 9 July  Secrets of the Stour   A site specific production in a hidden part of Wimborne.  Music by Karen so not to be missed.   See last week’s flyer. 

Monday 11 July  Shaftesbury Orchestra at St James’ Church 8.00 p.m.  Admission Free.  Rossini’s overture ‘The Italian Girl in Algiers’ and Dvorak’s Symphony No. 4. Conducted by Arturo Serna. 

Friday 15 July  Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman.  Irish Harp and guitar.  St Peters.  £15.00 Start time: 8.00 p.m. (Doors open 7.30 p.m.)   

Fri 15 – Sun 17 July  Art at Eype.  The exhibition involves nine artists (including Andrea [alto]) with work in a great range of techniques and styles being shown in a beautiful setting.  The artists will all be there to chat to visitors about our work. It will be worth a visit for anyone heading to the coast and Eype has a super little beach!  See attached flyer 

Sunday 17 July Shaftesbury Orchestra at Shaftesbury Arts Centre. 7.45 p.m.  Shaftesbury Orchestra presents Rossini’s overture ‘The Italian Girl in Algiers’ and Dvorak’s Symphony No. 4. Conducted by Arturo Serna.  Tickets: Adult £12. Arts Centre Members £10. Under 18’s free. Proceeds in aid of local charities. 

Wed 20 July – Tues 2 Aug  Three Colourists Exhibition.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre,  Features work by Andrea (alto) See attached flyer 

Thursday 21 July Stephen Sondheim – music and lyrics. 8.00 p.m.  St Peter’s Church. Tickets £10 from Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See attached flyer. 

Saturday 23 July  Helen Porter, Ed Bersey and Karen - pieces for clarinet and “Heart of the Matter”.  9.30 St Peter’s 

Saturday 23 July Palida 1.30 pm Abbey Gardens.  

Saturday 23 July Rolling Harmony Tutti Frutti Saturday 7.30 St Peter’s.

Saturday 23 July Mad Hatters Tea Party at Seasons, High Street.  Connor Smith and Anne-Marie Richards will be providing the music and Richard (tenor) is the Mad Hatter.  See attached flyer 

Sunday 24 July Tunes at Teatime with the Phoenix Café Orchestra.  3.00. St James’ Church.  Admission Free.  Pass the Hat.  See attached flyer 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing.   


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.   



Listen to Alfred Arts on 107.3FM with Jeanette Hardiman.  Visit https://thisisalfred.com/schedule/ for a list of show times for the week 4 July or listen on demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/192890 

-Anita Horak, the owner of Shaftesbury shop Down The Steps, explains how she’s showcasing local artists, staging regular art workshops and making art materials readily available. 

-Shaftesbury resident Anya Noakes tells Jeanette all about working on BBC’s long-running series, Who Do You Think You Are and reveals that surprisingly, even some of the most famous personalities have failed to make the grade. 

-And in the second part of her interview with Simon Davison, Jeanette finds out more about his early life as a filmmaker, setting up his own company and why he’s planning to revisit one of his superheroes. 


2 JULY 2022

Another fun packed session last Wednesday I thought.  Please continue to make every effort to be with us for the next few weeks as we prepare for the Shaftesbury Fringe Festival.  We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00. As ever, posh biscuits are available but the general consensus is that we should continue to bring our own drinks for the time being at least.    

Next time we plan to continue to consolidate our Fringe programme which is likely to consist of (in no particular order) Brahms Lullaby, Things, Isa Lei, Hold On, Ghafoor’s Bus, Morning has come, Follow the Heron, Harbour, John Ball, Vive la Compagnie, Bumper of Good Liquor, You’ve Got a Friend, Be Still My Soul, Alleluia, and, if the arrangement is done in time, Now Is the Hour.  Words of all of these (where needed) have been attached to recent emails.  Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    

Finally, many thanks to those of you who are manning our stall at the Gold Hill Festival on Sunday.  Much appreciated! 


Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens.  

Sunday 18 December! Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).  Nothing like being booked early. 

Saturday 10 June 2023!!  Motcombe Fete 


TODAY Saturday 2 July  A Concert for Ukraine.  St John’s.  Tisbury.  See earlier flyer.  

Sunday 3 July  Singing for Ukraine.  Clementina’s Garden, Wincanton. See earlier flyer.  

Wed 6 – Sat 9 and Wed 13 – Sat 16 July  The Three Musketeers.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  01747 854321.  See earlier flyer.  

