5 MARCH 2022

It was a real homecoming back in the Town Hall this week.  Lovely to see so many smiling faces.   We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall again this coming week at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00.  There will be more posh biscuits available (but no sausage rolls I’m afraid) but bring continue to bring your own drink please.  The kitchen will NOT be open. Although the heating will be on, the doors and windows will be open so blankets are still advised!   A pair of woolly gloves was left behind last week; I’ll bring them with me this coming week if you’d like to claim them, otherwise I’ll take them to a charity shop. 

 This week we plan to polish Gospodi, continue You’ve Got a Friend, If there is to peace in the world and Hanacpachap Cusicuinin (held over from last time), and have a look at Love is Here A Yele Mama / Sithi Shwele (no words needed), and Jug of Punch (words attached). Words of the others were all attached last week or the week before. Although Julia will have some sets with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can. 


Thursday 2 June (Jubilee BH)  Singing (outside the Town Hall I think) as part of a nationally organised event 

Saturday 4 June  (Jubilee BH Weekend) Motcombe Village Fete.  .   

Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens. 


11- 13 March SHAFTESBURY BOOK FESTIVAL  Have a look here to check out the line up: www.shaftesbury book festival.com.  

Sunday 13 March  Organ recital by Chris Mahon, St. James Church.  3.00-4.00.  Admission free.  Collection for DEC (Disasters and Emergencies Committee) for Ukraine 

Sunday 3 April.  5.00 pm Shaftesbury Orchestra. Schubert - Overture to Rosamunde; Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite No. 1; Schumann - Symphony No.3. Shaftesbury Arts Centre 

Proceeds in aid the Arts Centre Music Project. Tickets, £12 or £10 for Shaftesbury Arts Centre members, 

Sunday 10 April  3.15  Phoenix Café Orchestra at Motcombe Memorial Hall in aid of Read Easy – helping adults to learn to read.  Tickets £10 to include refreshments.  See attached flyer. 



Russia’s war against Ukraine. What can you do to support Ukraine & Ukrainians?  

If you’ve been feeling impotent the last few days when hearing the news from Ukraine and want some helpful information then the link below will be of interest. It was sent by a friend of Angela (alto) who has lived and worked in Ukraine and knows it well.  https://ukrainianinstitute.org.uk/russias-war-against-ukraine-what-can-you-do-to-support-ukraine-ukrainians/


5 March 2022 

12 FEBRUARY 2022

Lovely to see some new faces last week. The recording of “Rongo” we made for Sue, Marie and Sam (all suffering from the wretched Omicron) sounds pretty good and was well received and I am certain is playing / has played a significant part in their recovery. I’m attaching an MP3 to this newsletter.

We’ll be meeting again this week at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 when we plan to polish Balanced Be the Way and A Bumper of Good Liquor (the latter held over from last time), continue with our new arrangement of You’ve Got a Friend in Me* which is going very well, and have a look at Let the Sunshine, A Place Called England* and Hanacpachap Cusicuinin* (These last two will be familiar to those who sang with us on Zoom.) Words of those marked * were attached last week and you won’t need the words of the other ones. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can. 

 As well as the usual face masks, social distancing and hand sanitizing of course, we would really appreciate it if you were to take a lateral flow test at some point on the day and not come at all if you are ill or know you should self-isolate.  As regulars will tell you, despite the cold, St Peter’s is a lovely place to sing in and, of course, the uplift you get from making music in a group is pretty hard to beat. And don’t forget blankets, hot water bottles and thermos flasks all add to the fun.    


Something exciting happening in Shaftesbury from 11-13 March. You may already have heard ... a brand new book festival called Reading the Land is being launched. It's full of fascinating speakers and there are children's workshops too. After being postponed by 18 months - and slimmed down - the team and authors are raring to go and hope you can come.   

Have a look here to check out the line up: www.shaftesbury book festival.com. I recommend buying your tickets soon; one of the talks has already sold out and others are heading that way. Please spread the word so others don't miss out too. I've attached two flyers in case they're useful. 


Sunday 14 February (this Sunday) Free informal concert of two Bach cantatas  (choir + full orchestra)  4.30 p.m. Sturminster Newton High School 

Saturday 4 June  (Jubilee BH Weekend) Motcombe Village Fete.  Details MUCH later.   

 We will also be giving some more thought to the Queen’s Jubilee (Jubbly?) Weekend and the Shaftesbury Fringe in the not too distant future. 


12 February 2022 

16 JANUARY 2022

Lovely, lively singing last week I thought.  Bravo!  We’ll be meeting again this coming Wednesday of course, again at St Peter’s and at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30.  We plan to sing: Listen, Evo Banke* and Haere Mai* (all held over from last week), continue A Bumper of Good Liquor (with words by Sheridan whatever Karen would have us believe!), recap Go Placidly* and California Dreamin'* and have a look at Walk a Mile in My Shoes and Be Still My Soul.  As ever, something for everyone we hope.  Words of Be Still and Bumper are attached to this newsletter.  Those marked * were in last week’s newsletter.  No words are needed for the other songs.  Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can. 

 As well as the usual protocols of face masks, social distancing and hand sanitizing, we would really appreciate it if you were to take a lateral flow test at some point on the day as a precautionary measure and, of course, not come at all if you are ill or know you should self-isolate.  And don’t forget blankets, hot water bottles and thermos flasks all add to the fun. 

