20 DECEMBER 2018

Dear All,

Thanks to absolutely everyone who contributed to the success of last night’s party.  A good time was had by all, I’m pretty sure.  We will not be meeting next Wednesday (Boxing Day) but will starting the New Year in style on 2nd January when we will be having our choir party.  Liquid refreshment provided but please bring finger food to share. Lots of singing, a few party pieces and maybe a game or two.

Don’t forget we have been invited to join the hospital League of Friends this evening (Thursday 20 December) for their annual Christingle carol singing around the wards.  Meet in the Occupational Therapy (OT) Room at the hospital 6.30 for 7.00   (Singing for one hour followed by mulled wine and mince pies.) Finally, we’re hoping for a spectacular turn out this Saturday morning (22nd) when we will be doing a spot of carol singing.  See below.


Saturday 22 December   Carol singing in the town centre followed by coffee and mince pies at Shaftesbury Arts Centre. Raising money for research into Parkinson’s Disease.  Meet outside Town Hall (10.15 for 10.30) probably on the Christmas tree side.  Whatever you do, please DON’T BLOCK THE ENTRANCE TO THE FLEA MARKET.  Usual dress code (i.e. shades of red above the waist, dark or black below).

Boxing Day, Wednesday 26 December  NO PRACTICE

Wednesday 2 January New Year Party. Please bring finger food to share.

Friday 7 June  Concert at St James Church.

Saturday 15 June  Motcombe Village Fete

Merry Christmas


13 DECEMBER 2018

Dear All,

More lovely singing last night.  We will be singing our Christmas repertoire for our own pleasure next Wednesday and for the pleasure of those doing their Christmas shopping on Saturday 22nd - see below.  (There is no need to bring contributions towards the food for next week’s Christmas celebration by the way, it will be normal refreshments + mulled wine or juice and mince pies for those that want.)

If you have a short item you would like to perform at our New Year Party on Wednesday 2 January, please let me know so that I can begin to put a programme together.  I have been given four items so far, so a few more wouldn’t come amiss. 

Don’t forget we have also been invited to participate in a couple of seasonal events – again, see below.



“I am writing on behalf of the Committee of the League of Friends of WMH to thank you all so much for your wonderful carol singing at our Christmas Fair. We all felt that the event was very successful and you definitely added to the festive atmosphere. I am not sure of the exact figure yet but we think we made in the region of £400 for the hospital. I will be adding a piece about the fair to our website soon and you will definitely be mentioned. With many thanks again.  Elizabeth Heath, Secretary to the League of Friends.”


Wednesday 19 December  Christmas Celebration.  All your favourite carols and Christmas songs, coffee / tea and biscuits as usual or mulled wine / juice and mince pies if you prefer, and a theatrical spectacular from Tess (alto) and friends.

Saturday 22 December   Carol singing in the town centre followed by coffee and mince pies at Shaftesbury Arts Centre. Raising money for research into Parkinson’s Disease.  Meet outside Town Hall at 10.30.  Usual dress code.

Boxing Day, Wednesday 26 December  NO PRACTICE

Wednesday 2 January New Year Party. Let me know if you have a party piece. More details next week.

Friday 7 June  Concert at St James Church.

Saturday 15 June  Motcombe Village Fete


Thursday 20 December   Westminster Memorial Hospital.  A small number of community choir members are invited to meet in the Occupational Therapy (OT) Room at the hospital and join the League of Friends for their annual Christingle carol singing around the wards.  6.30 for 7.00   (Singing for one hour followed by mulled wine and mince pies.)  Let me know next week if you’d like to join them.

Christmas Day  Tess (alto) would appreciate some vocal support for the Community Meal at Gillingham Methodist Church at 12 noon.  If you would like to sing well known carols for about 30 minutes, please contact her on eithertess.hebditch@gmail.com OR tesshebditch@gmail.com



Friday 14 December Tisbury Community Choir and St John's Band concert at St John's Tisbury at 7.30. Tickets at the door.  Christmas music and all sorts of other things!  See attached flyer.


Saturday 15 December  Pilgrim Singers, Rejoice at Christmas.  Wincanton. Tickets £12 from Divine Wines Seasonal refreshments included.  Under 16s free contact 01963 33695 or janeyfents@hotmail.com   See earlier flyer

Sunday 16 December Shaftesbury Christmas market with open air nativity play at 1 o’clock outside the Town Hall.


Shaftesbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m. Port Regis School.  Mozart Overture to “Marriage of Figaro”, Haydn Cello Concerto in C and Schubert Symphony No. 6.  FREE.




Monday 17 December “Wintery Songs in the Garden” with Cranborne Community Choir.  Sue (tenor) would love us to come along.  See earlier flyer.


Friday 21 December  “Deck the Halls” – Christmas entertainment from Gillingham Arts Workshop.  Gillingham Library, 5.30 p.m.  FREE.  Flyer attached



Dear All

Smaller numbers than usual last night, but there was some great singing and it was lovely to catch up with some Christmas favourites from previous years.  Many thanks to all those who took part in last weekend’s events – all of which were well received by the various organisers.  (So what if the fun run lasted only 10 minutes as opposed to the estimated 30+, we helped to create a really happy atmosphere.  The little girl at Motcombe who requested a verse of “Hark the Herald” for one was delighted. “It’s a lovely choir” she told me.)  Molly and Christine and the Santa Run team have asked me to pass on their thanks.  “The choir’s beautiful singing really brought the village hall to life and created such a wonderful, festive atmosphere.  The run was a great success and we are incredibly grateful to all the people who helped.” 

Following on from this, the powers that be in Motcombe have invited us to sing at their summer fete once more.  This will be on Saturday 15 June (see diary below).  We have also been invited to participate in a number of seasonal events – again, see below. 
Next week we will continue to look at our pieces for the Christmas season in readiness for our celebration on Wednesday 19th and our carol singing on Saturday 22nd.  If you have a short item you would like to perform at our New Year party on Wednesday 2 January, please let me know so that I can begin to put a programme together.


Wednesday 19 December  Christmas celebration.