Wed 6 – Sat 9 July  Secrets of the Stour   A site specific production in a hidden part of Wimborne.  Music by Karen so not to be missed.   See attached flyer. 

Friday 8 July  Karen highly recommends John Law (piano) and john Lloyd (sax)  at the Frome festival…..definitely worth seeing.  There’s more info and a link to booking tickets here: https://fromefestival.co.uk/event/?eventid=261 And here are a few short samples from YouTube:   Spem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGPvU0U9O7E 

Stabat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4GmqZHlyf8 

Miserere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fbP2fs9cCk 

Lamentations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rWCcMhDPdQ 

Friday 15 July  Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman.  Irish Harp and guitar.  St Peters.  £15.00 Start time: 8.00 p.m. (Doors open 7.30 p.m.)   


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing.   


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.   


Listen to Alfred Arts on 107.3FM with Jeanette Hardiman.  Visit https://thisisalfred.com/schedule/ for a list of show times for the week 27 June or listen on demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/189883 (fast forward 2 minutes). 

-Jeanette drops in on a rehearsal for Shaftesbury’s Palida Choir and discovers the challenges of singing a cappella. 

-Miranda Pender talks about discovering her own unique creative flair and reveals one or two useful tips about how to really make the most of art. 

-Filmmaker and composer Simon Davison shares some useful words of advice from his fascinating experiences playing in both the music and film world. 


25 JUNE 2022

Another fun packed session last Wednesday I thought.  Please continue to make every effort to be with us for the next few weeks as we prepare for the Shaftesbury Fringe Festival.  We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00. As ever, posh biscuits are available but the general consensus is that we should continue to bring our own drinks for the time being at least.    

Julia would appreciate one or two more volunteers to (wo)man our choir stall at Gold Hill on Sunday 3 July.  If you have an hour to spare, please to contact her. 

Next time we plan to consolidate our Fringe programme which is likely to consist of (in no particular order) Brahms Lullaby, Things, Can’t Buy Me Love, Isa Lei, Hold On, Ghafoor’s Bus, Morning has come, Follow the Heron, Harbour, John Ball, Vive la Compagnie, Bumper of Good Liquor, You’ve Got a Friend, Be Still My Soul, Alleluia, and, if the arrangement is done in time, Now Is the Hour.  Words of all of these (where needed) have been attached to recent emails.  Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    


Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens.  

Sunday 18 December! Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).  Nothing like being booked early. 

Saturday 10 June 2023!!  Motcombe Fete 


T O D A Y - Saturday 25th June A Midsummer Night’s Dream Abbey Gardens. See earlier flyer 


Gillingham Singers concert.  7.30 p.m.  Gillingham Methodist Church.  Lots of familiar faces singing Mendelssohn and Howard Goodall among others  

Thursday 30th June  Emily Burridge.  The last in the short series of lunchtime cello recitals.  1 p.m. St Peter’s Church.  Tickets £10 to include sandwiches and coffee and tickets can be booked from the Arts Centre on 01747 854321.   

Friday 1 July.  An Afternoon with Thomas Hardy.  Gillingham Library.  See attached flyer. 


Palida concert in support of the Blandford Welcome Group 7.30pm St Nicholas’ Church, Durweston.  See attached flyer 

Saturday 2 July  A Concert for Ukraine.  St John’s.  Tisbury.  See earlier flyer.  

Sunday 3 July  Singing for Ukraine.  Clementina’s Garden, Wincanton. See earlier flyer.  

Wed 6 – Sat 9 and Wed 13 – Sat 16 July  The Three Musketeers.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  01747 854321.  See earlier flyer. 

Friday 15 July  Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman.  Irish Harp and guitar.  St Peters.  £15.00 Start time: 8.00 p.m. (Doors open 7.30 p.m.)   See attached picture.  


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing.   


Listen to Alfred Arts on 107.3FM with Jeanette Hardiman Visit https://thisisalfred.com/schedule/ for a list of show times for the week 20 June or listen on demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/187048 (fast forward 2 minutes).  This week on the show: 

 -Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra’s very own Judy Ashwin proves that it’s never too late to start playing a musical instrument 

-Paula Andrews talks about her wonderfully unique and quirky pieces of jewellery crafted in silver and wood. 

-Teacher Deborah Chisman promotes the many benefits and joys of joining an art class 


18 JUNE 2022

Looking forward to being back with everyone this Wednesday.  Please continue to make every effort to be with us for the next few weeks as we prepare for the Shaftesbury Fringe Festival.  We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00. As ever, posh biscuits available but please continue to bring your own drinks.    

