18 OCTOBER 2018


Dear All,

Another tremendous effort last night.  It was also great to see such a positive response to the invitation to sing for Motcombe School too, which means that we already have three performances scheduled for the coming months.  Making a start on some of our Christmas pieces was not quite as traumatic as I had expected.  For the next few weeks we will be concentrating on these and on our programme for St Mary’s on 22 November (see below).  Over the next week I will make MP3 recordings of the soprano, alto, tenor and bass parts for the Hallelujah Chorus for those who would like to do some preparation for the grand finale.  Although we won’t be starting on the more traditional carols for a few weeks yet, can I suggest that the long standing altos, tenors and basses look out their carol booklets if they have them as this will save enormously on printing costs.

Next time we will probably be looking at: Hosanna; Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song, Cherry Tree Carol and the Breton Carol (Come, Descend).


Thursday 22 November  Concert at St Mary’s School (Shaftesbury). 7.00 p.m   We will be singing four songs (Suo Gan; Things; Cherubim Song; Stille der Nacht) and, for those that wish to, joining other performers for a rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus. Tickets (£10 for audience members) from Helen Jupp (Tel: 01747 850272; Mob: 07870 975224; e-mail: helenjupp13@gmail.com)

Saturday 1 December  Singing for Westminster Memorial Hospital (Shaftesbury) at the Quaker Meeting House. 10.45 (I expect).  More details later.

Sunday 2 December  Singing for Motcombe Primary School PTA  10.45  Motcombe Village Hall. More details later.


Thank you very much you kind people who sponsored my Mum, Ann.  The total raised, as far as we know, is £2006.76 + £80 Gift Aid!!  Far more than Mum ever imagined.  If you have not seen her skydive in aid of Cancer Research click on:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VMNWRhpGLCUyqhrPqi6Av6Z6hiiwr-aR/view


Thurs 18 – Sat 20 October  The Lady Killers.  Shaftesbury Arts Centre. 7.30.  With a host of well-known faces including Pam (soprano) and Marie (alto) TICKETS GOING FAST!!

Friday 19 October  Palida concert for Amnsety International.  St Mary’s Church, Shroton.  See attached flyer

Saturday 20 October              Sing Your Heart Out with Gilo and Sarah.  Cranborne Village Hall See attached flyer

Sunday 21 October  Come and Sing Hymnathon.  St Peter’s Church.  4.00 pm. Tea and cake afterwards too!  See attached flyer.

Sunday 28 October  Come-and-Sing Faure Requiem.  Buckhorn Weston.  See last week’s flyer.

Friday 9 November  “Only Remembered” Gillingham Arts Workshop  Gillingham Library  5.30 p.m. See attached flyer

Saturday 17 November  Spectra Musica.  Wincanton.  See attached flyer.

Saturday 8 December  Salisbury Symphony Orchestra.  See last week’s flyer.