 If you’ve been a regular over the last few months you will be aware that numbers have fallen – hopefully temporarily.  If you know someone in the choir whose attendance has lapsed do give them a ring and encourage them to come along on Wednesday if they feel that the time is right.  Despite the cold, St Peter’s is a lovely place to sing in and, of course, the uplift you get from making music in a group is pretty hard to beat.  


Thurs 27 – Sun 30 Jan & Wed 2 – Sat 5 Feb   Little Red Riding Hood (starring several familiar faces)  See attached flyer. 

Saturday 4 June  Motcombe Village Fete.  Details MUCH later 


16 January 2022 

10 November 2021

About 20 of us entertained the runners and their families on Sunday morning for the Motcombe Santa Fun Run and had a great time despite the biting wind (we were singing outside of course).  I thought we sounded absolutely excellent – just what the runners wanted I’m sure.  I received this message from the organisers: 

Thank you so much to you and the choir this morning for your support.  Apologies for the organised chaos, but other than a few behind the scenes stresses, we thought there was a fantastic atmosphere.   If you could pass on the Santa Run Team's gratitude at your next rehearsal it would be much appreciated. You might also like to let them know that there were just over 400 people in attendance and we raised a whopping £4,000 all going back into the primary school to fund extra-curricular activities including a forest school.  


We are getting together for the next TWO Wednesday evenings (15th and 22nd) when we will continue polishing things and looking at a couple more traditional carols and songs.  No additional words needed though.  Mulled wine, mince pies and a Covid safe game or two on 22nd too – BRING A MUG IF YOU WANT ANY WINE THOUGH!  We will then take a break for a couple of weeks and resume in the new year.  We will continue to have as many doors and windows open as possible so bring a blanket if you like – quite a few people do already and they look really snug!  Hope you can join us. (Philippa’s recording of “White Christmas” is attached.) 



Sunday 19 December 5.30 p.m. - MOTCOMBE DONKEY PROCESSION (We’ve been invited to join in the procession although we will not be singing as a choir.) 

Saturday 4 June  Motcombe Village Fete.  Details MUCH later 


Sunday 12 December - Shaftesbury Orchestra concert in Shaftesbury Town Hall (3.00 p.m.).  The programme will be: Mozart - Overture to The Marriage of Figaro; Saint-Saens - Violin Concerto No. 3  - soloist Piotr Kopec; Haydn - Symphony No. 101, 'The Clock' 

Tuesday 21 December – Gillingham Arts Workshop Christmas entertainment.  5.00 p.m. Gillingham Library (see attached flyer) 



ooking forward to seeing as many of you as possible this Wednesday for our first concert of the season.  Please arrive at The Olive Bowl by 2 o’clock.  Normal dress code – i.e. shades of red above the waist, dark or black below.  No patterns and no trainers etc.  You will need either your Bethlehem Carol Sheet or white carol booklet together with the words of our “featured carols” unless you know them.  Please don’t bring the words of White Christmas – it is to be sung FROM MEMORY! It all sounded great on Wednesday so I really hope we can put on a good show. (Do check your availability for 5th and 19th December as well.) 

 We are getting together next Wednesday evening too of course when we will be polishing one or two things, looking at a couple more traditional carols, the Durweston version of Hark the Herald, Hosanna and a harmony setting of White Christmas.  No words needed. 

We would appreciate it if you were to take a lateral flow test (free from chemists shops and elsewhere) at some point on the day as a precautionary measure and, of course, not come at all if you are ill or know you should self-isolate. 


Wednesday 1 December – The S&G U3A have invited us to sing for about 30 / 40 minutes after their Christmas lunch at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  We will be singing at about 2.15.  PLEASE ARRIVE BY 2.00. 

Sunday 5 December  10.00 a.m - THE GREAT MOTCOMBE SANTA RUN 

It is anticipated that the runners will get back to the village hall from about 10.30.  The festivities then last for about an hour, so all done by 11.30.  

Sunday 19 December 5.30 p.m - MOTCOMBE DONKEY PROCESSION 

Saturday 4 June  Motcombe Village Fete.  Details MUCH later 



Saturday 27 November – East Stour Christmas Market and lunch (see attached flier) 

Sat 27 – Mon 29 November – Donhead Art Exhibition.  At least two of our members are exhibiting. (see attached flier) 

Saturday 4 December – A West Country Christmas.  Gillingham Singers concert at Wyke Primary School (Broad Robin) 7.30 p.m. (see attached flier) 

Sunday 5 December – A Prelude to Christmas.  Pilgrim Singers, Wincanton (see attached flier) 

Sunday 12 December - Shaftesbury Orchestra's next concert will be at Shaftesbury Town Hall (3.00 p.m.).  The programme will be: Mozart - Overture to The Marriage of Figaro; Saint-Saens - Violin Concerto No. 3  - soloist Piotr Kopec; Haydn - Symphony No. 101, 'The Clock' 

Tuesday 21 December – Gillingham Arts Workshop Christmas entertainment.  5.00 p.m. Gillingham Library 


20 NOVEMBER 2021

More really great singing on Wednesday.  I’m attaching the recording we made of Hold On – hope you enjoy it.    

