26 APRIL 2018

Dear All,

Another really good sing last night!  Special thanks to Elizabeth (tenors) for providing us with a translation of “Rongo Mau”.  Not what we were expecting I am sure.  I have been asked to get a group together to lead the singing and, depending on numbers, do a couple of songs / anthems as part of the annual Churches Together Pentecost service to be held in SHAFTESBURY ABBEY GARDEN which will be at 4 o’clock on SUNDAY 20 MAY.  It goes without saying that members of the community choir are VERY welcome indeed.  I should be able to give you rehearsal details by next week, but if you are interested in taking part, please note the date and time now. [This is the same date (and almost the same place!) as our singing for the Rotary Club’s prostate cancer cycle ride.]  Also, next week, Andrea (altos) will be bringing in the booklets for this year’s Dorset Art Weeks’ events – lots to look forward to there.



Sunday 13 May  Shaftesbury Food Festival  11.00 – 12.00 (12.30)  Shaftesbury Abbey Garden  (30 mins choir only, 30 mins choir & ukes, 30 mins ukes only.)

The set with the ukes will be: Rongo Mau; Feelin’ Groovy; Don't Worry Be Happy; Can't Help Falling in Love; Things (Bobby Darrin); Chattanooga Choo Choo.  

On our own we will singing from the following provisional list: Senzene Na; Sakura; Viva La Musica; I Wish I Knew How; Hippopotamus Song; If there is to be Peace; The Long and Winding Road; Let's Call the Whole Thing Off; Bela Mama.

Sunday 20 May 12.30 Park Walk for Rotary Club’s prostate cancer cycle ride.  The programme will be largely selected from last week’s sets.

Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete  2.00 – 2.45.    Please arrive by 1.45.

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore

Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances: 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then 1.00 – 1.45 on Park Walk


Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.



Saturday 5 May  Bournemouth Male Voice Choir.  St Mary’s, Gillingham. 

Tuesday 8 May  12.15 St Gregory’s Church, Marnhull.  Lunchtime organ recital given by Chris Mahon.

Saturday 19 May  Barn Dance with the Hambledon Hopsteps.  Lower Langham Farm, Gillingham. See attached flier.

Sunday 20 May Churches Together Pentecost service.  (See above)

Saturday 16 June  Choral Day at Port Regis directed by Deborah Radford working on pieces from West Side Story etc.  Music provided.  Cost £18.  Details from:deborahradfordchoraldays@gmail.com


Great to see Marcus back with his pop-up pizza bar.  If you want to order in advance, then give him a call on 07787 894110 and your pizza will be waiting for you when you arrive.


12 APRIL 2018


Dear All,

As you know, the choir have quite a number of performances over the summer. Details are still coming in but you will be kept up to date via newsletters and the choir website as well ason Wednesday evenings of course.  We now have timings for the Food Festival, Motcombe Fete and the Shaftesbury Fringe / Gold Hill Fair and we are beginning to put together a programme for the Food Festival (see below).



Sunday 13 May  Shaftesbury Food Festival  11.00 – 12.00 (12.30)  Shaftesbury Abbey Garden  (30 mins choir only, 30 mins choir & ukes, 30 mins ukes only.) The provisional set with the ukes is: Don't Worry Get Happy; Things (Bobby Darrin); Can’t help falling in love with you; Chattanooga Choo Choo; Isn’t She Lovely; Rongo Mau; Stand By Me.

Sunday 20 May 12.30 Park Walk for Rotary Club’s prostate cancer cycle ride

Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete  2.00 – 2.45.    Please arrive by 1.45.

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore

Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances: 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then 1.00 – 1.45 on Park Walk

Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.


5 APRIL 2018

Dear All,

I really enjoyed yesterday evening – I hope you had as good a time as I did!  Particular thanks to Yuko (soprano) for suggesting we celebrate the Japanese cherry blossom festival and for her lovely rendition of “Sakura, Sakura”.  We’ll be doing verse 2 next week.  In the meantime do look at some of the many recordings (and videos) that are available on Youtube and elsewhere.  There are also several versions of “Senzeni na” which I thought was particularly moving and a fitting tribute to Martin Luther King.   We’ve got quite a lot of choir events over the summer.  Do make sure you have them in your diaries so that we can put on a good show.  Incidentally, I think I said “Viva la musica” was in Latin.  I stand corrected - it isn’t.   It’s Spanish but by the German composer Michael Praetorius (1571 – 1621).  Very odd.  Also, Tess (alto) tells me that the composer Vaughan Williams, on first hearing “Bushes and Briars”, was recorded as having said that he had felt he had known the song all his life.


Sunday 13 May  Shaftesbury Food Festival  (with ukes) Shaftesbury Abbey Garden

Sunday 20 May 12.30 Park Walk for Rotary Club’s prostate cancer cycle ride

Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore

Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances; 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then early afternoon on Park Walk

Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.



until Sat 7 April Milborne Port Opera.  Trial By Jury and The Murder at Shakerley House.  See previous newsletter.

