21 MARCH 2020

Dear All,

I hope we are all doing OK despite everything.   Although there is no need to reply to this e-mail, if you hear of anything happening (musical or otherwise) that might help keep our spirits up, do let us know and I’ll include details in future newsletters.  Channelling lots of positive energy into this sort of thing might well go some way towards supporting anybody who finds themselves isolated in any sense and at times like this, the last thing we need to do is to shut ourselves in and away.  We are so fortunate to have telephones, the internet and all the various messaging and video-calling apps and platforms.  Let’s stay in touch and get support from each other.  Shaftesbury Town Council are issuing a regular bulletin which they have asked me to forward to members of the community choir.  You should have received at least one already.


It is with great sadness that Ann and family are cancelling Steve's funeral on 25th March. They will have a private graveside prayer and burial but when the Coronavirus has passed will have the church service as planned.


The tree we agreed to purchase has arrived so the planting ceremony is imminent although, for obvious reasons it will be a low key affair, possibly using the recording we made of “Senzeni na” rather than singing in the flesh.  No further news about when Phil’s funeral will take place although I am told it will be at Salisbury Crematorium.   Several choir members have contributed to a GoFundMe site organised by his daughter, Fern Lyne-Temple, in order to give him a proper send off and the choir as a group have contributed £50 too.   The fund has already reached the target figure and the extra money is going to OpenHouse, who helped to look after him.  The fund is in the name of Philip Robert Gilbert and can be accessed via this link:      https://www.gofundme.com/f/funeral-for-phillip-robert-gilbert?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet.

There’s a lovely photo of Phil and his daughter there to – taken in happier times.


If you are self-isolating and are in need of some help with picking up shopping, a friendly phone call, posting mail, picking up urgent supplies etc., you can call one of the following people who will pass on your request to the Shaftesbury Support Group:

Brie Logan (Shaftesbury Town Council) 01747 859342

Zoe Moxham (ditto) 01747 852420

Debbie Martin (Social Prescribing and Carers Lead) 07738 104905

Keith Harrison (ditto) 07825 691508

Jackie Upton-King (Shaftesbury Civic Society) 01747 229325

If you are able to support those in isolation and would like to join the support group please call Brie or Zoe on 01747 852420


 We have request for volunteers to help support Gillingham people who are self isolating; needless to say – under 70 and not vulnerable.  This is being coordinated by the Gillingham Town Council and volunteers need to submit name address phone and email. They will be allocated a road local to them.   Contact them on:  GTC@gillinghamdorset-tc.gov.uk


In case you have not yet heard, both the Fringe and the Fair have been cancelled this year.  I have yet to hear about the VE Day celebrations but it seems highly likely that they do will be cancelled or postponed at least.


Those of you feeling really bereft at the temporary demise of the Community Choir might like to take a look at this: https://www.positive.news/lifestyle/arts/online-choir-spreads-joy-and-togetherness-during-coronavirus-outbreak/

Karen is familiar with this sort of thing so we might be able to do something along these lines.  Watch this space.


Elizabeth (tenor) has advised us that some of the younger members of Shreen Harmony (the Mere based choir) are planning some outdoor singing.  Provided it is safe, this is something else we might consider doing – maybe something along the lines of a flash mob in a week or so's time.    Again watch this space.


The clarinet recital that Tony (bass) was promoting and due to take place next Saturday, 28 March has inevitably been postponed.

 Keep well and keep singing.