 We’ve just about got our Christmas repertoire sorted – a couple more standard carols to look at + Fait Dodo, Ding Dong, Come Tune Your Cheerful Voice, Boar’s Head, Masters in this Hall, Carols of Adoration and While Shepherds as “featured carols”.  We’ll be singing a representative selection of these at our various Christmas do’s.   Do check your availability for 1st, 15th and 19th December when I hope most of us can take part in the various events we have planned.  If you’ve not got them already, please note that I’m attaching the words of the ones that aren’t in the purple carol leaflets or (for ATB music readers) the little white booklets once more.  Please print out your own words if you possibly can 



Wednesday 1 December – The S&G U3A have invited us to sing for about 30 / 40 minutes after their Christmas lunch at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  We will be singing at about 2.15. 

Sunday 5 December  10.00 a.m - THE GREAT MOTCOMBE SANTA RUN 

It is anticipated that the runners will get back to the village hall from about 10.30.  The festivities then last for about an hour, so all done by 11.30.  

Sunday 19 December 5.30 p.m - MOTCOMBE DONKEY PROCESSION 

Saturday 4 June  Motcombe Village Fete.  Details MUCH later 



Saturday 4 December – A West Country Christmas.  Gillingham Singers concert at Wyke Primary School (Broad Robin) 7.30 p.m. 

Sunday 12 December - Shaftesbury Orchestra's next concert will be at Shaftesbury Town Hall (3.00 p.m.).  The programme will be: Mozart - Overture to The Marriage of Figaro; Saint-Saens - Violin Concerto No. 3  - soloist Piotr Kopec; Haydn - Symphony No. 101, 'The Clock' 

Tuesday 21 December – Gillingham Arts Workshop Christmas entertainment.  5.00 p.m. Gillingham Library 


Various local artists including Andrea (alto) are selling cards in aid of SAC.  Please see attached flier. 


11 OCTOBER 2021

Dear All, 

 We will be in St. James’ Church this Wednesday at 6.45 (for 7.00) until 8.30.   

Please be super-safe and …   

  • wear face masks until you are seated in the church

  • bring some hard-surface wipes to wipe down your seat, before and after the rehearsal

  • sanitise your hands when you arrive (Julia has arranged for a couple of squirters to be on hand)

We would also REALLY appreciate it if you were to take a lateral flow test (free from chemists shops and elsewhere) at some point on the day as a further precautionary measure and not come at all if you are ill or know you should self-isolate. 

We will, of course, have as many doors and windows open as possible and we’ll continue to do without refreshments for a while yet.  

 Although we haven’t yet made our minds up whether or not St. Peter’s or St. James’ is the better venue, our recent questionnaire shows that the huge majority of the choir are happy to move indoors with appropriate safety measures in place.   However, we obviously understand and respect the wishes of the few who have said they do not feel ready for this and will welcome them back when they feel the time is right.   

 This week we’ll sing Heart to Heart and Listen as warm-ups (no words needed), polish the first section of Be Still My Soul (again no words needed) and continue Great Brook and Eternal Flame along with Stille der nacht and Wake Up (words attached).  The words of Brook, Flame and Stille were all attached to recent newsletters.  PLEASE PRINT OUT YOUR OWN WORDS IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN. 

 THE GREAT MOTCOMBE SANTA RUN – Sunday 5th December  10.00 a.m. 

We have been asked by the organisers if we would be able to sing carols for this once again.  The last event in 2019 saw over 500 people running a 3K race around the village followed by mulled wine, mince pies and general Christmas merriment in the village hall!  It is anticipated that the runners would get back to the village hall from about 10.30.  The festivities then last for about an hour, so all done by 11.30.  Can you give it some thought please so that I can let the organisers know whether we can do this?  We will make our decision on Wednesday. 

 We have also been asked if we could sing at their wonderful village fete on Saturday 4th June!  (Nothing like getting in quickly.)  We’ve taken part in this several times now so it would be great to support them again. 


Wednesday 1 December – The U3A have invited us to sing for their Christmas lunch at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  More details later. 


Sunday 17 October - The Phoenix Café Orchestra, which features many, many well known faces, will be playing for afternoon tea at St James’ church next Sunday at 4.00 p.m.  It would be great to see you there! 


11 October 2021 


It was getting pretty dark last night and, of course, it will be even darker by next time.  Consequently we’ve made the decision to go to St. Peter’s Church next week at 5.45 (for 6.00) until 7.30.  I’ll send a reminder early next week (probably Monday) together with a list of what we’ll be singing together with the usual choir news,  

 As we will be inside for the first time in about 18 months, please be super-safe and …   

  • wear face masks until you are seated in the church

  • bring some hard-surface wipes to wipe down your seat, before and after the rehearsal

  • sanitise your hands when you arrive (Julia has arranged for a couple of squirters to be on hand)

We would also REALLY ask you take a lateral flow test (free from chemists shops and elsewhere) at some point on the day as a further precautionary measure and not come at all if you are ill or know you should self-isolate for any reason. 

We will, of course, have as many doors and open as possible and we’ll continue to do without refreshments for a while yet.  

 Our recent questionnaire shows that the huge majority of the choir are happy to move indoors with appropriate safety measures in place but we obviously understand and respect the wishes of the few who have said they do not feel ready for this and will welcome them back when they feel the time is right.   