Friday 6 April Spring Concert (flute and piano] at Gillingham Methodist Church.  FREE.   See previous newsletter.

Saturday 7 April  Sing Your Heart Out.  Workshop with Gilo and Sarah.  Cranborne.  See attached flier.


Saturday 5 May  Bournemouth Male Voice Choir.  St Mary’s, Gillingham.  See attached flier.

Saturday 16 June  Choral Day at Port Regis directed by Deborah Radford working on pieces from West Side Story etc.  Music provided.  Cost £18.  Details from: deborahradfordchoraldays@gmail.com


22 MARCH 2018

Dear All,

Congratulations on another really good sing last night.  Lovely to see some new faces too.  Please add the dates below to your diaries.  Details of times / venues / programme etc. will follow when details are firmed up but please mark them up NOW!   And before I forget, don’t forget to change the clocks this weekend.


Sunday 13 May  Shaftesbury Food Festival

Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” at Amore

Fri 29 June – Sun 1 July  Shaftesbury Fringe (probably on the Saturday) and Gold Hill Fair (on the Sunday)

Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party


Saturday 24 March  “Light and Shade” – concert given by Gillingham Singers and soloists at St Mary’s Gillingham.  7.30 p.m.  Programme will include the Faure Requiem, Long and Winding Road and Call of Wisdom.  £8.00   See previous newsletter for flier.

Sunday 25 March  Concert by given by Shaftesbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m. Port Regis School.  Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto, Symphony 7 and an overture by Mozart.   FREE.  See previous newsletter for flier.


Wed 4 – Sat 7 April Milborne Port Opera.  Trial By Jury and The Murder at Shakerley House.  See attached flier

Friday 6 April Spring Concert (flute and piano] at Gillingham Methodist Church.  FREE.   See attached flier.

Saturday 16 June  Choral Day at Port Regis directed by Deborah Radford working on pieces from West Side Story etc.  Music provided.  Cost £18.  Details from:deborahradfordchoraldays@gmail.com

8 MARCH 2018

Dear All,

Congratulations on a really good sing last night.  With luck, the worst of the winter weather is now behind us and we’ll soon be up to full strength.  Can you check your diaries for the Motcombe Fete on Saturday 16th June?  Even though we will probably be singing much of the same programme, with Shaftesbury Fringe / Gold Hill Fair only a fortnight later, we don’t want anyone to feel overloaded.  Details of venues / programme / times etc. will follow in due course.


Sunday 13 May  Shaftesbury Food Festival

Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete

Fri 29 June – Sun 1 July  Shaftesbury Fringe (probably on the Saturday) and Gold Hill Fair (on the Sunday)

Arrangements are also underway for our traditional “Slice of Song” at Amore together with a new community event on Castle Hill (probably in October).  Watch this space as details are firmed up. 



Saturday 10 March  Concert given by Salisbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m.  City Hall.  See previous newsletter.

Saturday 17 March Singers Training Day at Wincanton, hosted by the Pilgrim Singers and working on a variety of pieces, but to include several African chants and Irish songs (as it is St Patrick’s Day).   Contact Jane Fenton immediately on 01963 33695 or janeyfents@hotmail.com  if you are interested.  Cost £20.

Sunday 18 March  “Incandescendo” 4.00 p.m. at Springhead, Fontmell Magna.  4.00 p.m.  Latin Grooves and Dolce Tunes for cello and percussion. 

Saturday 24 March  “Light and Shade” – concert given by Gillingham Singers at St Mary’s Gillingham.  See attached flier.

Sunday 25 March  Concert by given by Shaftesbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m. Port Regis School.  FREE.  See previous newsletter.

Saturday 16 June  Choral Day at Port Regis directed by Deborah Radford working on pieces from West Side Story etc.  Music provided.  Cost £18.  Details from:deborahradfordchoraldays@gmail.com


Tony and Michael arrived in Shanghai last night and are meeting up with friends of mine this evening.


15 FEBRUARY 2018

Dear All,

Congratulations to all those hardy souls who braved last night’s atrocious weather.  The singing was really great with a couple of new songs, helpful (I hope) revision of some work-in-progress and, of course, a few old favourites. I hope you had as much fun as I did!


There are no immediate choir events although arrangements are underway for the Shaftesbury Fringe (another Gospel singalong maybe) and Gold Hill Fair together with a new community event on Castle Hill (probably in October) and our traditional “Slice of Song” at Amore.  Watch this space as details are firmed up.  Things seem to have gone quiet in connection with the Food Festival though.  Does anyone know anything more than I do?


Friday 16 February  Grand Charity Quiz at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m.  See previous newsletter.

Friday 23 February  Palida sing Letters to the World 7pm at Shaftesbury Arts Centre prior to film at 8pm 'A Quiet Passion' Concert free, film tickets at SAC box office or at the door.

Saturday 10 March  Concert given by Salisbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m.  City Hall.  See attached flier.

Sunday 25 March  Concert by given by Shaftesbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m. Port Regis School.  FREE.  See attached flier.


