10 JANUARY 2020

Happy New year one and all.

 Brilliant party last night.  It was wonderful to see so many there – regulars of course, a few lapsed members and some new faces too.  Wonderful.   Particular thanks to Julia (of course) for organising it all and to those who took part in the entertainment.  For those of you who missed it, here’s a link to some of the proceedings:


 And in case you know anyone not sure whether to take the plunge have a read of this: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2020/jan/02/black-white-avant-garde-atheist-how-did-choirs-become-so-cool

 Next week we will be singing: I’m gonna sing, sing, sing; Bamba Lela; Argentine Carol; Pebble on My Tongue; Chattanooga Choo-Choo; Ani Couni; In My Life; Hold On.


 Wednesday 29th January  Session with guest director Sian Croose - well known for her uplifting and inclusive style as well as her ability to support groups of singers to stretch themselves and create a wonderful sound!

 Tuesday 24th March  Entertainment for members the Stroke Club.  Charlton Village Hall (just off the A30 to the east of Shaftesbury.)  Singing from 11 o’clock for about 30 / 45 minutes.  (Tea and coffee from 10.30)

 Friday 8 May  Shaftesbury VE Day celebrations (75 year celebration). 6.30 – 6.55 p.m. on a specially erected stage outside the Town Hall.  More details later.

 Sunday 6th July  Gold Hill Fair.  More details later.