23 September 2021 


Dear All, 

What a lovely, lovely afternoon it was at Springhead yesterday – by my reckoning pretty close to perfection.  The garden looked glorious, the weather was warm and the sun shone a fair bit too.  Photo attached. There were about fifty of us altogether, choir members (all in good voice of course) along with families / friends.  We had the place to ourselves and a good time was had by all.    As you know, the good folk at Springhead let us have the garden absolutely free of charge but if you were there and would like to contribute to their roof appeal, you can do so by clicking on or copying and pasting this link: https://www.springheadtrust.org.uk/2021/07/help-us-fix-the-roof/

 Looking forward to seeing you all this coming Wednesday in the Abbey Gardens and at our new time of 5.45 (for 6.00) until 7.30.  There was a decent turn out last week and the weather was significantly warmer than it has been too.  If, for any reason, we need to make any last minute alternative arrangements you will be notified by e-mail by 5 o’clock on Wednesday itself. 

This week we’ll polish Stille der Nacht, continue Be Still My Soul and have a look at And So It Goes, Feelin’ Groovy, Sithi Shwele/A Yele, Down in the River, Plovi Barko and One Man’s Hands.  No words needed for Be Still, and words for Stille have been attached to recent newsletters.  Other words attached. PLEASE PRINT OUT YOUR OWN WORDS IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN. 


Wednesday 1 December – The U3A have invited us to sing for their Christmas lunch at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  More details later. 


 Wed 15- Sat 18 September - The Young ‘Uns (the band that brought us Ghafoor’s Bus)  The Ballad of Johnny Longstaff is the true story of one man’s journey from poverty and unemployment in Stockton-on-Tees, through the Hunger Marches of the 1930s, the mass trespass movement and the Battle of Cable Street, to fighting fascism in the Spanish Civil War.  DIGITAL STREAM TICKETS HERE https://www.northernstage.co.uk/event/at-home-the-ballad-of-johnny-longstaff   

Saturday 9 October – The Mayor of Casterbridge (directed by Tim Laycock)  Sturminster Newton Exchange.  2.00 p.m.  and 7.00 p.m.  Booking and details from stur-exchange.co.uk 


13 September 2021 


Following on from the brilliant Springhead picnic, here is a short quote from the Kington Magna Parish Newsletter.  I couldn’t agree more … 

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” 


21 AUGUST 2021

It was lovely to see such a good crowd in the Abbey Garden on Wednesday.  Good singing too.  We only have one more session before our Fringe show next Saturday so please make every effort to be with us this Wednesday.   We will, weather permitting, be in the Abbey; if, for any reason, we need to make any last minute alternative arrangements you will be notified by e-mail by 5 o’clock on Wednesday itself.  Otherwise, it’s the usual 6.45 for a 7 o’clock start.  And, as if you need reminding, it will almost certainly get a bit chilly after about 7.30 or so. 

 Next time we’ll be looking at our entire concert programme (in no particular order): Alleluia; Blue Moon; Circle of Life; Ego Sum Pauper; Follow the Heron; Ghafoor's Bus; Harbour; Isa Lei; Isn't She Lovely; Jug of Punch; Morning has come; Up above my head; Vive la compagnie. 

Also perhaps I'm Gonna Sing Sing Sing if we judge the audience to be in the mood for joining in. 

 We aim to have the biggest audience for any Fringe event this year, which should be eminently possible (if everyone does their bit of course) as we are more than likely to be the biggest performing group taking part.   A quick reminder too that when we sing in public members of the choir are asked to wear shades of red above the waist and dark or black below.   


Saturday 28 August - Shaftesbury Fringe Festival. “A Slice of Song”  We have booked our slot in the Abbey Gardens for 11 o’clock.   Not long now.   See also the six attachments for various Fringe events and the Blackmore Vale Art Trail all of which feature members and friends of the choir. 

 Sunday 12 September – Choir Picnic and singing in aid of St James’ Church.  Grove Farm, Melbury Abbas.  Bring along your friends and family and enjoy a picnic in the beautiful grounds at Grove.  Glorious singing and summer sunshine (almost) guaranteed. Time tbc. 

 Wednesday 1 December – The U3A have invited us to sing for their Christmas lunch at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  More details later. 


21 August 2021 

7 AUGUST 2021

It was great to see another good crowd in the Queen Mother’s Garden on Wednesday.  We were particularly lucky with the weather I think; pretty close to being a perfect summer’s evening. 

 As you know, we are hoping to use the Queen Mother’s Garden next week as well, but reverting to the Abbey Gardens thereafter.  If, for any reason, we need to make any last minute alternative arrangements you will be notified by e-mail at 5 o’clock on Wednesday itself.  Otherwise, it’s the usual 6.45 for a 7 o’clock start. 

 Next time we will be we’ll be singing: Jug of Punch (held over from last time), revising Harbour and Circle of Life, and, time permitting, taking a look at Ego Sum Pauper, Viva Musica, Isa Lei, Vive la Compagnie and Isn’t She Lovely.  (The words of Circle, Harbour and Jug were attached to last week’s or the previous week’s e-mail; no words needed for Ego or Viva; the other three are attached.)   As ever, something for everyone I hope and all likely to form part of our Fringe programme on Saturday 28th August so do join us if you possibly can.   