Dear All,

It was good to celebrate last night’s blue moon with an appropriate song and, of course, to observe Burns Night a week earlier.  A pity that “Robin Adair” wasn’t actually by Burns, the tune was Irish and the song largely set in Bath!  Minor details.  Just in case the sadness of the words might have caused some distress though, Tess (alto) reliably informs us that the actual poet, Lady Caroline Keppel, did in fact get Master Robin at the end of the day.  “Slow Train” is harder than I had expected and progress is proving to be rather slow.  We’ll give it a couple more weeks though and see how it shapes up.  

In the meantime, you might like to click on this link, which is how our version could sound one day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0bfRvfW3WA   

King's Singers 'Slow Train' Flanders & Swann


King's Singers 'Slow Train' Flanders & Swann From a 1977 LP. I haven't found this on YT before, and it is such a lovely arrangement and beautifully performed I ...



There are no immediate choir events although arrangements are underway for the Food Festival, Shaftesbury Fringe (another Gospel singalong maybe) and Gold Hill Fair together with a new community event on Castle Hill (probably in October) and, in case you think it had been forgotten, another “Slice of Song” at Amore.  Watch this space as details are firmed up.


Saturday 3 February   Sunny Side of Swing.  Shroton Village Hall.  See attached flier.

Sunday 11 February   Afternoon Tea.   A delightful opportunity for those living with dementia and their carers. Please let any local affected people and their carers know about the informal concert which the Mayor is hosting especially for them. Tea will be served and some of the music will be to sing along to - we know how good singing is good for the brain. The concert is at 3 p.m. in the Town Hall. To book, phone the Town Hall on 852420. We are grateful to the mayor for his kindness.  The cost is an optional donation.    See attached flier.

Tuesday 13 February   Interest evening at Shaftesbury Arts Centre for anyone considering taking part in “Mack and Mabel”, this year’s summer musical.  7.30 p.m.  See previous newsletter.

Friday 16 February  Grand Charity Quiz at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m.  See previous newsletter.

Saturday 10 March  Concert given by Salisbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m.  City Hall.  See attached flier.

Sunday 25 March  Concert by given by Shaftesbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m. Port Regis School.  FREE.  See attached flier.


11 JANUARY 2018

Dear All,

A belated Happy New Year to everyone.  Looking forward to making new friends and, of course, loads of lovely singing.


There are no immediate choir events although arrangements are underway for the Food Festival, Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair together with a new community event on Castle Hill and, in case you think it had been forgotten, another “Slice of Song” at Amore.  Watch this space.


Tuesday 13 February   Interest evening at Shaftesbury Arts Centre for anyone considering taking part in “Mack and Mabel”, this year’s summer musical.  7.30 p.m.  See attached flier.

Friday 16 February  Grand Charity Quiz at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m.  See attached flier.


There is information below concerning proposals to develop beyond Shaftesbury’s existing boundaries.  If you want to have your say, then you will need to respond by 22 January.  The actual response forms are difficult to interpret and even more difficult to fill in.  No surprises there of course (!) but as a consequence, a simple guide to some of the questions has been prepared to get us all thinking.   Do take some time to look at the proposals.  Working together really does make a difference – remember our success “Save Our Beds”?  See below ..


Screenshot 2018-01-10 17.11.11.png
Suggestions for Shaftesbury residents. Other questions refer to the other North Dorset Towns and they may apply to you too. 

Suggestions for Shaftesbury residents. Other questions refer to the other North Dorset Towns and they may apply to you too. 

21 DECEMBER 2017

Dear All,

Thanks and congratulations to all those who took part in the performance at Durweston last Friday.   Maybe we could have done with a few more tenors and basses but Jackie, Elizabeth (tenors), Richard and Steve (basses) did us proud.  Thanks also to all who contributed to last night’s party.   Pat’s (alto) hand bells were a real treat and Dick’s (bass) mulled wine as tasty (and potent) as ever.   I am listing a few imminent events below but forgot last night to draw attention to the invitation to join other supporters in carol singing at Shaftesbury Westminster Hospital.  Do come along tonight if you can.  


Thursday 21 December (tonight): Singing around the wards at Shaftesbury Hospital to swell the ranks.  6.30 p.m. start

Wednesday 27 December: NO CHOIR

Wednesday 3 January: Choir meets as usual + a glass of something special to toast the New Year in.


Friday 22 December:  Christmas entertainment by Gillingham Arts Workshop, to include the Gillingham Mummers Play.  5.00 p.m. Gillingham Library.

Saturday 23 December:  Christmas carols and entertainment similar to the above (but excluding the play!). 6.30 p.m. St. Benedict’s RC Church, Gillingham.

Sunday 31 December: NEW YEAR CELEBRATION, Wanstrow Village Hall, Near Frome www.wanstrowvillagehall.co.uk
FROM 5.30PM –MIDNIGHT.  Harmonic Temple songs.  SHARED MEAL –VEGETARIAN PLEASE, NO ALCOHOL. SHORT RITUAL for leaving the old year behind and welcoming the new one.  Dance of Universal Peace & SEASONAL SONG.   To book: Tel Rasullah 01749 850474  rasullah@btinternet.com  Cost: £20, £15 CONCS

Thanks for a great year and have a very happy Christmas.