Saturday 22 December   Carol singing in the town centre followed by coffee and mince pies at Shaftesbury Arts Centre. Raising money for research into Parkinson’s Disease.  More details next time.

Boxing Day, Wednesday 26 December  NO PRACTICE

Wednesday 2 January New Year Party. Let me know if you have a party piece.

Friday 7 June  Concert at St James Church.

Saturday 15 June  Motcombe Village Fete


Sunday 16 December  Choir members are invited to join in the open air nativity play that takes place outside the Town Hall during the Christmas Market.  If you would like to take part, please meet up with Sam Skey at 11 o’clock this coming Sunday (9th) at St Peter’s Church or go to Bell Street United Church on Tuesday (11th) at 6 o’clock. 

Thursday 20 December   Westminster Memorial Hospital.  A small number of community choir members are invited to meet in the Occupational Therapy (OT) Room at the hospital and join the League of Friends for their annual Christingle carol singing around the wards.  6.30 for 7.00   (Singing for one hour followed by mulled wine and mince pies.)  Let me know next week if you’d like to join them.

Christmas Day  Tess (alto) would appreciate some vocal support for the Community Meal at Gillingham Methodist Church at 12 noon.  If you would like to sing well known carols for about 30 minutes, please contact her on eithertess.hebditch@gmail.com OR tesshebditch@gmail.com



Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.   See earlier flyer.

Sunday 9 December  Wincanton Choral Society Messiah.  See earlier flyer. Tickets available from Mary or Linda (sopranos) or Jan (tenor).



Wednesday 12 December OLD TREES TALK with PHOTOGRAPHS   7.00pm at Shaftesbury Arts Centre (see attached flyer)

Saturday 15 December  Pilgrim Singers, Rejoice at Christmas.  Wincanton. Tickets £12 from Divine Wines Seasonal refreshments included.  Under 16s free contact 01963 33695 or janeyfents@hotmail.com   See earlier flyer

Monday 17 December “Wintery Songs in the Garden” with Cranborne Community Choir.  Sue (tenor) would love us to come along.  See attached flyer.

Friday 21 December  “Deck the Halls” – Christmas entertainment from Gillingham Arts Workshop.  Gillingham Library, 5.30 p.m.  FREE.

29 NOVEMBER 2018


Dear All,

Great singing again last night.  I’m attaching the MP3 of the recording we made of “Come Descend”.  It’s not at all bad although it does tend to go a bit flat and the acoustics of the Town Hall hardly enhance our sound.  Looking forward to doing it again this coming weekend though.  We’ve got three events lined up (see below) and we’re hopeful for a really good turnout.    

Next week we will be looking at our pieces for the Christmas season.


Saturday 1 December  Singing for Westminster Memorial Hospital (Shaftesbury) at the Quaker Meeting House. 10.30 for 10.45.   Dress code: shades of red above the waist (block colour please, no patterns) and dark or black below.   The weather forecast is dire so we will almost certainly be singing inside.  We will be singing the well-known carols we looked at last night together with Come Descend, Fais Dodo, Hosanna, While Shepherds (Cornish tune) and Ding Dong.  After we’ve sung and enjoyed our coffees and mince pies, we’re invited over the road to Castle Hill House for their bric-a-brac sale and, no doubt, more coffee and mince pies. (See earlier flyer.

Sunday 2 December  Singing for Motcombe Primary School PTA’s Great Santa Run.  10.30 for 10.45  Motcombe Village Hall. Usual dress code and same repertoire as Saturday.  Weather permitting we will be singing outside.  Because of the run, there are going to be road closures in force.  Coming from the Shaftesbury direction, please enter the village by the right turn shortly after Port Regis on the Shaftesbury/Gillingham road.  There will be a road block, but just say you are in the choir and you will be able to park in the Primary School carpark (just before the church).

Monday 3 December  Late Night Shopping.  We have been asked to sing outside the Town Hall from about 5.45 to shortly before 6.20 p.m. Usual dress code. Well-known carols only.  Please assemble outside the Town Hall at 5.30.

Wednesday 19 December  Christmas celebration.

Saturday 22 December   Carol singing in the town centre followed by coffee and mince pies.  Raising money for research into Parkinson’s Disease.  More details to follow.

Wednesday 26 December  NO PRACTICE

Wednesday 2 January New Year Party

Friday 7 June  Concert at St James Church.


THIS WEEKEND: Saturday 1 December  Selections from Handel’s Messiah and other pieces.  Gillingham Singers.  7.30 p.m. St Mary’s Church, Gillingham.  See earlier flyer.

Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.   See earlier flyer.

Sunday 9 December  Wincanton Choral Society Messiah.  See earlier flyer. Tickets available from Mary or Linda (sopranos) or Jan (tenor).

Saturday 15 December  Pilgrim Singers, Rejoice at Christmas.  Wincanton.  See earlier flyer


I have received a lovely message from the organisers of last week's concert, thanking us very much for our contribution.  It was a bit of a marathon I thought - quite enough items for two concerts really - but many of the items were quite exceptional and I thought we acquitted ourselves very well indeed.  Congratulations.  I hope those that stayed the course and joined in the Hallelujah Chorus felt it was worth it.   £2,000 was raised for repairs to St. Edward’s church.


22 NOVEMBER 2018

Dear All,

Great singing again last night. 

For this evening’s concert, please aim to get to St Mary’s School Chapel as close to 6.00 p.m. as possible, so that we can be ready to go by 6.15 at the very latest.   This should give us just about enough time to sort out our singing positions, find our allocated seats in the audience and, with luck, have a quick practice too. Dress code: shades of red above the waist (block colour please, no patterns) and dark or black below. If you need words / music, putting them in a discreet red folder is best.

In addition to our performances on 1st, 2nd and 3rd December, (please note revision to some times) we will be carol singing in the town centre on the morning of Saturday 22nd before adjourning for coffee (or tea) and mince pies.  If you have a particular charity you would like us to support, please let Julia know before next Wednesday. 

Also, looking ahead, we will be having a bit of a Christmas celebration at our regular session on Wednesday 19th December.  We will not be meeting on Boxing Day, but will start again on Wednesday 2nd January with a fun packed New Year Party and lots of singing of course.