Saturday 28 August - Shaftesbury Fringe Festival. “A Slice of Song”  We have booked our slot in the Abbey Gardens for 11 o’clock.   Our programme will be chosen from those pieces that we have been / will be singing this summer. There is a poster advertising the concert attached to this e-mail.  Please print it off and display it if you possibly can.  Not long now. 

 Sunday 12 September – Choir Picnic and singing in aid of St James’ Church.  Grove Farm, Melbury Abbas.  Bring along your friends and family and enjoy a picnic in the beautiful grounds at Grove.  Glorious singing and summer sunshine (almost) guaranteed. Time tbc. 

 Wednesday 1 December – The U3A have invited us to sing for their Christmas lunch at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  More details later. 


 A SONG FOR DORSET - Karen’s song “When Time Lost Its Edge”, which many of us know, had its on-line premiere last week.  If you haven’t yet seen it (and it’s free) click on https://artsreach.co.uk/event/a-song-for-dorset-online-premiere 

 MELODIES REMEMBERED - A new music group called Melodies Remembered is launching in Shaftesbury on Thursday 19th August.  There is no charge for attending. Tea, coffee and cake will be served.  If you would like more information, please see last week’s flyer or alternatively phone Marion on 07871 665927 or email dementiafriendlyshaftesbury@gmail.com.  All are welcome  


7 August 2021 


31 JULY 2021

It was good to see so many people in the Abbey Gardens on Wednesday,  60+ I think.  We were lucky with the weather but, as you well know if you were there, it was getting pretty chilly towards the end, unseasonably so I think.  

 As you know, we are hoping to use the Abbey Gardens for as long as possible but, this said, for the next TWO weeks we will be in the Queen Mother’s Garden on Castle Hill.  I am attaching a map if you don’t know where it is.  It’s a really lovely spot and, weather permitting,  should be ideal.   If, for any reason, we need to make any last minute alternative arrangements you will be notified by e-mail at 5 o’clock on Wednesday itself. 

 Next time we will be we’ll be singing: Ghafoor’s Bus, Blue Moon and Jug of Punch again, along with Harbour (held over from last time), revising Follow the Heron and taking a look at Circle of Life (words attached), I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing and Love is Here.  (The words for Moon, Heron, Ghafoor, Harbour and Punch were attached to last Saturday’s e-mail; Sing, Sing, Sing and Love is Here don’t need words.)  As ever, something for everyone I hope and all are likely to form part of our Fringe programme on Saturday 28th August so do join us if you possibly can.   

 This is a link to a video of Circle of Life; it’s quite an old one I think but it’s dazzlingly clever and well worth the watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87bV-S2bWwk  I’m not quite sure we could manage the actions ourselves though.  Pity. 


Saturday 28 August - Shaftesbury Fringe Festival. We have booked our slot in the Abbey Gardens for 11 o’clock.   Our programme will be chosen from those pieces that we have been / will be singing this summer.  Watch this space.   

 Sunday 12 September – Choir Picnic and singing in aid of St James’ Church.  Grove Farm, Melbury Abbas.  Bring along your friends and family and enjoy a picnic in the beautiful grounds at Grove.  Glorious singing and summer sunshine (almost) guaranteed. Time tbc. 


 A SONG FOR DORSET - Karen’s song “When Time Lost Its Edge” which many of us know already of course will have its on-line premiere this coming Wednesday 4th August at 12.30.  More info on https://artsreach.co.uk/event/a-song-for-dorset-online-premiere 

 MELODIES REMEMBERED - A new music group called Melodies Remembered is launching in Shaftesbury on Thursday 19th August. Melodies Remembered is a fun sociable group for people living with dementia and memory loss and their carers. It will provide an opportunity for participants to express yourselves and socialise in a safe and enjoyable way. The group sessions will take place at Shaftesbury Football Club, Coppice Street, Shaftesbury, SP7 8PF,  in the function room and will run on alternate Thursday afternoons from 2 pm to 4 pm. There is plenty of free parking directly in front of the premises, so access is easy and you will find the football club close to Tesco's supermarket in Shaftesbury.  There is no charge for attending these group sessions, but donations are always welcome. Tea, coffee and cake will be served.  If you would like more information, please read the attached flyer or alternatively phone Marion on 07871 665927 or email dementiafriendlyshaftesbury@gmail.com.  All are welcome  


31 July 2021 


Thanks to Babs (soprano) for the link to this beautiful rendition of You Raise Me Up sung by Natalie Di Luccio, an Italian-Canadian, classical crossover soprano.   Filmed in the beautiful valley of Khonoma, India's first green village, in Nagaland, she collaborates here with the musicians from the Angami community.   


24 JULY 2021

It was good to see so many people in the Abbey Gardens on Wednesday. There are a couple photos attached to this e-mail – thankyou Men Bao (soprano).  The Covid-secure organization worked very well, thankyou Julia, and I’m pretty sure we all had a lovely time.  It was really nice to see some new faces as well as old friends of course; particular thanks to Elizabeth (tenor) for the bunting and prosecco too – VERY generous and a wonderful surprise. The weather was kind to us, of course, and I hope our rendition of Up Above My Head was fitting tribute to the memory of Linda Hopkins, Michael Mitchell, Steven Ridout, Dick Ripper, Ray Toogood and Phil the fluter - members and friends of the choir who, sadly, are no longer with us.  