Next time we plan to sing Brahms Lullaby, Things, Can’t Buy Me Love, Isa Lei (all attached recently) and, if the arrangement is done in time, Now Is the Hour.  Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    


Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens.  

Sunday 18 December! Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).  Nothing like being booked in early. 

Saturday 10 June 2023!!  Motcombe Fete 


Thursday 23rd June  Herb Walk See earlier flyer.  

Saturday 25th June A Midsummer Nights Dream Abbey Gardens See earlier flyer 

Thursday 30th June  Emily Burridge.  The short series of lunchtime cello recitals continues at 1pm in St Peter’s Church on market days. Tickets £10 to include sandwiches and coffee and tickets can be booked from the Arts Centre on 01747 854321.   

Saturday 2 July  A Concert for Ukraine.  St John’s.  Tisbury.  See earlier flyer.  

Sunday 3 July  Singing for Ukraine.  Clementina’s Garden, Wincanton. See earlier flyer.  

Wed 6 – Sat 9 and Wed 13 – Sat 16 July  The Three Musketeers.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See earlier flyer.  


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing.  A wonderful effort.    


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.  


On Alfred Arts, during the weeks 6th and 13th June, Jeanette interviewed Shaftesbury-based composer and musician Sadie Harrison in two interviews.   Sadie has not only previously worked with Afghan musicians but is also, currently working on compositions for disabled pianists who can only play with one hand because of missing limbs, the effects of a stroke or maybe arthritis.  She’s an extremely interesting character.   

You can listen to part one of the interview https://player.autopod.xyz/181311 and fast forward 11 minutes 

You can listen to part two of the interview on https://player.autopod.xyz/184172 and fast forward 17 minutes 

Karen and David 

18, June 2022  

22 MAY 2022

Fantastic turn out last week – just like old times; our programme for the two Jubilee performances is going to be marvellous!   Please continue to make every effort to be with us over the coming weeks. We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall again this coming Wednesday at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00. As ever, posh biscuits available but please continue to bring your own drinks.   

Next time we plan to sing through our entire programme for the Jubilee which will be will be more or less the same for both events and drawn from the following songs:  

Be Still My Soul; A Bumper of Good Liquor; Follow the Heron; Ghafoor’s Bus; Harbour; Heart to Heart; Hold On; If There Is To Be Peace; John Ball; Jug of Punch; Morning Has Come; My Little Cup; A Place Called England; Vive la Compagnie; Viva la Musica; You’ve Got a Friend; Suo Gan. The words of all these have either been attached to recent e-mails or you won’t need them. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.   


Saturday 4 June  (Jubilee BH Weekend) Motcombe Village Fete.  1.15-1.45. 

Sunday 5 June Singing in the Abbey Gardens   11.00 

Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens. 

Dress for the performances will be shades of red above the waist (no patterns please) and dark or black below.  For the two jubilee events, feel free to add a bit of red, white and blue decoration. 


Amazing response last week.  The trolley was almost filled to overflowing.   


Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10. 


Saturday 21 May Celebration of Song.  Bradford-on-Avon. See last week’s flyer.  A longish way to go perhaps but it is being run by the composer of Be Still My Soul.  Expect music of a similar genre and lots more besides. 

Friday 27 May Stone Songs at Salisbury Cathedral – featuring Yuko, Clare and Marie to name but a few.  Tickets are selling fast – the 7.00 p.m. performance is already sold out.  https://www.wiltshirecreative.co.uk/whats-on/festival/stone-songs-22/ 

Friday 3 June  Tea at the Ritz – with the Phoenix Café Orchestra.  St Peter’s Church.  Doors open at 3.00 p.m.  See attached flyer. 

Saturday 11 June  Whispering Willows at Springhead, Fontmell Magna.  See attached flyer. 


The short series of lunchtime cello recitals continues at 1pm in St Peter’s Church on market days. Tickets £10 to include sandwiches and coffee and tickets can be booked from the Arts Centre on 01747 854321.    June 9th  Nicholas Cooper; June 30th  Emily Burridge.  (June 9th will feature two [I think] premieres written by Karen too.  Not to be missed.) 


This week’s Alfred Arts features: 

-Shaftesbury-based soprano Julia Blinko, who is a longtime member of the Bach Choir 

-Local photographer James Huge 

-Anya Noakes who attended the recent BAFTA TV Awards 

Listen live on Alfred Community Radio 107.3FM (schedule is https://thisisalfred.com/schedule) or Listen on Demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/172900 (fast forward approximately 4 minutes). 