Next week we will be looking at our pieces for the Christmas season.


TONIGHT - Thursday 22 November  Concert at St Mary’s School (Shaftesbury). Choir to arrive 6.00 for 6.15 p.m.Concert starts at 7.00 p.m. Tickets (£10 for audience members) from Helen Jupp (Tel: 01747 850272; Mob: 07870 975224; e-mail: helenjupp13@gmail.com

Saturday 1 December  Singing for Westminster Memorial Hospital (Shaftesbury) at the Quaker Meeting House. 10.30 for 10.45.   At the same time, and just over the road at Castle Hill House, there is going to be a bric-a-brac sale.  (See last week’s flyer.)  If anyone has any quality clothes they would like to donate could they bring them to choir next week or drop them into Sue (alto) at 18, Long Cross?

Sunday 2 December  Singing for Motcombe Primary School PTA’s Great Santa Run.  10.30 for 10.45  Motcombe Village Hall. Because of the run, there are going to be road closures in force.  Coming from the Shaftesbury direction, please enter the village by the right turn shortly after Port Regis on the Shaftesbury/Gillingham road.  There will be a road block, but just say you are in the choir and you will be able to park in the Primary School carpark (just before the church).

Monday 3 December  Late Night Shopping.  We have been asked to sing outside the Town Hall from about 5.45 to shortly before 6.20 p.m. Please note slightly earlier time.

Wednesday 19 December  Christmas celebration.

Saturday 22 December   Carol singing in the town centre followed by coffee and mince pies.

Wednesday 26 December  NO PRACTICE

Wednesday 2 January New Year Party

Friday 7 June  Concert at St James Church.



Saturday 24 November Flute and piano recital, Salisbury URC.  See attached flyer.

Saturday 1 December  Selections from Handel’s Messiah and other pieces.  Gillingham Singers.  7.30 p.m. St Mary’s Church, Gillingham.  See last week’s flyer.

Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.   See earlier flyer.

Sunday 9 December  Wincanton Choral Society Messiah.  See attached flyer. Tickets available from Mary or Linda (sopranos) or Jan (tenor).

Saturday 15 December  Pilgrim Singers, Rejoice at Christmas.  Wincanton.  See attached flyer


15 NOVEMBER 2018

Dear All,

As our performance at St Mary’s School is imminent (Thursday 22nd) it’s probably best to advise / remind people about our dress code which is actually very straightforward, although one or two still manage to get it wrong!  It is, quite simply, shades of red above the waist (block colour please, no patterns) and dark or black below.

Please aim to get to the school chapel as close to 6.00 p.m. as possible, so that we can be ready to go by 6.15 at the very latest.   This should give us just about enough time to sort out our singing positions, find our allocated seats in the audience and, with luck, have a quick practice too. I am sure we all want to appear as professional as possible so please don’t be late and be sure to allow sufficient time for parking and making your way from the school entrance to the chapel itself.

In addition to our performances on 1st, 2nd and 3rd December, we are hoping to arrange a bit of carol singing on the morning of either Saturday 8th or 22nd.  Watch this space.

Also, looking ahead, we will be having a bit of a Christmas celebration at our regular session on Wednesday 19th December.  We will not be meeting on Boxing Day, but will start again on Wednesday 2nd January with a fun packed New Year Party and lots of singing of course.


Next week we will be concentrating on our St Mary’s programme (Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song; Stille der Nacht) and looking at other pieces for the Christmas season.



Thursday 22 November  Concert at St Mary’s School (Shaftesbury). Choir to arrive 6.00 for 6.15 p.m. Concert starts at 7.00 p.m. We will be singing four songs (see above) and, for those that wish, joining other performers for a rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus. Tickets (£10 for audience members) from Helen Jupp (Tel: 01747 850272; Mob: 07870 975224; e-mail: helenjupp13@gmail.com


Saturday 1 December  Singing for Westminster Memorial Hospital (Shaftesbury) at the Quaker Meeting House. 10.30 for 10.45.   At the same time, and just over the road at Castle Hill House, there is going to be a bric-a-brac sale.  (See attached flyer.) Sue (alto) asks: ‘If anyone has any quality clothes they would like to donate could they bring them to choir over the next 2 weeks or drop them into 18, Long Cross. Thanks’


Sunday 2 December  Singing for Motcombe Primary School PTA  10.45  Motcombe Village Hall. More details later.

Monday 3 December  Late Night Shopping.  We have been asked to lead the singing outside the Town Hall from about 6.20 to shortly before 7.00 p.m. More details later.

Saturday 8 or 22 December   Possible carol singing in the town centre.

Wednesday 19 December  Christmas celebration.

Friday 7 June  Concert at St James Church.



Saturday 17 November  Spectra Musica concert.  Wincanton.  See earlier flyer.

… also …

St Johns / Enmore Green Variety Show at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.   See earlier flyer.

Saturday 1 December  Selections from Handel’s Messiah and other pieces.  Gillingham Singers.  7.30 p.m. St Mary’s Church, Gillingham.  See attached flyer.

Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.   See earlier flyer.



Dear All,

More exuberant singing last night – great fun!      Next week, as well as working on our programme for 22 November and doing some “featured” Christmas, we’ll be making a start on the more traditional carols.  Could altos, tenor and basses who have them, please bring their white carol booklets that we used last year?  I have added the concert next June (!) that we have been asked to participate in to our list of coming events.  Please put it in your 2019 diary when you get one.

Next week we will probably be looking at: Hosanna; Suo Gan; Things; Cherry Tree Carol, Breton Carol (recording attached - chorus is a bit slow I think) and Stille der Nacht


Thursday 22 November  Concert at St Mary’s School (Shaftesbury). 7.00 p.m   We will be singing four songs (Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song; Stille der Nacht) and, for those that wish to, joining other performers for a rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus (details in last week’s newsletter). Tickets (£10 for audience members) from Helen Jupp (Tel: 01747 850272; Mob: 07870 975224; e-mail: helenjupp13@gmail.com


Saturday 1 December  Singing for Westminster Memorial Hospital (Shaftesbury) at the Quaker Meeting House. 10.45 (I expect).  More details later.