14 DECEMBER 2017

Dear All,

Looking forward to our performance in Durweston this Friday afternoon.  See below.  By popular request (!!) I am attaching the music for While Shepherds which you may find useful.  I do hope as many choir members as possible will come along so that we can put on a really good show.   Although there is plenty of parking, it makes sense to share transport wherever possible. 


Friday 15 December: Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall, Church Road, Durweston, Blandford Forum DT11 0QA.  Please arrive 2 o’clock for a 2.15 start.   Usual dress code – i.e. shades of red above the waist, dark or black below.  

We will do four audience carols and about eight on our own, chosen from ...

Audience: O Come, In the bleak, O little town, It came upon, Joy to the world, Away in a manger. 

Choir: Rudolph, White Christmas (probably with audience second time through), While Shepherds (music attached), Boars Head, Hosanna, Fais Dodo, Tune your Harps, Carol of the Bells, Hark the Herald (Durweston tune of course), Come Tune.

Depending on general audience response, will also do the Mistletoe round which Karen and I will teach our audience.

Wednesday 20 December: Choir Christmas Party.  Please bring finger food to share.  Christmas cake (thankyou Vivienne - soprano), mulled wine (thankyou Dick- bass) and fruit juice as well as tea or coffee provided.  Lots of singing and a few games on the menu.

Thursday 21 December: Singing around the wards at Shaftesbury Hospital to swell the ranks.  6.30 p.m. start

Wednesday 27 December: NO CHOIR

Wednesday 3 January: Choir meets as usual + a glass of something special to toast the New Year in.


The full sized prints (unframed) of the picture of the choir that Mike Bailey painted last year have been produced and paid for.  If you ordered one you can collect it at the party next week.  £20.  They are beautifully printed on high quality paper and all profits have been given to Shaftesbury Abbey. 


Linda Indge (soprano) is making prints of the three lovely photographs that her husband took of us at the Quaker Meeting House earlier this month.  If you ordered any, they too will be available next week. (Two sizes 7 x 5 and 6 x 4; £1.50 and £1.00 respectively.)



Shaftesbury Home Grown have a final half lamb and a number of sheep skins for sale.  See the attached details from Matthew (tenor).


Saturday 16 December (this weekend): Pilgrim Singers with special guest local girl Marta Fontanals-Simmons, now international mezzo-soprano fresh from Glyndebourne! Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul Wincanton at 7.30 p.m.


Christmas Concert given by the Gillingham Singers at East Stour Village Hall.  See website or last week’s newsletter.

Sunday 17 December: Open air nativity play outside Shaftesbury Town Hall.  The organisers would love any members of the community choir who are free to join in with the singing of five or six well-known carols.  No rehearsal needed.  Starts 1.00 p.m.

Sunday 31 December: NEW YEAR CELEBRATION, Wanstrow Village Hall, Near Frome www.wanstrowvillagehall.co.uk
FROM 5.30PM –MIDNIGHT.  Harmonic Temple songs.  SHARED MEAL –VEGETARIAN PLEASE, NO ALCOHOL. SHORT RITUAL for leaving the old year behind and welcoming the new one.  Dance of Universal Peace & SEASONAL SONG.   To book: Tel Rasullah 01749 850474  rasullah@btinternet.com  Cost: £20, £15 CONCS



Dear All,

Great singing for the hospital last Saturday morning and for Santa and his entourage on Monday night.   Karen’s round, when we joined forces with 100+ amazingly well-behaved youngsters from four of our local primary schools (with Jerome on drum of course), was an unqualified success. Congratulations all round.    Good to see you a fair number of you at the Shoppers’ Service at St. Peter’s afterwards too.

Linda Indge (soprano) can make prints of the three lovely photographs that her husband took of us at the Quaker Meeting House.  They are available in two sizes 7 x 5 and 6 x 4 at a cost of £1.50 and £1.00 respectively.  The order sheet will be available next week and Linda will bring the prints to the choir party.


Friday 15 December: 2.15 p.m. Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall.  Usual dress code – i.e. shades of red above the waist, dark or black below.

Wednesday 20 December: Choir Christmas Party

Thursday 21 December: Singing around the wards at Shaftesbury Hospital to swell the ranks.  6.30 p.m.

Wednesday 27 December: NO CHOIR

Wednesday 3 January: Choir meets as usual + a glass of something special to toast the New Year in.


Full sized prints (unframed) of the picture of the choir that Mike Bailey painted last year can be ordered from Julia at a special price of £20.  They will be printed on high quality paper with all profits being given to Shaftesbury Abbey.  Please let Julia know if you would like one a.s.a.p.



Thurs 7 – Sat 9 December: Rock Nativity by Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent, to be performed in St Peter’s, St James’ and St Mary’s (Motcombe). 7.30 p.m.  Lots of choir members and other familiar faces are taking part so do come and give it your support.  See website or previous newsletters.

