13 AUGUST 2022

A good sing last Wednesday and great fun to perform “I’m Alive” outdoors to our small but hugely appreciative audience.  Lovely to make a start on The Red Kalyna too.  Thankyou Halyna for introducing it to us; I for one am looking forward to the next bit this coming week.   

We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 and finishing at 9.00 so, if you are off to the G&S show, make sure you save enough strength to round off your day in song.  If the weather is good, we might sing outside again.   It might be worth bringing a jumper just in case.   

Next time we plan to polish Can’t buy me love (a bit rushed last time I think), continue The Red Kalyna and Mravalzemia (held over from last time) and have a look at One heart Beating, One Man’s Hands, Traveller’s Blessing  and Up Above My Head.  As ever, something for everyone I hope.  Words of the last four are attached, the others have either been attached recently or you won’t need them. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.    


Sunday 18 December! Motcombe Christmas procession (carols + donkey) 5pm (alongside the band).  Nothing like being booked early. 

Saturday 10 June 2023!!  Motcombe Fete 



until Tuesday 16 August  Exhibition at Shaftesbury Arts Centre with work by Anne Louise Richards, whom many of you know, and others. 

Saturday 24 August  Growing Pains – Project Dance FREE (see last week’s newsletter) 

Sunday 4 September  The first of the wonderful autumn organ concerts at Gillingham Methodist Church.  See attached flyer.  (Other concerts on 18 September, 2, 16 and 30 October)  

Saturday 24 September  Early history of music, plainchant to polyphony (afternoon course).  St Peter’s Church.  More details later. 

Saturday 1 October  Choral Day Stainer’s Crucifixion and The Daughter of Jairus.  St James’ Church.  See attached flyer and note below. 

Sat 15 – Sun 16 October  Come and Sing Purcell. Wardour.  See last week’s flier. 


Keep the trolley filled to overflowing.   


As you know, Elizabeth (tenor) has  produced a lovely book of sketches which she is selling to raise money for the Westminster Hospital’s League of Friends.  RRP is £12.50 but Elizabeth will be selling them at choir at a special price of £10.   


Listen to Alfred Arts on 107.3FM with Jeanette Hardiman.  Visit https://thisisalfred.com/schedule for a list of show times for the week 8 August or listen on demand at https://player.autopod.xyz/207726 (fast forward 4 minutes). 

-Artist Karren Burkett gives some useful hints and tips on preparing for an exhibition and remembers some of her more interesting past sales. 

-Grace Macdonald shares the excitement of being a drama student and talks about managing to keep focused on her future success. 

 -Photographer Philip Galvan shares a multitude of memories from his travels including many of the important life lessons he’s picked up along the way. 


13, August 2022  


I am organizing this workshop to which members of the choir are cordially invited and Andrea has produced a wonderful flyer to advertise the event (attached).  I have identified most of the singers pictured to ask their permission but there remain three mystery faces.  My apologies if your image is being used without permission.  I did try!