 We are hoping to use the Abbey Gardens for as long as  possible but if, for any reason, we need to make any last minute alternative arrangements you will be notified by e-mail at 5 o’clock.  This said, unfortunately there are already two Wednesdays in August when the Gardens are already booked and Julia is currently looking for another (hopefully outdoor) venue. 

 To make things as easy as possible, I will try and make sure to let you know what songs we will be doing in advance so you can get your words sorted out beforehand.  PLEASE PRINT THEM OUT YOURSELVES IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN.   Next time we will be we’ll be singing: Morning has come, Ghafoor’s Bus and Follow the Heron again, along with Harbour (held over from last time), Bela Mama, Bamba Lela, Blue Moon and Jug of Punch.  (Words attached apart from Bela Mama and Bamba Lela which are easy.) As ever, something for everyone I hope and all are likely to form part of our Fringe programme on Saturday 28th August so do join us if you possibly can. 


Saturday 28 August - Shaftesbury Fringe Festival. We have booked or slot in the Abbey Gardens at 11 o’clock.   Our programme will be chosen from those pieces that we have been / will be singing this summer.  Watch this space.   

 September (tbd) – Choir Picnic and singing for St James’ Church.  Grove Farm, Melbury Abbas.  More details as and when. 


SHAFTESBURY ORCHESTRA -  Free concert at St James Church this Sunday at 2.30.  Mozart, Saint-Saens and Beethoven. 

A SONG FOR DORSET - Karen’s song “When Time Lost Its Edge” which many of us know already of course will have its on-line premiere on Wednesday 4th August at 12.30.  More info on https://artsreach.co.uk/event/a-song-for-dorset-online-premiere 

  You might also be interested to hear Julia’s interview for This Is Alfred, broadcast a couple of weeks ago:  https://thisisalfred.com/podcast/the-alfred-daily-6th-july-2021/  

If you want to be removed from our mailing list just send me a short message to that effect.  No hard feelings. 


24 July 2021 


Those of you who enjoyed Alleluia last Wednesday will, I am sure, also enjoy this take: 

https://youtu.be/khOfSVULtsU  Thankyou Jackie (tenor). 


10 JUNE 2021


We have decided to wait until Wednesday 30th June before resuming live singing.  The plan as it stands at the moment (but which is subject to change of course) is to meet in the Abbey Gardens on Park Walk for a 7 o’clock start and run on until 8.30 p.m.  To minimise mixing, we will not have a refreshment break and we would also ask that the four parts do not interact socially.  We will not need to wear masks and are seeking guidance whether or not outdoor activity advises 1m or 2m social distancing.  We will need to take a register of names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses on the first occasion but thereafter just tick people off as they arrive.  You will need to bring a chair and, maybe a blanket too.  The weather is a crucial factor of course and a decision as  to whether or not we meet in the Abbey or on Zoom will be made at 5.00 p.m. each week, but then maybe the Town Hall will be possible by the end of the month.  This resumption of live singing is rather later than some of us had hoped and the organisation rather pernickety too, but I am sure it is better to be safe than sorry.    If you know of choir members who either don’t have internet or don’t read their e-mails, can you let them know the current state of play please? 


Looking ahead to the Shaftesbury Fringe Festival, we have booked a slot at the Abbey on Saturday 28th August at 11 o’clock.   More anon of course, but we will be putting our programme together shortly.  Watch this space.   


Regulations permitting we will also be singing for St James’ Church in September so things are really beginning to look up.  More details as and when. 


For up to date information about online arts programmes and of course forthcoming live events, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see, listen to and generally find out about on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/

Keep safe and well, keep in touch and keep on singing.   Not long to go now. 


8 APRIL 2021

Eggs, bunnies, chicks and Easter bonnets gave last night’s singing that bit of extra sparkle I thought. Bravo!  We’ve successfully cracked Hanacpachap (well … at least the first two verses of it) and it was good to visit some old favourites too of course.   And keeping with Easter just a while longer, we have Rosa (alto) to thank for the attached video – absolutely guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. 


We are still hoping that, if all goes well, non-professional activities (as they call choirs like ours) will be able to start from Monday 17th May.  This means, of course, that we might just be able to meet on Wednesday 19th so put that date in your diaries NOW if you haven’t already done so and keep your fingers crossed. We are provisionally booking both the Town Hall and the Abbey and would hope to use the latter if the weather allows. 

 And looking further ahead to the Shaftesbury Fringe Festival, we have booked a slot at the Abbey on Saturday 28th August at 11 o’clock.   More anon of course, but it will be really lovely to get back again and put a programme together.  Watch this space.   

 EXHIBITION 12 - 20 April Shaftesbury Arts Centre 

Andrea (alto) writes:  

“I am very excited to be able to show my recent work at the Arts Centre gallery as we open up after another lockdown on 12th April. The main focus of the exhibition will be intensely coloured abstract paintings and mixed media works. Working with bright colour has kept me cheerful over past months, especially during the dark grey days of winter. There is also some closely observed representational work that expresses my concern for the local natural environment.”   See attached poster.    andreajenkins.co.uk 


Local artist Rachel Sargent is offering a series of outdoor workshops which will all be held at the beautiful Springhead Mill, Fontmell, Dorset.  