Sunday 2 December  Singing for Motcombe Primary School PTA  10.45  Motcombe Village Hall. More details later.

Monday 3 December  Late Night Shopping.  We have been asked to lead the singing outside the Town Hall from about 6.20 to shortly before 7.00 p.m. More details later.

Friday 7 June  Concert at St James Church.


Friday 9 November  “Only Remembered” Gillingham Arts Workshop  Gillingham Library  5.30 p.m. See earlier flyer

Saturday 17 November  Spectra Musica.  Wincanton.  See earlier flyer.

… also …

St Johns / Enmore Green Variety Show at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.   See last week’s flyer.

Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.   See earlier flyer.

25 OCTOBER 2018

Dear All,

Great work once again.  Although we won’t be starting on the more traditional carols until next month, can I suggest that any long standing altos, tenors and basses that have the 2017 carol booklets should look them out as this will save enormously on printing costs?  Next week, as well as working on our programme for 22 November, we’ll be making a start on the Cherry Tree Carol, so you might like to follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYaFGSG_x80

JOAN BAEZ ~ The Cherry Tree Carol ~.wmv


Joan Baez ~ THE CHERRY TREE CAROL ~ "All collected versions of this most popular of the traditional Christmas carols contain additional verses telling of the birth ...

We now have three Christmas performances in close succession – see below.  I hope you don’t feel that we are over doing things.  The one on 1st December will include a number of featured carols, but those on 2nd and 3rd will just be well-known carols for everyone to join in.  Should be fun!

Next week we will probably be looking at: Hosanna; Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song, Cherry Tree Carol, Breton Carol (Come, Descend) and Stille der Nacht


Thursday 22 November  Concert at St Mary’s School (Shaftesbury). 7.00 p.m   We will be singing four songs (Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song; Stille der Nacht) and, for those that wish to, joining other performers for a rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus (see below). Tickets (£10 for audience members) from Helen Jupp (Tel: 01747 850272; Mob: 07870 975224; e-mail: helenjupp13@gmail.com)  Poster attached.  Please print off if you can and spread the word of course.


Saturday 1 December  Singing for Westminster Memorial Hospital (Shaftesbury) at the Quaker Meeting House. 10.45 (I expect).  More details later.

Sunday 2 December  Singing for Motcombe Primary School PTA  10.45  Motcombe Village Hall. More details later.

Monday 3 December  Late Night Shopping.  We have been asked to lead the singing outside the Town Hall from about 6.20 to shortly before 7.00 p.m. More details later.

HALLELUJAH CHORUS (for 22nd November)

The programme for the concert we’re taking part in on Thursday 22 November includes a performance of the Hallelujah chorus which is to be performed by St Edward’s Choir and friends.  If you would like to be included amongst their “friends” then you might like to download the sheet music attachment.  If you need help with learning your part, then the following Youtube links will be useful:

SOPRANO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TEHurtTmfM

Hallelujah Chorus - Handel (Soprano Part Emphasized)


Soprano-emphasized practice track to help you learn to sing the Hallelujah Chorus by G.F. Handel. The left channel has all parts in the background, and the soprano ...

ALTO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB0GjKpwX6c

TENOR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cls_oEvCp2U

BASS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNfhCrUPRvU




Sunday 28 October  Come-and-Sing Faure Requiem.  Buckhorn Weston.  See earlier flyer.

Friday 9 November  “Only Remembered” Gillingham Arts Workshop  Gillingham Library  5.30 p.m. See last week’s flyer

Saturday 17 November  Spectra Musica.  Wincanton.  See last week’s flyer.

… also …

Variety Show at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.   See attached flyer.

Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.   See earlier flyer.

18 OCTOBER 2018


Dear All,

Another tremendous effort last night.  It was also great to see such a positive response to the invitation to sing for Motcombe School too, which means that we already have three performances scheduled for the coming months.  Making a start on some of our Christmas pieces was not quite as traumatic as I had expected.  For the next few weeks we will be concentrating on these and on our programme for St Mary’s on 22 November (see below).  Over the next week I will make MP3 recordings of the soprano, alto, tenor and bass parts for the Hallelujah Chorus for those who would like to do some preparation for the grand finale.  Although we won’t be starting on the more traditional carols for a few weeks yet, can I suggest that the long standing altos, tenors and basses look out their carol booklets if they have them as this will save enormously on printing costs.

Next time we will probably be looking at: Hosanna; Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song, Cherry Tree Carol and the Breton Carol (Come, Descend).


Thursday 22 November  Concert at St Mary’s School (Shaftesbury). 7.00 p.m   We will be singing four songs (Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song; Stille der Nacht) and, for those that wish to, joining other performers for a rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus. Tickets (£10 for audience members) from Helen Jupp (Tel: 01747 850272; Mob: 07870 975224; e-mail: helenjupp13@gmail.com)

Saturday 1 December  Singing for Westminster Memorial Hospital (Shaftesbury) at the Quaker Meeting House. 10.45 (I expect).  More details later.

Sunday 2 December  Singing for Motcombe Primary School PTA  10.45  Motcombe Village Hall. More details later.


Thank you very much you kind people who sponsored my Mum, Ann.  The total raised, as far as we know, is £2006.76 + £80 Gift Aid!!  Far more than Mum ever imagined.  If you have not seen her skydive in aid of Cancer Research click on:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VMNWRhpGLCUyqhrPqi6Av6Z6hiiwr-aR/view


Thurs 18 – Sat 20 October  The Lady Killers.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre. 7.30.  With a host of well-known faces including Pam (soprano) and Marie (alto) TICKETS GOING FAST!!

Friday 19 October  Palida concert for Amnsety International.  St Mary’s Church, Shroton.  See attached flyer

Saturday 20 October              Sing Your Heart Out with Gilo and Sarah.  Cranborne Village Hall See attached flyer

Sunday 21 October  Come and Sing Hymnathon.  St Peter’s Church.  4.00 pm. Tea and cake afterwards too!  See attached flyer.

