17 MAY 2018

Dear All,

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible this coming Sunday for the North Dorset Cycle Ride which promises to be a great affair.   It would be wonderful to have a STUPENDOUS turnout! We will be singing on Park Walk under an awning so no fear of getting wet or too much sun.  The cycle routes seem to be all south of the A30 so if you are coming from the south or west of Shaftesbury take a look at the route maps so that you don’t get caught up with any possible road closures.  (Thanks Sheila [soprano] for this info.) You can find the routes on: https://shaftesburyrotaryclub.org/gold-hill-cycle-ride/ride-details/   Julia is sorting out what we have to do in order to comply with the new data protection legislation that is shortly coming into force.  All choir newsletters are sent “bcc” anyway and with luck it will simply mean that you can just ask to be removed from the choir mailing list rather than have to positively opt into it all over again.  More about this next time. 

Ride Details - Shaftesbury Rotary Club


Route and Ride Information - The North Dorset Cycle Ride in aid of Prostrate Cancer UK - All money collected goes 100% to Prostrate Cancer UK


Finally, if you are singing in the Pentecost service, we are rehearsing this evening (Thursday) at 7.00 in the Shearer Room at Bell Street United Church (entrance on Bell Street itself – next to the opticians).


Sunday 20 May (this weekend) 12.15 start on Park Walk for Rotary Club’s prostate cancer cycle ride.  Please arrive at 12.00 and congregate close to the awning where the Town Band will be / have been playing.  Normal dress code (i.e. shades of red above the waist, dark or black below.  No patterned tops please!) 

We will be singing (no particular order): Rongo Mau; Feelin’ Groovy; Things; Chattanooga Choo Choo; Senzene Na; Viva La Musica; I Wish I Knew How; Hippopotamus Song; If there is to be Peace; The Long and Winding Road; Let's Call the Whole Thing Off; Bela Mama; Hold On.0.0

Saturday 16 June  Motcombe Fete  2.00 – 2.45.    Please arrive by 1.45.

Wednesday 27 June “Slice of Song” party at Amore

Sunday 1 July   Shaftesbury Fringe and Gold Hill Fair.  Two performances: 11.00 Gospel Sing-a-long with Bell Street Jazz Band (Trinity Centre) and then 1.00 – 1.45 on Park Walk (backs to the wall and away from all generators and other amplified sound!!)

Saturday 1 September  Cedars Castle Hill garden party, Bimport.


Saturday 19 May (this weekend) Barn Dance with the Hambledon Hopsteps.  Lower Langham Farm, Gillingham. See previous newsletters.

Sunday 20 May (this weekend) Churches Together Pentecost Service.  Shaftesbury Abbey Garden 4 o’clock

Saturday 16 June  Choral Day at Port Regis directed by Deborah Radford working on pieces from West Side Story etc.  Music provided.  Cost £18.  Details from:deborahradfordchoraldays@gmail.com

Saturday 23 June  Choral Workshop with CitySound Voices, Bath.  See last week’s newsletter.


Great to see Marcus back with his pop-up pizza bar.  If you want to order in advance, then give him a call on 07787 894110 and your pizza will be waiting for you when you arrive.