Next week, one of the guests will be Judy Ashwin from Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra. 


21, May 2022 


If you ever feel in need of  a bit pf cheering up just click on this.  Thanks to Jackie (tenor) for the link.  It’s an absolute joy. 


14 MAY 2022

Another good turn out last week and more really good singing.  Our programme for our two Jubilee performances is shaping up very well indeed – congratulations to all!   Please continue to make every effort to be with us over the coming weeks. We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall again this coming Wednesday at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00. As ever, posh biscuits available but please continue to bring your own drinks.    

Next time we plan to consolidate our programme for the Jubilee which will be will be more or less the same for both events and drawn from the following songs, which I hope contains something for everyone:  

Be Still My Soul; A Bumper of Good Liquor; Follow the Heron; Ghafoors Bus; Harbour; Heart to Heart; Hold On; If There Is To Be Peace; John Ball; Jug of Punch; Morning Has Come; My Little Cup; A Place Called England; Vive la Compagnie; Viva la Musica; You’ve Got a Friend; Suo Gan. The words of all these have either been attached to recent e-mails or you won’t need them. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    


Saturday 4 June  (Jubilee BH Weekend) Motcombe Village Fete.  1.15-1.45. 

Sunday 5 June Singing in the Abbey Gardens   11.00 

Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens. 


Don’t forget that Sue (alto) will be bringing in a shopping trolley each week so that we can resume our weekly collections for the foodbank.   


Saturday 14 May Gillian, our friend from Norfolk whom we got to know during our Zoom sessions, recommends the PlayGC Theatre Company who will be performing their play “The Letter of Last Resort” at Donhead St Andrew Church at 3.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m.  See http://www.playgc.co.uk/ for details. 

Sunday 15 May Free concert with choir and full orchestra at Sturminster Newton High School.  Bach Cantatas Nos. 20 and 24.  4.30. p.m. 

Wednesday 18 May Private viewing of Vivienne’s (soprano) exhibition at the Arts Centre.  Why not drop in before choir?  (5.30 – 7.00)  See last week’s flyer.  The exhibition itself runs from 18th – 24th. 

Thursday 19th May Shaftesbury 2030 – Choosing Our Future.  A FREE event, from 5.45 onwards at Shaftesbury School.  See last week’s flyer or speak to Karen for more details.  Talks, discussions, shorts films and a FREE MEAL! 

Saturday 21 May Celebration of Song.  Bradford-on-Avon. See attached flier.  A longish way to go perhaps but it is being run by the composer of Be Still My Soul.  Expect music of a similar genre and lots more besides. 

Friday 27 May Stone Songs at Salisbury Cathedral – featuring Yuko, Clare and Marie to name but a few.  Tickets are selling fast – the 7.00 p.m. performance is already sold out.  https://www.wiltshirecreative.co.uk/whats-on/festival/stone-songs-22/ 

Friday 3 June  Tea at the Ritz – with the Phoenix Café Orchestra.  St Peter’s Church.  Doors open at 3.00 p.m.  More details soon. 


The short series of lunchtime cello recitals continues at 1pm in St Peter’s Church on market days. Tickets £10 to include sandwiches and coffee and tickets can be booked from the Arts Centre on 01747 854321.    June 9th  Nicholas Cooper; June 30th  Emily Burridge.  (June 9th will feature two [I think] premieres written by Karen too.  Not to be missed.) 


Alfred Arts is a weekly 30 minute show presented by Jeanette Hardiman on Alfred Community Radio 107.3FM where she interviews individuals involved in painting, drama, music, photography and other strands of the local Arts scene.  You can listen to the show in a variety of ways: Check the schedule  https://thisisalfred.com/schedule  and tune in ‘live’ to the show for the week 9 May on 107.3FM OR Listen On Demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/170050 

This week’s show features 3 stalwarts of the local arts scene: Singer Samantha - who has an extremely diverse repertoire; Susan Grant - a key player at Shaftesbury Arts Centre and in many other musical areas; Gary Cook - a renowned artist who has a passion for our planet 

Next week’s show will feature, amongst others, Julia Blinko, a well-renowned soprano and a member of the Bach Choir.  So please do tune in! 

The show aims to showcase the wonderful wealth of artistic talent in Shaftesbury and the SP7 area in general.   So, if you would like to participate - or you know someone who might be suitable, please contact Jeanette Hardiman on arts@thisisalfred.com.   Meanwhile, Jeanette will be sharing details of the latest interviewees with us on a regular basis.