Saturday 16 December: Pilgrim Singers with special guest local girl Marta Fontanals-Simmons, now international mezzo-soprano fresh from Glyndebourne! Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul Wincanton at 7.30 p.m.


Christmas Concert given by the Gillingham Singers at East Stour Village Hall.  See attached flyer.

Sunday 17 December: Open air nativity play outside Shaftesbury Town Hall.  The organisers would love members of the community choir who are free to join in with the singing of five or six well-known carols.  No rehearsal needed.  Starts 1.00 p.m.

Sunday 31 December: NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONWanstrow Village Hall, Near Frome www.wanstrowvillagehall.co.uk
FROM 5.30PM –MIDNIGHT.  Harmonic Temple songs.  SHARED MEAL –VEGETARIAN PLEASE, NO ALCOHOL. SHORT RITUAL for leaving the old year behind and welcoming the new one.  Dance of Universal Peace & SEASONAL SONG.   To book: Tel Rasullah 01749 850474  rasullah@btinternet.com  Cost: £20, £15 CONCS


23 NOVEMBER 2017

Dear All,

We will revise all our Christmas repertoire next week and make our selection for performance on 2 December (see below). To remind you, we will be choosing from:

AUDIENCE CAROLS: In the bleak, Silent night, O little town, It came upon, Joy to the world, Away in a manger, O come.

CHOIR CAROLS: Carol of the Bells, Tune Your Harps, Boar’s Head, While Shepherds (Cornish tune), Rudolph, Hosanna, Fais Dodo, Hark the Herald (Durweston tune), Come Tune Your Cheerful Voice.

Don’t forget to look up the performance of While Shepherds by the Fishermen’s Friends on Youtube.  There are also lots of performances of Carol of the Bells that you could maybe sing along to for practice purpose.


Saturday 2 December: Carol Singing. Quaker Meeting House (in aid of the Friends of Shaftesbury Hospital). Please arrive 10.30 for a 10.45 start.   

Monday 4 December: 6.00 p.m.  Christmas lights and late night shopping.  Karen’s new Christmas round (Shaftesbury Christmas Lights) followed by a massed choir/audience sing-a-long of Deck the Hall, O Little Town, Silent Night, Rudolph and We Wish you a Merry Christmas, all with the Town Band accompanying. 

Friday 15 December: 2.15pm Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall. 

Wednesday 20 December: Choir Christmas Party

Thursday 21 December: Singing around the wards at Shaftesbury Hospital to swell the ranks.  More details next week.

Wednesday 27 December: NO CHOIR

Wednesday 3 January: Choir meets as usual + a glass of something special to toast the New Year in.


Saturday 2 December: Autumn Concert given by the Gillingham Singers.  See website or previous newsletters.

Thurs 7 – Sat 9 December: Rock Nativity by Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent, to be performed in St Peter’s, St James’ and St Mary’s (Motcombe). 7.30 p.m.  Lots of choir members are taking part so do come and give it your support.  See website or previous newsletters.

Saturday 16 December: Pilgrim Singers with special guest local girl Marta Fontanals-Simmons, now international mezzo-soprano fresh from Glyndebourne! Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul Wincanton at 7.30pm

Sunday 31 December: NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONWanstrow Village Hall, Near Frome www.wanstrowvillagehall.co.uk
FROM 5.30PM –MIDNIGHT.  Harmonic Temple songs.  SHARED MEAL –VEGETARIAN PLEASE, NO ALCOHOL. SHORT RITUAL for leaving the old year behind and welcoming the new one  Dance of Universal Peace & SEASONAL SONG. 
To book: Tel Rasullah 01749 850474  rasullah@btinternet.com  Cost: £20, £15 CONCS

16 NOVEMBER 2017

Dear All,

Our Christmas repertoire continues to grow!  Do check the arrangements for our various events below as they are updated as the information becomes available.  Also the growing list of Christmassy events in being given by other local groups that deserve our support.


Saturday 2 December: Carol Singing. Quaker Meeting House (in aid of the Friends of Shaftesbury Hospital). Please arrive 10.30 for a 10.45 start.   

Monday 4 December: 6.00 p.m.  Christmas lights and late night shopping.  Karen’s new Christmas round (Shaftesbury Christmas Lights) followed by a massed choir/audience sing-a-long of Deck the Hall, O Little Town, Silent Night, Rudolph and We Wish you a Merry Christmas, all with the Town Band accompanying. 

Friday 15 December: 2.15 Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall. 

Thursday 21 December: Singing around the wards at Shaftesbury Hospital.  More details next week.

Wednesday 20 December: Choir Christmas Party

Wednesday 27 December: NO CHOIR

Wednesday 3 January: Choir meets as usual + a glass of something special to toast the New Year in.


Sunday 19 November: (this weekend)  Lots happening:

The Gravellers at St Mary’s Motcombe in aid of Shaftesbury Women’s Refuge.  3.00 pm  See flyer.

