19 OCTOBER 2017

Dear All,

A good sing last night with some great progress made on “Don’t Worry Be Happy” in particular.  If you want a better idea of how the piece should sound, watch these two Youtube clips:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0wTDn2X5tg OR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU

Can I also remind you to check that you have our Christmas dates in your diaries please?


Saturday 2 December: morning.  Quaker Meeting House (in aid of the Friends of Shaftesbury Hospital).  Details to follow.

Monday 4 December: 6.00 p.m.  Christmas lights and late night shopping. Details to follow.

Friday 15 December: 2.15 Christmas entertainment for the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.  Durweston Village Hall.  (Durweston is the home of lots of traditional Dorset carols, so watch this space!)

Christmas Eve: Probably singing at Grosvenor Hotel.  Confirmation awaited.


Saturday 21 October (this Saturday): SING YOUR HEART OUT. Sarah Pennington and Gilo return to lead a day of vibrant songs to nourish the heart and bring joy to the spirit. Their singing days are always popular and fill up fast so it’s best to book early. Venue: Village Hall, Cranborne, BH21 5QBTime: 10.30am – 4.30pm   Cost: £25 on the day / £20 if booked and paid by 14th October.  Email:info@joyousisle.com   Tel: 01202 885294 or 01258 840097

Saturday 11 November: Jazz at St James.  David Gordon Jazz Trio.  See attached flier.

Sunday 19 November: Pagoda Project at Shaftesbury Arts Centre.  Full details on: http://www.shaftesburyartscentre.org.uk/events/pagoda-project/ 


No more pizzas until April I’m afraid!


Please let me know asap if you wish to buy a half or whole lamb and/ or a tanned sheep-skin.  2017 meat will be delivered mid-December; 2017 skins by about next summer.  Please contact ml.tagney@btopenworld.com 

With best wishes – Home-grown committee members.

DetailsThis year we are offering meat from this season’s Homegrown lambs at £7 per kilo for members (£7.50 for others), roughly half what you’d pay in a supermarket for many of the cuts.  It means members pay about £50 for a medium-sized half lamb.  Once lambs are butchered, we will know precise weights: in 2016, weights averaged 7Kg per half, some varying by about 1Kg.  This year we have equal numbers of male and female; males tend to weigh more.  Cuts will be vacuum-packed by the butcher: that costs us a bit more, but helps people to store in their freezer and identify cuts easily. We have up to 18 half-lambs to bid for; it will be first come first served.

We are also offering tanned skins at £55 each for members (£60 for others), again well below shop prices.  We’ve up to 8 skins to bid for; again, first come first served. 