14, May 2022 

7 MAY 2022

What a wonderful turn out on Wednesday … almost like old times.  Great singing too – especially with You’ve Got a Friend which sounded marvellous.  Please continue to make every effort to be with us over the coming weeks to prepare for or two Jubilee performances.  We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall again next Wednesday at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00. As ever, posh biscuits available but please continue to bring your own drinks.   

Next time we plan to continue work on our programme for the jubilee of course. (The programme will be more or less the same for both events.) We will, with luck, polish A Bumper of Good Liquor, You’ve Got a Friend, Suo Gan, If there is to be Peace and Be Still My Soul (these last two held over from last time), look at Forever Young and Viva la Compagnie (also held over from last time), and revisit John Bull. The words of this are attached, the others were either attached to recent e-mails or you won’t need them. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.   


Saturday 4 June  (Jubilee BH Weekend) Motcombe Village Fete.  1.15-1.45. 

Sunday 5 June Singing in the Abbey Gardens   11.00 

Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens. 


Starting this coming week, Sue (alto) will be bringing in a shopping trolley so that we can resume our weekly collections for the foodbank.  Thankyou Sue. 


Sunday 8 May  The Shaftesbury Refugee Group are promoting a quiz night with a Syrian supper on Sunday 8 May in Motcombe Memorial Hall.  See earlier flyer for details.  

Thursday 12 May Intimate Notes – Cello recital.  St Peter’s Church 1.00 p.m.  See earlier flyer for details.  

Friday 13 May  Celebrity Organ Recital for Ukraine.  Gillingham Methodist Church.  See last week’s flyer for details.  

Saturday 14 May Gillian, our friend from Norfolk whom we got to know during our Zoom sessions, recommends the PlayGC Theatre Company who will be performing their play “The Letter of Last Resort” at Donhead St Andrew Church at 3 p.m. and 7.00 p.m.  See http://www.playgc.co.uk/ for details. 

Wednesday 18 May Private viewing of Vivienne’s (soprano) exhibition at the Arts Centre.  Why not drop in before choir?  (5.30 – 7.00)  See attached flyer.  The exhibition itself runs from 18th – 24th. 

Thursday 19th May Shaftesbury 2030 – Choosing Our Future.  A FREE event, from 5.45 onwards at Shaftesbury School.  See attached flyer or speak to Karen for more details.  Talks, discussions, shorts films and a FREE MEAL! 

Friday 27 May Stone Songs at Salisbury Cathedral – featuring Yuko, Clare and Marie to name but a few.  Tickets are selling fast – the 7.00 p.m. performance is already sold out.  https://www.wiltshirecreative.co.uk/whats-on/festival/stone-songs-22/ 

Friday 3 June  Tea at the Ritz – with the Phoenix Café Orchestra.  St Peter’s Church.  Doors open at 3.00 p.m. 


Alfred Arts is a weekly 30 minute show presented by Jeanette Hardiman on Alfred Community Radio 107.3FM where she interviews individuals involved in painting, drama, music, photography and other strands of the local Arts scene.  You can listen to the show in a variety of ways: 

- Check the schedule  https://thisisalfred.com/schedule  and tune in ‘live’ to the show on 107.3FM or via ‘Listen Live’ at www.thisisalfred.com 

-‘Listen again’ to any of the shows at https://thisisalfred.com/the-arts-show 

Jeanette’s previous interviewees have included ‘yours truly’ (sadly no longer available on ‘Listen Again’ – devastating news), Karen https://player.autopod.xyz/149349, The Community Choir https://player.autopod.xyz/146567 and Arturo Serna, Conductor of The Shaftesbury Symphony Orchestra  https://player.autopod.xyz/143711 

The show aims to showcase the wonderful wealth of artistic talent in Shaftesbury and the SP7 area in general.   

So, if you would like to participate - or you know someone who might be suitable, please contact Jeanette Hardiman on arts@thisisalfred.com.   Meanwhile, Jeanette will be sharing details of the latest interviewees with us on a regular basis. 


Steve (bass) is organising a trip to North Wales in September.  See last week’s flyer for details.  


7, May 2022 


Don’t forget to watch last Monday’s “Imagine” programme on BBC1 with Alan Yentob.  It is about an absolutely dazzling young musician called Jacob Collier.  You will be blown away I promise you.   