Ad Hoc Singers. 4.30 p.m. at Mere Church

Pagoda Project at Shaftesbury Arts Centre. 7.00 p.m. See website or previous newsletters.

until 21 November: DefinARTly in the gallery at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  Flyer attached

Saturday 25 November.  Autumn Leaves concert given by Spectra Musica at St Mary’s Gillingham.  See website or previous newsletters.


The Mill singers & Jubilate are putting on a concert for the Friends of the Hospital.  7.30pm. in St Peter’s Church Shaftesbury. Tickets available from the Hospital Reception or at the door cost £8.00 to include refreshments.

Saturday 2 December: Autumn Concert given by the Gillingham Singers.  Flyer attached.

Thurs 7 – Sat 9 December: Rock Nativity by Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent, to be performed in St Peter’s, St James’ and St Mary’s (Motcombe). 7.30 p.m.  Lots of choir members are taking part so do come and give it your support.  Flyer attached.

Saturday 16 December: Pilgrim Singers with special guest local girl Marta Fontanals-Simmons, now international mezzo-soprano fresh from Glyndebourne! Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul Wincanton at 7.30pm



Dear All,

Another great turnout and yet another really good sing last night.  Our Christmas repertoire is going to be sensational! 


Saturday 2 December: morning.  Quaker Meeting House (in aid of the Friends of Shaftesbury Hospital). 

Monday 4 December: 6.00 p.m.  Christmas lights and late night shopping.  Karen’s new Christmas round (Shaftesbury Christmas Lights) followed by a massed choir/audience sing-a-long of Deck the Halls, O Little Town, Away in a Manger, Silent Night, Rudolph and We Wish you a Merry Christmas, all with the Town Band accompanying. 

Friday 15 December: 2.15 Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall. 


Saturday 11 November (this weekend): Jazz at St James.  David Gordon Jazz Trio.  See previous newsletters.

Sunday 19 November: Pagoda Project at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See previous newsletters.

Saturday 25 November.  Autumn Leaves concert given by Spectra Musica in Gillingham.  See previous newsletters.



Thurs 7 – Sat 9 December: Rock Nativity by Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent, to be performed in St Peter’s, St James’ and St Mary’s (Motcombe). 7.30 p.m.  Lots of choir members are taking part so do come and give it your support.  Flyer attached.

Wednesday 20 December: Choir Christmas Party

Wednesday 27 December: NO CHOIR

Wednesday 3 January: Choir meets as usual + a glass of something special to toast the New Year in.


26 OCTOBER 2017

Dear All,

A great turnout and another really good sing last night.  “Long and Winding Road” and “Don’t Worry Be Happy” are both pretty solid now, with the former staying in tune much, much better.  Although I must confess I prefer the a cappella version of “Happy” that I posted the link to last week, some of you will enjoy https://youtu.be/-ozbX-yM8ao.   

Next week we will be starting on our Christmas repertoire so can I remind you to check that you have our Christmas dates in your diaries please?   Next week will also be BADGE WEDNESDAY.  Please come along sporting a colourful name badge so we can all chat to a few new people.  (Sticky labels provided for those who forget.)


Saturday 2 December: morning.  Quaker Meeting House (in aid of the Friends of Shaftesbury Hospital).  Details to follow.

Monday 4 December: 6.00 p.m.  Christmas lights and late night shopping.  Provisionally, the Community Choir and a specially formed children’s choir will meet in St Peter’s Church at around 5.15.  When Father Christmas + Town Band arrive shortly after 6.00 the massed choir will sing a Christmas round (probably “Christmas Bells”) and then the lights will be switched on.  Then there will then be a massed choir/audience sing-a-long of Deck the Halls, O Little Town, Away in a Manger, Silent Night, Rudolph and We Wish you a Merry Christmas with the + band accompanying. 

Friday 15 December: 2.15 Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall.  (Durweston is the home of lots of traditional Dorset carols, so watch this space!)

Christmas Eve: Probably singing at Grosvenor Hotel.  Confirmation awaited.


Saturday 28 October (this weekend). Sunny Side of Swing.  Shroton.  See flier.

Saturday 11 November: Jazz at St James.  David Gordon Jazz Trio.  See last week’s newsletter

Sunday 19 November: Pagoda Project at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  See flier.

Saturday 25 November.  Autumn Leaves concert given by Spectra Musica in Gillingham.  See flier.


19 OCTOBER 2017

Dear All,

A good sing last night with some great progress made on “Don’t Worry Be Happy” in particular.  If you want a better idea of how the piece should sound, watch these two Youtube clips:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0wTDn2X5tg OR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU

Can I also remind you to check that you have our Christmas dates in your diaries please?


Saturday 2 December: morning.  Quaker Meeting House (in aid of the Friends of Shaftesbury Hospital).  Details to follow.

Monday 4 December: 6.00 p.m.  Christmas lights and late night shopping. Details to follow.

Friday 15 December: 2.15 Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall.  (Durweston is the home of lots of traditional Dorset carols, so watch this space!)

Christmas Eve: Probably singing at Grosvenor Hotel.  Confirmation awaited.