Sunday 28 October  Come-and-Sing Faure Requiem.  Buckhorn Weston.  See last week’s flyer.

Friday 9 November  “Only Remembered” Gillingham Arts Workshop  Gillingham Library  5.30 p.m. See attached flyer

Saturday 17 November  Spectra Musica.  Wincanton.  See attached flyer.

Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.  See last week’s flyer.


11 OCTOBER 2018

Dear All,

Sorry about the lack of newsletters over the past few weeks.  Microsoft and I have had a slightly difficult time of it recently but at least now I can say I’ve got a friend in Silicon Valley!   Great singing last night, and lovely to see a few new faces …  as well as the regulars of course.

Next time we will probably be looking at: Come and Sing; Hosanna; Call of Wisdom; Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song and making an early start on a few Christmas ones.



Thursday 22 November  Concert at St Mary’s School (Shaftesbury). We will probably be singing four songs.  7.00 p.m.  More details later.

Saturday 1 December  Singing for Westminster Memorial Hospital (Shaftesbury) at the Quaker Meeting House. 10.45 (I expect).  More details later.


Wed 17 – Sat 20 October  The Lady Killers.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre. 7.30.  With a host of well-known faces including Pam (soprano) and Marie (also)

Saturday 20 October              Sing Your Heart Out with Gilo and Sarah.  Cranborne Village Hall

Sunday 28 October  Come-and-Sing Faure Requiem.  Buckhorn Weston.  See attached flyer.

Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.  See attached flyer.



Dear All,

Lovely to see old friends and some new faces last night.  I hope you felt welcome.  Thankyou for the positive response to sing at St Mary’s School (Shaftesbury) on Thursday 22 November.  More details as they become available.   There are lots of other musical events too over the next couple of months including a couple of “Come-and-Sings”.  Don’t be daunted, they are great fun.

Don’t forget to bring your £3 for our visit to Cools Farm on Monday – a two hour visit with cream tea/coffee at the end.  Although the address is East Knoyle, the farm is not in the village itself but is on the other side of the A350.  Best to use satnav [SP3 6DB] or consult the attached Google map.  (It is not shown on the OS map for some reason – my apologies Carol!)  The outing is primarily a social occasion, but if circumstances allow then I can see no reason why we shouldn’t entertain our hosts … and their cattle of course.

Next time we will probably be looking at:  We Got All the Love; Isa Lei; Suo Gan; For Once in my Life;  Call of Wisdom; Stille der Nacht; Senzeni Na; Hold On. 



Monday 17 September   Choir outing to Cools Farm, East Knoyle, SP3 6DB.  2.00 – 4.00 (See attached map and details above).

Wednesday 26 September  “A Plastics Serenade”.  Karen’s new piece at the Lighthouse, Poole.  See last week’s flyer.  (Yes, I know it’s a Wednesday!)

Saturday 29 September  Come-and-Sing Handel’s Messiah, Wimborne.  See attached flyer.

Friday 5 October  Yeovil Proms.  See last week’s flyer.

Saturday 13 October  Tisbury Cabaret.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 21 October  The church choir at St Peter’s are holding a hymn marathon on the afternoon of Sunday 21st.   Members of the community choir who would like to swell the ranks would be more than welcome.

Sunday 28 October  Come-and-Sing Faure Requiem.  Buckhorn Weston. 

Thursday 22 November  Concert at St Marys’ School.  7.00 p.m.  More details later.


Details of Annie (soprano)’s weekly Yoga classes are on the attached flyer. 


30 AUGUST 2018

Dear All,

Lovely singing last night – “Badge Wednesdays” really seem to being out the best in people!  Katie (alto) would like to draw our attention to this link which gives a translation of “Isa Lei”:



Isa Lei (Fijian Farewell Song) « Fijian Lyrics


As you may remember, it has been suggested that choir members might like to know what is in store for them the following week.   Next time it will probably be: Walk in Beauty, Ceremony Boogie, One Heart Beating, That Lonesome Road, For Once in my Life, Call of Wisdom, Isa Lei, One man’s Hands, Go Placidly. 


Heidi’s mum completed her skydive last weekend in aid of Cancer Research.  The following link will take you to a really EXCELLENT video of her experience.   Well worth watching. .  Brave lady – what an inspiration.   


If you haven’t already sponsored her, I am sure Heidi would be more than happy to accept further donations!



Friday 7 September  The Shaftesbury Group” Art Fair.  See attached flier.  More details on Facebook / Instagram:  @the shaftesburygroup

Sunday 21 October  The church choir at St Peter’s are holding a hymn marathon on the afternoon of Sunday 21st.   Members of the community choir who would like to swell the ranks would be more than welcome.

Sunday 28 October  Come-and-Sing Faure Requiem.  Buckhorn Weston.  See attached flier.


23 AUGUST 2018

Dear All,

It has been suggested that choir members might like to know what is in store for them the following week.   From now on I’ll try and publish a provisional list of songs when putting the newsletter together.  Next week it will probably be: Sunshine, Fire and Rain; Te Aroha; O Signore; Wake Up; Call of Wisdom; Isa Lei; That Lonesome Road; Evo Banke. 

In connection with Isa Lei, you might like to look at this recording of the song made by Katie (alto)’s daughter in Fiji earlier this year:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt7FhMJVgBs&feature=youtu.be

Isa Isa (Fijian farewell song) - YouTube


25 June 2018 Performed by the students of Naceva District School on Kadavu island.

Finally, and most importantly, next week will be BADGE WEDNESDAY.  Please come wearing a decorative name badge and get to know some new people.


Many choir members sponsored Heidi’s head shaving in memory of her father a while back.  She writes: “I do not have any sponsored events myself this year, but my mum is being very brave and has booked in to do a Sponsored Tandem Skydive in aid of Cancer Research UK.  Hopefully it will be this Saturday, 25th August. ”   If you would like to support Heidi and her mum you should be able either click or maybe control/click on this link:  https://www.justgiving.com/Ann-Epps?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Ann-Epps&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=NEpBj3VRK.