Contact Rachel at sargentrachel4@gmail.com or ring her on 07957 452 853. 


For up to date information about online arts programmes, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see and listen to on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/ 

 Keep safe and well, keep in touch, keep on singing, and see you next week  


8 April 2021 


Before you put the chicks, bunnies and whatnot back in their boxes for another year and especially for those of you who remember Watch With Mother on Thursdays at 1.45 (I THINK it was 1.45 … but I KNOW it was Thursdays), do enjoy this trip down memory lane, made extra special by one of the rare appearances of the baby rabbits!  Thanks to our friend Gill from Norwich for this wonderful dose of nostalgia. https://youtu.be/PSBeQ6We5ic 


11 MARCH 2021

Nice to see everyone last night and remarkable that, for once, we managed to sing everything that we had planned to do.  Although last night’s weather possibly made online Zooming preferable to meeting in the Town Hall, don’t forget that if all goes well, non-professional activities (as they call choirs like ours) can, in theory at least, resume from Monday 17th May.  This means, of course, that we might just be able to meet on Wednesday 19th so put that date in your diaries NOW and keep your fingers crossed. 


We are all invited Planet Shaftesbury’s FREE online talk this evening (Thursday) which is all about bees.  It is presented by Bridget Strawbridge, author of “Dancing With Bees”.  You can register on https://www.planetshaftesbury.org/event-details/planet-shaftesbury-online-meeting-26.   


Several of us have attended the excellent singing days in Wincanton hosted by the Pilgrim Singers.  This year it will be on Zoom and is happening this Saturday, 13th March, 10.30am to 12.30pm.  See last week’s flyer – Jane Fenton and the choir really hope that some of us might like to join them.  


A reminder that Gillingham Community Kindness Group have invited us to be part of their project for Red Nose Day – Saturday 20th March.  Full details on last Thursday’s flyer – it looks really fun so do make the effort to get involved if you possibly can. 


For up to date information about online arts programmes, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see and listen to on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/ 

Also, click on the top picture beside this newsletter to find out what’s going on at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.

 Keep safe and well, keep in touch, keep on singing, and see you next week.   


11 March 2021 

28 JANUARY 2021

Another particularly jolly session last night.  Thankyou to all who were there and who threw themselves into the singing with such gusto.   “Alleluia” seemed to work well with the instrumental backing track, it was lovely to sing “Isn’t (s)he lovely” in honour of Barbara and Mike’s one-day old grandson and to join in with some wild Scottish folk too.  Thanks to Angela (alto) for the attached info about Willie Stewart – we look forward to Burns’ Night next year. 


As the snowdrops are out and birds are starting to build their nests Andrea (alto) has added some seasonal packs of cards to her website card shop. A pack of six for £10 inc P&P and limited availability (See attached flyer.) www.andreajenkins.co.uk/greetings-cards  


Julia would like to draw our attention to a number of welcoming and friendly short online courses, designed to help us discover and recover ways to engage and support our mental wellbeing. They can increase our enjoyment of life and work and help us to feel more positive and resilient. (See attached flyer.)   If you would like to be kept informed directly about new courses and other updates, please sign up to the Adult Community Education newsletter here.    www.skillsandlearningace.com 


For up to date information about online arts programmes, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see and listen to on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/ 

 Keep safe and well, keep in touch, keep on singing, and see you next week. 


28 January 2021 


14 JANUARY 2021

Good to see folk again last night and lovely to hear Marga (tenor) ‘s beautiful singing of “Pokarekare Ana”.  A real joy.  Thankyou Marga.  Karen and I are going to make a new backing track for “Love is Here” so with luck we’ll do rather better with that next week.  Slow internet speeds are a real nuisance though and I suspect the early evening is a particularly busy time.   I came across a curious version of the song over the week.  If you click on the following link you can catch it.  https://soundcloud.com/paul-cox-25/love-is-here-by-nick-prater.    It is slower than ours and obviously sung in some vast, resonant building.  The build-up is a real mess I think but there are some nice moments later on.  I wonder how many of you can spot the musical difference between our version and theirs though?   

As we know however, several choir members are not able to join in for whatever reason.  Think of those who you see on-line and those you don’t.  If you don’t have contact details and feel any of the absentees might like a phone call or something, just email Julia, Karen or me and we will try and put you in touch.   


We have just heard that we have been successful in securing a grant from the Wessex Water Recovery Fund, so, in addition to a donation from Shaftesbury Charitable Trust and an anonymous donation from a very kind person, this will help us to retain our subs at only £2 a week. There'll be no need to raise them as we'd feared but thank you to all who wrote to say they would be happy to help by paying more. 

 We can keep going now until at least the end of April by which time, with a fair wind and copious supply of vaccine, we may be able to tentatively start meeting again together.  If not, we should still be able to keep meeting at our usual cost until we're liberated. 

 Do tell any of your friends or family who would like to join us to please come along. It doesn't matter where they live - we have no borders! 