Saturday 21 October (this Saturday): SING YOUR HEART OUT. Sarah Pennington and Gilo return to lead a day of vibrant songs to nourish the heart and bring joy to the spirit. Their singing days are always popular and fill up fast so it’s best to book early. Venue: Village Hall, Cranborne, BH21 5QBTime: 10.30am – 4.30pm   Cost: £25 on the day / £20 if booked and paid by 14th October.  Email:info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097

Saturday 11 November: Jazz at St James.  David Gordon Jazz Trio.  See attached flier.

Sunday 19 November: Pagoda Project at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  Full details on: http://www.shaftesburyartscentre.org.uk/events/pagoda-project/ 


No more pizzas until April I’m afraid!


Please let me know asap if you wish to buy a half or whole lamb and/ or a tanned sheep-skin.  2017 meat will be delivered mid-December; 2017 skins by about next summer.  Please contact ml.tagney@btopenworld.com 

With best wishes – Home-grown committee members.

DetailsThis year we are offering meat from this season’s Homegrown lambs at £7 per kilo for members (£7.50 for others), roughly half what you’d pay in a supermarket for many of the cuts.  It means members pay about £50 for a medium-sized half lamb.  Once lambs are butchered, we will know precise weights: in 2016, weights averaged 7Kg per half, some varying by about 1Kg.  This year we have equal numbers of male and female; males tend to weigh more.  Cuts will be vacuum-packed by the butcher: that costs us a bit more, but helps people to store in their freezer and identify cuts easily. We have up to 18 half-lambs to bid for; it will be first come first served.

We are also offering tanned skins at £55 each for members (£60 for others), again well below shop prices.  We’ve up to 8 skins to bid for; again, first come first served. 


5 OCTOBER 2017

Dear All,

Just a short newsletter this week to draw your attention to our Christmas calendar of events and to other events later this month which involve a number of good friends.  Christmas gets very busy I know, so please make sure you put our choir performances in your diaries NOW!


Saturday 2 December: morning.  Quaker Meeting House (in aid of the Friends of Shaftesbury Hospital).  Details to follow.

Monday 4 December: 6.00 p.m.  Christmas lights and late night shopping. Details to follow.

Friday 15 December: 2.15 Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall.  (Durweston is the home of lots of traditional Dorset carols, so watch this space!)


Saturday 7 October: Tisbury Arts Group Cabaret.  Full details at: http://www.tisburyparishchurch.org/cabaret/

A Cabaret Evening | St Johns Tisbury


A cabaret – a lively new collaboration between TAG (the Tisbury Arts Group) and the St John’s Swingers (the 17 piece St John’s Church Tisbury band) in the ...

Sunday 15 October: Karen’s choral piece “Heartwood” at Springhead. Flier attached.

Saturday 21 October: SING YOUR HEART OUT. Sarah Pennington and Gilo return to lead a day of vibrant songs to nourish the heart and bring joy to the spirit. Their singing days are always popular and fill up fast so it’s best to book early. Venue: Village Hall, Cranborne, BH21 5QBTime: 10.30am – 4.30pm   Cost: £25 on the day / £20 if booked and paid by 14th October.  Email: info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097


If you want to order a pizza and have it waiting for you before choir on a Wednesday, call 07521 413720.



Dear All,

It was lovely to see new faces as well as some old friends last night and there was some great singing too.  We are a bit worried about our performance this coming Sunday at Holnest however (see below).  We were expecting maybe 40 or so singers but it is looking like there may only be around half that number!  Do support us and the ”Future Roots” Project if you possibly can.  If you didn’t pick up a parking pass last night you can get one from Julia.  Alternatively, if you need to pay £5 for parking, the choir will reimburse you.  Either way, PLEASE come if you are able.  Two other things: don’t forget Bring-a-Friend Day next week; also we have been invited to give a couple more performances in the run up to Christmas.  Please put the dates in your diaries now.


This Sunday 24 September:  Holnest Country Fayre. Rylands Farm DT9 5PS.  Arrive 1.45 for 2.00 start.  NOTE EARLIER TIME. 

Programme: Let the Sunshine, Bela Mama, Hold On, Sunshine Fire and Rain, Java Jive, Let’s call the whole thing off, Follow the Heron, Wake Up, Tree of life, My Little Cup, Evo Banke, Morning has come, Green Man, Throw It Away, Run Rabbit Run.

Dress code: shades of red of course.

Next Wednesday 27 September: Bring-a-Friend Day.  Four or five completely new songs, so absolutely perfect for regulars, lapsed members and newcomers alike.  £3 + mug as usual.  Do try and make a few friends over the coming week and bring them along.  (Who knows who you might meet at Rylands Farm for example!)

Saturday 2 December: morning.  Quaker Meeting House (in aid of the Friends of Shaftesbury Hospital).  Details to follow.

Monday 4 December: 6.00 p.m.  Christmas lights and late night shopping. Details to follow.

Friday 15 December: 2.15 Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall.  (Durweston is the home of lots of traditional Dorset carols, so watch this space!)