JustGiving sends your donation straight to Cancer Research UK and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more. Thank you for your support!



Thursday 23 August  Evening view + wine of new work by Tanya Hinton and Nick Andrew.  6.00 – 8.00 at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See attached fliers. 

Saturday 25 August  Games Sounds and Morsels  12.00 St. Thomas’ Church, Salisbury (see attached flier)

… also at St. Thomas’ Church and on the same day, “Push”. Yuko, Anne H, Clare H, Sue S  and maybe one or two more choir members are taking part in - the first performance of a remarkable opera.  Full details on  http://bit.ly/2tsT4Rr

Sunday 21 October  The church choir at St Peter’s are holding a hymn marathon on the afternoon of Sunday 21st.   Members of the community choir who would like to swell the ranks would be more than welcome.

9 AUGUST 2018

Dear All,

Some excellent singing last night. “Alleluia” is always good of course, but “Love, Peace and Wisdom” and “Isa Lei” in particular are going to be real showstoppers. Thanks Katherine (tenor) and Lizzie (Katie [alto]’s daughter) for introducing these songs to us.

As you know, choir continues over the summer months of course although we do not have any bookings in the immediate future and, sadly, the event at Cedars/Castle Hill on Saturday 1 September has been CANCELLED.    However, the church choir at St Peter’s are holding a hymn marathon on the afternoon of Sunday 21 October, and I do know that members of the community choir who would like to swell the ranks would be more than welcome.


Sunday 12 August  “Ninebarrow” at Springhead, Fontmell Magna.  See attached flier.  I’ve heard this duo several times now and their singing is absolutely stunning.

Saturday 25 August  “Push”   St. Thomas’ Church, Salisbury.  Yuko, Anne H, Clare H, Sue S  and maybe one or two more choir members are taking part in the first performance of this remarkable opera.  Full details on  


5 JULY 2018

Dear All,

Congratulations on an excellent performance on Park Walk last Sunday.  Memorable for its casualties as well as for its fine singing!  Some fine singing last night too – it was good to revisit some of the songs we’ve not sung for about a year.   With a repertoire of almost 150 songs a few are bound to fall by the wayside.   Choir continues over the summer months of course although we do not have any other “official” booking until Saturday 1 September.  Participating in the proposed hymn marathon at St Peter’s got the thumbs up too, so more details of that as soon as they become available.


Saturday 1 September -  Cedars / Castle Hill garden party, Bimport, Shaftesbury.

October (unspecified date) – Hymn Marathon.  St peter’s Church


Loads of things happening in the area over the coming weeks, so you’ve no excuse to feel bored! 


Until 8 July   Gill Fest.   Lots of events to enjoy in and around Gillingham

Fri 6 – Sun 8 July  UK Boogie Woogie Festival Sturminster Newton.  Great Boogie Woogie Music from International, National and Local Boogie Players. (see flier)

Saturday 7 July   Far and Near.  Summer concert given by the Gillingham Singers and guest.  7.30 p.m. East Stour Church  (see flier)

Sunday 8 July  Sunny Side of Swing  Angola.  (see flier)

Sunday 8 July  Shaftesbury Orchestra Concert.  Durweston Village Hall.  7.30 p.m.  Music by Nicolai (Merry Wives Overture), Mozart (Horn Concerto No. 4) and Brahms (First Symphony).

Wed – Sat 11-14 and Wed – Sat 18-21 July  Mack and Mabel at Shaftesbury Arts Centre 7.30 p.m.  Tickets are going well so book yours as soon as you can.  The Box Office is open mornings Monday – Saturday.(see flier)

Thursday 26 July Meditation, Mindfulness and Movement (hosted by Michael Mitchell – bass) The Green, East Knoyle.  (see flier)


14 JUNE 2018

Dear All,

More excellent singing last night – we got through a tremendous amount of material in readiness for our performances over the coming weeks - I hope you are looking forward to them.  Full details below.  Don’t forget to buy your Amore tickets from Julia - choir members are asked to pay £5, guests £7.


Saturday 16 June  (this weekend)  Motcombe Fete  2.00 – 2.45.  Usual dress code – i.e. shades of red (no patterns) above the waist, dark or black below.  Please arrive by 1.45.  No parking problems or permits needed - just head for the Village Hall and we’ll be ushered towards the car-park. The programme will be chosen from (in no particular order): Viva la musica; Alleluia (Pachelbel); Bamba Lela; Campfire Song; Follow the Heron; Hippopotamus Song; I can’t help falling in love; I wish I knew how; Up above my head; Morning has come; Dvorak anthem; Long and winding road; Hamba Nighale; Pebble on my tongue; California Dreamin’.

Thursday 21 June (next week) Shaftesbury Civic Day.  2.30.  Shaftesbury Town Hall.  Julia has organised a number of members of the choir to man our “stall” for the afternoon but we are hoping for a really good turnout of people to sing for up to 30 minutes outside the town hall.  Repertoire will largely taken from the Motcombe set.

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore.  Tickets (to include a glass of wine / juice + pizza) are now on sale from Julia.   This is always a great occasion so do spread the word and bring family and friends along.


Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances: 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then 1.00 – 1.45 on Park Walk (backs to the wall and away from all generators and other amplified sound!!)

 Saturday 1 September  Cedars / Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.


There are fliers for a number of events attached to this newsletter in addition to the following:

Tues 19 – Sat 23 June  Midsummer Night’s Dream.  7.45 p.m.  Sherborne.


Sunday 24 June  Great Get Together.  12.00 noon onwards.  Town meadow, Gillingham

… also (and you can do both if you’re quick)

Templecombe Ladies Choir Spring Concert  3.00 p.m.  Templecombe


Karen is collecting coloured milk tops for a project she is engaged in.  Please bring them along on Wednesdays until she shouts “no more”!


If you want to order in advance, then give Marcus a call on 07787 894110 and your pizza will be waiting for you when you arrive.


