2 APRIL 2022

Although numbers were down last week, it was good to see everyone there making a few new friends as a consequence of it being a “Badge Wednesday”.  Sue (alto), at home with Covid, also appreciated our recording of Happy Birthday which we sent her for her sixtieth!   We’ll be meeting in the Town Hall again this coming week at our usual time of 7.15 for 7.30 of course and finishing at 9.00. Posh biscuits available but please continue to bring your own drinks.   

 This week we plan to continue You’ve Got a Friend, Eternal Flame and April Rain Song (words of these three were attached recently) and have a look at Ooh-la-la-lay, Kyrie (no words needed for these), A Place Called England, Ezulwini and Sakura Sakura which Yuko will be teaching to us. Words of these last three are attached. Although Julia will have some sets of words with her, please do print them out yourselves if you possibly can.  Words of the others, where needed, were attached recently.   


Two weeks ago, the composer John Rutter wrote:  

 “How can a composer respond to a global tragedy? By writing music is the most obvious thing”  He continues, “Like, everybody, I’ve been shocked and dismayed by the events of recent days and the first thing I wanted to do was to write some music” 

The result is his “Ukrainian Prayer” written for unaccompanied mixed voice choir.  Next Saturday morning (9th April) you are invited to join us for an hour or so at St. Peter’s Church in Shaftesbury to learn this beautiful and deeply moving piece.  Music will be made available at the door or you can download the attachment from this e-mail.  The music will be taught by rote so you do not need to be a fluent reader; all ranges and abilities will be very welcome. (St. Peter’s is on Shaftesbury High Street, next to the Town Hall at the top of Gold Hill.)  We will be meeting for a prompt 10 o’clock start and running on until 11 or maybe a little  after.  There is no charge although there will be a retiring collection, with every penny received going to the Disasters and Emergencies Committee’s Ukrainian Appeal.  

Please spread the word – it’s open to all – not just members of the community choir.  There’s no need to register … just turn up.  


Thursday 2 June (Jubilee BH)  Singing as part of a nationally organised event.  (We are probably going to be singing in the Abbey Gardens on the Sunday instead, but this is yet to be confirmed) 

Saturday 4 June  (Jubilee BH Weekend) Motcombe Village Fete. 

Sunday 5 June Singing in the Abbey Gardens    

Sunday 24 July (Shaftesbury Fringe) 11.00.  Singing in the Abbey Gardens. 



Sunday 3 April.  5.00 pm Shaftesbury Orchestra. Schubert, Grieg and Schumann. Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  Proceeds in aid the Arts Centre Music Project. Tickets, £12 (£10 for SAC members) 

Sunday 10 April  3.15  Phoenix Café Orchestra at Motcombe Memorial Hall in aid of Read. Tickets £10 to include refreshments from Motcombe Community Shop, Mere Library OR via e-mail on EITHER events.regs@gmail.com OR events.rebvn@gmail.com.  Alternatively you can ring Lydia on 07748 981935 