This has the makings of an excellent series.  Wednesdays 9.00 am (repeated 9.30 pm) Radio 4.   Thanks Irene (lapsed soprano!!) for flagging this up. You’ll be able to catch the first episode on i-player: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0952str

BBC Radio 4 - Choral History of Britain, Series 1, Singing ...


Roderick Williams explores how singing together is at the heart of being human and the social bonds we make. From protest songs and football chants, to work choirs ...


Don’t forget to look up Sutartinės if you are interested– Lithuania’s unique multipart songs, complete with quarter tones. 


Sunday 24 September: (same day as Holnest) Templecombe Ladies’ Choir concert. 

Saturday 7 October: Tisbury Arts Group Cabaret.  Full details at: http://www.tisburyparishchurch.org/cabaret/

A Cabaret Evening | St Johns Tisbury


The Tisbury Arts Group (TAG) and our St John’s Church Band (pictured) – some of our best local talent – combine forces to present a lively evening of music and ...

Sunday 15 October Karen’s choral piece “Heartwood” at Springhead.


If you want to order a pizza and have it waiting for you before choir on a Wednesday, call 07521 413720.



Dear All,

Although it is a great pity that Stourhead had to be called all off, all our hard work will not go to waste as we have received a last minute invitation to sing for Shaftesbury Home Grown THIS COMING SATURDAY MORNING. We do hope you can make it.  Arrive 10.15 at the Quaker Meeting House, Abbey Walk (just off Bimport, and very close to the hospital and Trinity Centre) for a 10.30 start.  See attached flier.

Programme: Let the Sunshine, Hold On, Sunshine Fire and Rain, Java Jive, Let’s call the whole thing off, Follow the Heron, Wake Up, Tree of life, My Little Cup, Evo Banke, Morning has come, Green Man, Throw It Away, Run Rabbit Run.

Dress code: shades of red of course.


Sunday 24 September:  Holnest Country Fayre. Rylands Farm DT9 5PS.  Arrive 2.15 for a 2.30.  (In aid of the Future Roots project)  Look it up on http://www.futureroots.net/   We have been given only 10 parking permits so it would be most helpful if choir members could share cars.  However, if we need to use more cars the choir will reimburse the £5 charge.   If we could all ask around and sort ourselves out, it would make Julia’s life a LOT easier!

Future Roots Care Farm, Dorset


The idea of Future Roots was founded by Julie Plumley in 2006. She grew up on a dairy farm in Dorset, and qualified as a social worker … read more...

Wednesday 27 September: Bring-a-Friend Day.  Four or five completely new songs, so absolutely perfect for regulars, lapsed members and newcomers alike.  £3 + mug as usual.  Do try and make a few friends over the next couple of weeks and bring them along.

Friday 15 December: 2.15 Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall.  (Durweston is the home of lots of traditional Dorset carols, so watch this space!)

The recordings we made last night of “Go Placidly” and “Follow the Heron” can be heard on the LISTEN page.


Sunday 24 September: (same day as Holnest) Templecombe Ladies’ Choir concert. 

Saturday 7 October: Tisbury Arts Group Cabaret. 

Sunday 15 October Karen’s choral piece “Heartwood” at Springhead.


Dick (bass) reported the really excellent news that the Westminster Hospital is to be saved, a decision welcomed by Simon Hoare MP who writes:

 "I warmly welcome the CCG recommendation to retain beds at the Westminster Memorial and to explore commissioning of a new health hub.  There was a huge local campaign to retain these beds and the CCG has been as good as its word.  The CCG promised me that it would listen to local voices and it is.  There will be huge relief among my Constituents and I share that.  I will continue to work with the CCG to ensure the best outcomes for North Dorset”


As you know, it has been suggested that the choir might like to raise money to help the people of Sierra Leone caught up in the devastating mudslide outside the capital, Freetown.   Our intentions have been overtaken by other events, but the disaster has not been forgotten.  One idea is to sing one morning in the town centre.  When we did something similar for the tsunami in the Philippines a few years ago it raised several hundred pounds. Please come armed with your ideas next week.


If you want to order a pizza and have it waiting for you before choir on a Wednesday, call 07521 413720.




Dear All,

The National Trust have cancelled tomorrow's event I am afraid.  See message below.

Please pass on the news to everyone you know, especially any who do not have or do not regularly check their e-mails.

What a pity as our singing on Wednesday was excellent.

In haste .. I have phone calls to make!!



Shaftesbury Community Choir and Gasworks Choir are both due to perform tomorrow at Stourhead. We have been keeping an eye on the weather this week and unfortunately it is looking as though there will be thunderstorms over Stourhead (an 80% chance or above) for the late morning / lunchtime and afternoon period. All the locations for the performances are outdoors with no cover. We are also aware that the visiting public pay close attention to a weather forecast when making the decision to visit. Therefore after much consideration and deliberation we have decided to cancel tomorrows performances. I am sorry for the short notice, I have been hoping the forecast was going to change but the odds of the storms are increasing not decreasing. We have no indoor locations for performances and I fear that you would be singing to empty courtyards and gardens.