On 25th May 2018, new data protection laws, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), came into effect across the whole of the European Economic Area and was adopted into UK law in the form of a new Data Protection Act.   You have given us your email address which is used for sending you information relating to the choir and notices of relevant music opportunities. We hold this information securely, and we don't share your data with any other organisations or people, including other members of the choir, without your permission.  You can unsubscribe whenever you want by replying to one of our emails.  Your personal information is kept only as long as is necessary for this purpose.  If you have any concerns please let Julia know.   Otherwise, if you want to be removed from this mailing list just send me a short message to that effect.  No hard feelings.


7 June 2018

Dear All,

Excellent singing last night.  Bravo.  Following our performance last month we have received the following letter of thanks from the Rotary Club:

"I wanted to write on behalf of Rotary Club of Shaftesbury to thank you and your choir for singing at our cycle ride event on Sunday 20th May on Park Walk.

The weather was very kind to us and everyone taking part or involved on the day had a great time.   This helped us to have a very successful day increasing the number of riders taking part as well as increasing the amount we have raised. We have yet to reach a final total but at the last count we had raised £5,500.00.   The money we raise is for Prostate Cancer UK as main beneficiary, as well as local charities and good causes that we, as a club, help throughout the year.

Thank you again for your support, and please pass on these thanks to your fellow choristers.

Kind regards

Paul Slimm"

As you know we have several events over the next few weeks.  The programme for the Motcombe fete has now been decided upon (see below) and there is a flier attached to this newsletter.  Finally, don’t forget to buy your Amore tickets from Julia - choir members are asked to pay £5, guests £7.


Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete  2.00 – 2.45.  Flier attached.  Normal dress code – i.e. shades of red (no patterns) above the waist, dark or black below.  Please arrive by 1.45.  The programme will be chosen from (in no particular order): Viva la musica; Alleluia (Pachelbel); Bamba Lela; Campfire Song; Follow the Heron; Hippopotamus Song; I can’t help falling in love; I wish I knew how; Up above my head; Morning has come; Dvorak anthem; Lollipop; Long and winding road; Hamba Nighale; Pebble on my tongue; California Dreamin’

Thursday 21 June  Shaftesbury Civic Day.  2.30.  Shaftesbury Town Hall.

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore.  Tickets (to include a glass of wine / juice + pizza) are now on sale from Julia. 

Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances: 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then 1.00 – 1.45 on Park Walk (backs to the wall and away from all generators and other amplified sound!!)

Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.


As well as our own performances, there are loads and loads of musical events over the coming weeks.  Fliers for a few of them are attached.

Friday 8 June (this Friday) Concert in memory of Marjory Kellet.  7.30 p.m. Bell Street United Church, Shaftesbury.

Tues 19 – Sat 23 June  Midsummer Night’s Dream.  7.45 p.m.  Sherborne.

Sunday 24 June  Great Get Together.  12.00 noon onwards.  Town meadow, Gillingham

… also (and you can do both if you’re quick)

Templecombe Ladies Choir Spring Concert  3.00 p.m.  Templecombe


Steve (bass) and Margaret (alto) are moving house, but will still be in Gillingham I am pleased to say.  However they have a cat that needs fostering for a couple of months.  They would be delighted to hear from anyone who can help out.  Contact them on halerysm@gmail.com


If you want to order in advance, then give Marcus a call on 07787 894110 and your pizza will be waiting for you when you arrive.


On 25th May 2018, new data protection laws, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), came into effect across the whole of the European Economic Area and was adopted into UK law in the form of a new Data Protection Act.   You have given us your email address which is used for sending you information relating to the choir and notices of relevant music opportunities. We hold this information securely, and we don't share your data with any other organisations or people, including other members of the choir, without your permission.  You can unsubscribe whenever you want by replying to one of our emails.  Your personal information is kept only as long as is necessary for this purpose.  If you have any concerns please let Julia know.   Otherwise, if you want to be removed from this mailing list just send me a short message to that effect.  No hard feelings.


24 MAY 2018

Dear All,

Our performance last weekend for the North Dorset Cycle Ride was a really cheerful affair.  Thankyou, all of you, for making the effort and joining in with the music making.  We were much appreciated I can tell you!

Flaming June will soon be upon us.  As well as the Motcombe Fete (Saturday 16th) and our pizza party on Wednesday 27th, we have been asked to take part in Shaftesbury Civic Society’s Civic Day which is a celebration of all the good things that Shaftesbury has to offer.  This will be on Thursday 21st and we have a slot at 2.30 for about 20 minutes when we will be singing outside the Town Hall.  Repertoire to be decided but it will almost certainly be taken from the programme we will be preparing for Motcombe. Please put this extra date in your diaries.


Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete  2.00 – 2.45.    Please arrive by 1.45.  Details to follow.

Thursday 21 June  Shaftesbury Civic Day.  2.30.  Shaftesbury Town Hall.  (see above)

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore.  Tickets (to include a glass of wine / juice + pizza) are now on sale from Julia.  Choir members are asked to pay £5, guests £7.

Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances: 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then 1.00 – 1.45 on Park Walk (backs to the wall and away from all generators and other amplified sound!!)

Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.


Thursday 24 May (TODAY) Concert given by Shreen Harmony at Gillingham Methodist Church in aid of Dementia Awareness.  7.30 p.m. (Shreen Harmony are a community choir based in Mere.)

Saturday 2nd June Misbehavin’ at Wimborne.  (Jazz with Karen, Robin et al) 7.30 p.m.  See attached flier.

Saturday 16 June  Choral Day at Port Regis directed by Deborah Radford working on pieces from West Side Story etc.  Music provided.  Cost £18.  Details from:deborahradfordchoraldays@gmail.com

Saturday 23 June  Choral Workshop with CitySound Voices, Bath.  See previous newsletters.



On 25th May 2018, new data protection laws, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), will come into effect across the whole of the European Economic Area and will be adopted into UK law in the form of a new Data Protection Act.   You have given us your email address which is used for sending you information relating to the choir and notices of relevant music opportunities. We hold this information securely, and we don't share your data with any other organisations or people, including other members of the choir, without your permission.  You can unsubscribe whenever you want by replying to one of our emails.  Your personal information is kept only as long as is necessary for this purpose.  If you have any concerns please let me know. 


