Dear All,
We will be in St. James’ Church this Wednesday at 6.45 (for 7.00) until 8.30.
Please be super-safe and …
wear face masks until you are seated in the church
bring some hard-surface wipes to wipe down your seat, before and after the rehearsal
sanitise your hands when you arrive (Julia has arranged for a couple of squirters to be on hand)
We would also REALLY appreciate it if you were to take a lateral flow test (free from chemists shops and elsewhere) at some point on the day as a further precautionary measure and not come at all if you are ill or know you should self-isolate.
We will, of course, have as many doors and windows open as possible and we’ll continue to do without refreshments for a while yet.
Although we haven’t yet made our minds up whether or not St. Peter’s or St. James’ is the better venue, our recent questionnaire shows that the huge majority of the choir are happy to move indoors with appropriate safety measures in place. However, we obviously understand and respect the wishes of the few who have said they do not feel ready for this and will welcome them back when they feel the time is right.
This week we’ll sing Heart to Heart and Listen as warm-ups (no words needed), polish the first section of Be Still My Soul (again no words needed) and continue Great Brook and Eternal Flame along with Stille der nacht and Wake Up (words attached). The words of Brook, Flame and Stille were all attached to recent newsletters. PLEASE PRINT OUT YOUR OWN WORDS IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN.
THE GREAT MOTCOMBE SANTA RUN – Sunday 5th December 10.00 a.m.
We have been asked by the organisers if we would be able to sing carols for this once again. The last event in 2019 saw over 500 people running a 3K race around the village followed by mulled wine, mince pies and general Christmas merriment in the village hall! It is anticipated that the runners would get back to the village hall from about 10.30. The festivities then last for about an hour, so all done by 11.30. Can you give it some thought please so that I can let the organisers know whether we can do this? We will make our decision on Wednesday.
We have also been asked if we could sing at their wonderful village fete on Saturday 4th June! (Nothing like getting in quickly.) We’ve taken part in this several times now so it would be great to support them again.
Wednesday 1 December – The U3A have invited us to sing for their Christmas lunch at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham. More details later.
Sunday 17 October - The Phoenix Café Orchestra, which features many, many well known faces, will be playing for afternoon tea at St James’ church next Sunday at 4.00 p.m. It would be great to see you there!
11 October 2021