Dorset County Council declared a climate emergency last year and they now have completed a first draft of their climate strategy.  You have until Jan 20th to comment on this very important document.  The document is long so you can choose to answer it in full or do the quick 2 minute version.  17 people in Planet Shaftesbury have prepared their own reply as well as Dorset CAN who have prepared a guide which you could use to cut and paste from.  There is also a petition calling for carbon zero dates to be revised to 2030 in line with climate science  which you could sign and share (this is the date the Church of England are also signed up for).  All of these links can be found on the front page of the Planet Shaftesbury website.    https://www.planetshaftesbury.org/ 


For up to date information about online arts programmes, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see and listen to on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/ 

 Keep safe and well, keep in touch, keep on singing, and see you next week. 



14 January 2021 


17 DECEMBER 2020

Lovely to see everyone last night for our end of year celebrations.  Special thanks to Sue (alto), Dudley and Mike (tenors) for their contributions to the proceedings (+ congratulations to Mike and Barbara of course on the arrival of [possibly] Albert junior) and to Julia and Tracey for helping the year go as smoothly as it did. Karen did the Christmas shopping and we got Julia a swimming towel poncho and Tracey fingerless gloves/wrist warmers and wine.  I have no idea who won the true-or-false Christmas quiz though but whoever it was, “Well done!” This was our last get together before Christmas of course and we will be resuming on Wednesday 6th January when no doubt there will be a few twelfth night festivities to look forward to.  In the meantime enjoy carol (soprano) and Gary (bass)’s Christmas song to us all.  Great musicianship and great taste in knitwear too.  (The attached “html” file might look a bit strange but is quite safe)  


The Joy of Sox was composed by Karen for her Palida Choir. This is their third virtual choir video of 2020.  Lots and lots of familiar faces and a great performance.  https://youtu.be/y5gWPpC1Arc 


Tilly (soprano) draws our attention to the Tisbury Art’s Group on-line production of Oliver Twist.  (She plays Rose Maylie and Charlotte, the undertaker’s maid.)  https://www.tisburyartsgroup.co.uk/oliver-twist 


Thursday 17 December  There will be a virtual carol service from Gillingham Methodist Church and Gillingham Community Church on the MusicatGMC YouTube and Facebook channels from this evening (when the physical event would normally have taken place).  Check out this video for full details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztgLf6pFaEs&feature=youtu.be 


Friday 18 and Saturday 19 December   Enmore Green carol singing.  (6.30 – 7.30 p.m.) Details from Jo Churchill on 01747 850432 or jo.churchill@enmoregreen.co.uk   


Sunday 20 December   Churches Together in Shaftesbury are holding Carols on Your Doorstep at 6.00 p.m.  Hear more about it on: www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWJ1RC6USZ157Nh-Jvq_Kw   Full details in last Monday’s newsletter.   


For up to date information about online arts programmes, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see and listen to on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/ 


Make sure you have a good look at our website which is usually bang up to date:   

www.shaftesburycommunitychoir.org  Well worth a look; tell your friends about us too. 

Keep well, keep in touch, keep on singing, and see you in the new year. 

Merry Christmas 


17 December 2020 

10 NOVEMBER 2020

Lovely to see everyone congratulating Karen and Robin on their civil partnership and joining in such a cacophonous Happy Birthday as well.  I’m attaching just one of the many screenshots of the occasion – thankyou Andy.  If you’d like copies of the others I can zap them to you – just let me know. Next week will be our last before Christmas and we will be resuming on Wednesday 6th January.  If you have a short party piece you would like to share next Wednesday let me know and Karen and I will make up a programme.  Don’t be shy! 


The choir would like to records it’s thanks to the anonymous donor who made such very generous contribution to our funds.   A truly wonderful gesture. Thanks also to Sue Pocock for her lovely interview with Keri on This is Alfred on Tuesday morning and to Marie, Marga and Mike for their solos last night.  I don’t know whether it was the whisky but I found the three verses of Silent Night in the different languages incredibly moving. 


I mentioned last time the fascinating programme on BBC4 last Friday evening -  The Truth About Christmas Carols.  Well worth watching.  I also caught a totally absorbing lecture a couple of days ago about Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms.  Did you know that most of the music from this glorious choral piece came from an intended Broadway show that never materialised while one of the movements was actually a re-writing of a number that was originally going to be part of West Side Story?  I certainly didn’t.  You can get it on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU4mGUS0kys 

I really cannot recommend it highly enough. 

 Saturday 12 December  The Big Christmas Carol Service with the RSCM and Churches Conservation Trust.  As with their other big on-line services, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to join in from home.  Let me know if you’d like a pdf copy of the music booklet. 

 Friday 18 and Saturday 19 December  

Don’t forget to let Jo Churchill know if you’d like to take part in the Enmore Green carol singing.  (6.30 – 7.30 p.m.) Contact her on 01747 850432 or jo.churchill@enmoregreen.co.uk   


Sunday 20 December   Don’t forget Carols on the Doorstep either. https://www.carolsonthedoorstep.co.uk/   Regulations permitting, it’s a chance to sing carols on our doorsteps with our neighbours (a bit like when we did the clapping for the NHS).  Churches Together in Shaftesbury are planning something similar too.  More about that next week. 


For up to date information about other online arts programmes, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see and listen to on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/

 Keep well, keep in touch, keep on singing, and, with luck, see you next week for our final Zoom before Christmas.  Don’t forget to offer a party piece if you have one and feel free to bring a friend along to join in the fun. 