If you want to order in advance, then give Marcus a call on 07787 894110 and your pizza will be waiting for you when you arrive.


17 MAY 2018

Dear All,

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible this coming Sunday for the North Dorset Cycle Ride which promises to be a great affair.   It would be wonderful to have a STUPENDOUS turnout! We will be singing on Park Walk under an awning so no fear of getting wet or too much sun.  The cycle routes seem to be all south of the A30 so if you are coming from the south or west of Shaftesbury take a look at the route maps so that you don’t get caught up with any possible road closures.  (Thanks Sheila [soprano] for this info.) You can find the routes on: https://shaftesburyrotaryclub.org/gold-hill-cycle-ride/ride-details/   Julia is sorting out what we have to do in order to comply with the new data protection legislation that is shortly coming into force.  All choir newsletters are sent “bcc” anyway and with luck it will simply mean that you can just ask to be removed from the choir mailing list rather than have to positively opt into it all over again.  More about this next time. 

Ride Details - Shaftesbury Rotary Club


Route and Ride Information - The North Dorset Cycle Ride in aid of Prostrate Cancer UK - All money collected goes 100% to Prostrate Cancer UK


Finally, if you are singing in the Pentecost service, we are rehearsing this evening (Thursday) at 7.00 in the Shearer Room at Bell Street United Church (entrance on Bell Street itself – next to the opticians).


Sunday 20 May (this weekend) 12.15 start on Park Walk for Rotary Club’s prostate cancer cycle ride.  Please arrive at 12.00 and congregate close to the awning where the Town Band will be / have been playing.  Normal dress code (i.e. shades of red above the waist, dark or black below.  No patterned tops please!) 

We will be singing (no particular order): Rongo Mau; Feelin’ Groovy; Things; Chattanooga Choo Choo; Senzene Na; Viva La Musica; I Wish I Knew How; Hippopotamus Song; If there is to be Peace; The Long and Winding Road; Let's Call the Whole Thing Off; Bela Mama; Hold On.0.0

Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete  2.00 – 2.45.    Please arrive by 1.45.

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore

Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances: 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then 1.00 – 1.45 on Park Walk (backs to the wall and away from all generators and other amplified sound!!)

Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.


Saturday 19 May (this weekend) Barn Dance with the Hambledon Hopsteps.  Lower Langham Farm, Gillingham. See previous newsletters.

Sunday 20 May (this weekend) Churches Together Pentecost Service.  Shaftesbury Abbey Garden 4 o’clock

Saturday 16 June  Choral Day at Port Regis directed by Deborah Radford working on pieces from West Side Story etc.  Music provided.  Cost £18.  Details from:deborahradfordchoraldays@gmail.com

Saturday 23 June  Choral Workshop with CitySound Voices, Bath.  See last week’s newsletter.


Great to see Marcus back with his pop-up pizza bar.  If you want to order in advance, then give him a call on 07787 894110 and your pizza will be waiting for you when you arrive.


10 MAY 2018

Dear All,

It was a really good sing last night.  Special thanks to Robin for his sparkling ukulele playing.  Our programme for the Food Festival promises to be great fun.  Don’t forget we will be singing most of the same programme the following week for the Rotary Club Cycle Ride too, although the ukes will not be joining us on that occasion.  I am attaching two of the MP3s that we made last night so you can do a bit of practice if you feel insecure about some of the newer pieces.  The others will be up on the website in a couple of days.  Julia is sorting out what we have to do in order to comply with the new data protection legislation that is shortly coming into force.  All choir newsletters are sent “bcc” anyway and with luck it will simply mean that you can just ask to be removed from the choir mailing list rather than have to positively opt into it all over again.  More about this next time. 

Finally, if you are wanting to sing in the Pentecost service, we are having our first rehearsal this evening (Thursday) at 6.30 in the Shearer Room at Bell Street United Church (entrance on Bell Street itself – next to the opticians).


Sunday 13 May (this weekend)  Shaftesbury Food Festival  11.00 – 12.00 (12.30)  Shaftesbury Abbey Garden  (30 mins choir only, 30 mins choir & ukes, 30 mins ukes only.)  Please arrive at 10.30.  Normal dress code (i.e. shades of red above the waist, dark or black below.  No patterned tops please!) 

The set with the ukes will be: Rongo Mau; Feelin’ Groovy; Don't Worry Be Happy; Things; Chattanooga Choo Choo.

On our own we will singing: Senzene Na; Viva La Musica; I Wish I Knew How; Hippopotamus Song; If there is to be Peace; The Long and Winding Road; Let's Call the Whole Thing Off; Bela Mama.

Sunday 20 May 12.30 (approx – precise time to follow) Park Walk for Rotary Club’s prostate cancer cycle ride.  The programme will be largely selected from last week’s sets. 

Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete  2.00 – 2.45.    Please arrive by 1.45.

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore

Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances: 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then 1.00 – 1.45 on Park Walk (backs to the wall and away from all generators and other amplified sound!!)

Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.


Saturday 19 May  Barn Dance with the Hambledon Hopsteps.  Lower Langham Farm, Gillingham. See previous newsletters.

Sunday 20 May Churches Together Pentecost Service.  Shaftesbury Abbey Garden 4 o’clock.  (I have been asked to get a group together, to which you are more than welcome to join, both to lead the singing and, depending on numbers, do a couple of songs / anthems as well)  There will be rehearsals on Thursday 10 May (6.30 – 7.15), Thursday 17 May (7.00 – 7.45) and Sunday 20 May (2.45 – 3.30) at the United Church in Bell Street.  Music will be provided for those that want it.

Saturday 16 June  Choral Day at Port Regis directed by Deborah Radford working on pieces from West Side Story etc.  Music provided.  Cost £18.  Details from:deborahradfordchoraldays@gmail.com

Saturday 23 June  Choral Workshop with CitySound Voices, Bath.  See attached flier.


Great to see Marcus back with his pop-up pizza bar.  If you want to order in advance, then give him a call on 07787 894110 and your pizza will be waiting for you when you arrive.