23 APRIL 2022

Good turn-out last week – bodes well for our forthcoming jubilee performances at Motcombe on Saturday 4 June and in the Abbey Gardens on Sunday 5 June.    Please continue to make every effort to be with us over the coming weeks.  We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall again this coming week at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 of course and finishing at 9.00. Posh biscuits available but please continue to bring your own drinks.   

This week we plan to continue work on our potential programme for the jubilee. (The programme will be more or less the same for both.) We will, with luck, complete You’ve Got a Friend and have a look at Jug of Punch (both held over from last time), polish If there is to be peace and Be Still My Soul and work on Suo Gan*, Plovi Barko*, A Bumper of Good Liquor*, Follow the Heron* and Ghafoor’s Bus* together with I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing as a warm-up. Words of those marked * are attached, the others were either attached to recent e-mails or you won’t need them. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.  Words of the others, where needed, were attached recently.   


Saturday 4 June  (Jubilee BH Weekend) Motcombe Village Fete.  (NB We will not be singing at the event organized on 2 June.) 

Sunday 5 June Singing in the Abbey Gardens    

Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens. 


Sunday 8 May  The Shaftesbury Refugee Group are promoting a quiz night with a Syrian supper on Sunday 8 May in Motcombe Memorial Hall.  See attached flyer for details.  

Thursday 12 May Intimate Notes – Cello recital.  St Peter’s Church 1.00 p.m.  See attached flyer for details.  

Saturday 14 May Gillian, our friend from Norfolk whom we got to know during our Zoom sessions, recommends the PlayGC Theatre Company who will be performing their play “The Letter of Last Resort” at Donhead St Andrew Church at 3 p.m. and 7.00 p.m.  See http://www.playgc.co.uk/ for details. 


Steve (bass) is organising a trip to North Wales in September.  See attached flyer for details.  


2 APRIL 2022

Although numbers were down last week, it was good to see everyone there making a few new friends as a consequence of it being a “Badge Wednesday”.  Sue (alto), at home with Covid, also appreciated our recording of Happy Birthday which we sent her for her sixtieth!   We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall again this coming week at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 of course and finishing at 9.00. Posh biscuits available but please continue to bring your own drinks.   

 This week we plan to continue You’ve Got a Friend, Eternal Flame and April Rain Song (words of these three were attached recently) and have a look at Ooh-la-la-lay, Kyrie (no words needed for these), A Place Called England, Ezulwini and Sakura Sakura which Yuko will be teaching to us. Words of these last three are attached. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.  Words of the others, where needed, were attached recently.   


Two weeks ago, the composer John Rutter wrote:  

 “How can a composer respond to a global tragedy? By writing music is the most obvious thing”  He continues, “Like, everybody, I’ve been shocked and dismayed by the events of recent days and the first thing I wanted to do was to write some music” 

The result is his “Ukrainian Prayer” written for unaccompanied mixed voice choir.  Next Saturday morning (9th April) you are invited to join us for an hour or so at St. Peter’s Church in Shaftesbury to learn this beautiful and deeply moving piece.  Music will be made available at the door or you can download the attachment from this e-mail.  The music will be taught by rote so you do not need to be a fluent reader; all ranges and abilities will be very welcome. (St. Peter’s is on Shaftesbury High Street, next to the Town Hall at the top of Gold Hill.)  We will be meeting for a prompt 10 o’clock start and running on until 11 or maybe a little  after.  There is no charge although there will be a retiring collection, with every penny received going to the Disasters and Emergencies Committee’s Ukrainian Appeal.  

Please spread the word – it’s open to all – not just members of the community choir.  There’s no need to register … just turn up.  


Thursday 2 June (Jubilee BH)  Singing as part of a nationally organised event.  (We are probably going to be singing in the Abbey Gardens on the Sunday instead, but this is yet to be confirmed) 

Saturday 4 June  (Jubilee BH Weekend) Motcombe Village Fete. 

Sunday 5 June Singing in the Abbey Gardens    

Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens. 



Sunday 3 April.  5.00 pm Shaftesbury Orchestra. Schubert, Grieg and Schumann. Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  Proceeds in aid the Arts Centre Music Project. Tickets, £12 (£10 for SAC members) 

Sunday 10 April  3.15  Phoenix Café Orchestra at Motcombe Memorial Hall in aid of Read. Tickets £10 to include refreshments from Motcombe Community Shop, Mere Library OR via e-mail on EITHER events.regs@gmail.com OR events.rebvn@gmail.com.  Alternatively you can ring Lydia on 07748 981935 
