20 NOVEMBER 2021

More really great singing on Wednesday.  I’m attaching the recording we made of Hold On – hope you enjoy it.    

 We’ve just about got our Christmas repertoire sorted – a couple more standard carols to look at + Fait Dodo, Ding Dong, Come Tune Your Cheerful Voice, Boar’s Head, Masters in this Hall, Carols of Adoration and While Shepherds as “featured carols”.  We’ll be singing a representative selection of these at our various Christmas do’s.   Do check your availability for 1st, 15th and 19th December when I hope most of us can take part in the various events we have planned.  If you’ve not got them already, please note that I’m attaching the words of the ones that aren’t in the purple carol leaflets or (for ATB music readers) the little white booklets once more.  Please print out your own words if you possibly can 



Wednesday 1 December – The S&G U3A have invited us to sing for about 30 / 40 minutes after their Christmas lunch at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  We will be singing at about 2.15. 

Sunday 5 December  10.00 a.m - THE GREAT MOTCOMBE SANTA RUN 

It is anticipated that the runners will get back to the village hall from about 10.30.  The festivities then last for about an hour, so all done by 11.30.  

Sunday 19 December 5.30 p.m - MOTCOMBE DONKEY PROCESSION 

Saturday 4 June  Motcombe Village Fete.  Details MUCH later 



Saturday 4 December – A West Country Christmas.  Gillingham Singers concert at Wyke Primary School (Broad Robin) 7.30 p.m. 

Sunday 12 December - Shaftesbury Orchestra's next concert will be at Shaftesbury Town Hall (3.00 p.m.).  The programme will be: Mozart - Overture to The Marriage of Figaro; Saint-Saens - Violin Concerto No. 3  - soloist Piotr Kopec; Haydn - Symphony No. 101, 'The Clock' 

Tuesday 21 December – Gillingham Arts Workshop Christmas entertainment.  5.00 p.m. Gillingham Library 


Various local artists including Andrea (alto) are selling cards in aid of SAC.  Please see attached flier. 
