13 FEBRUARY 2020

Another good turn-out last night.  Our programme for the VE Day Celebrations is shaping up well.   Next week we will continue with We’ll Meet Again and Ev’rytime You Say Goodbye – both of which are sounding good -  as well as looking at Mravalza miev once more, Come and Sing, Siyahamba, Bogoroditse Deva, I Can’t Help Falling in Love and Senzeni Na.  Something for everyone I hope you will agree.




Tuesday 24th March  Entertainment for members the Stroke Club.  Charlton Village Hall (just off the A30 to the east of Shaftesbury.)  Singing from 11 o’clock for about 30 / 45 minutes.  (Tea and coffee from 10.30)


Friday 8th May  Shaftesbury VE Day celebrations (75 year celebration). 6.30 – 6.55 p.m. on a specially erected stage outside the Town Hall.  More details later.


Sunday 5th July  Gold Hill Fair.  More details later.



 Sunday 23rd February  Singing workshop with Helen Porter.  See last week’s information sheet.

 Tuesday 25th February  Pancake Day Coffee Morning at East Stour.  See attached flyer.

 Thursday 27th February  What we need to do now for a zero carbon future.  (A talk by Chris Goodall).  Shaftesbury Town Hall. 7.30 p.m.  ADMISSION FREE  See attached flyer

 Saturday 14th March   Women in Jazz with Julie Dunn.  The Gugg, Stalbridge.  See attached flyer.

 Saturday 28th March  Recital by clarinetist Emma Johnson MBE.  St Peter’s Church.  7.30 p.m.  Tickets available from Shaftesbury TIC or Tony Hawkins (bass).  See earlier flyer.
