26 NOVEMBER 2020

A happy mix of Christmas and non-Christmas singing last night I thought.  I look forward to singing “Covid” next week to celebrate the end of lockdown.  Let’s hope the tier system doesn’t make things more difficult. 


Wednesday 2 – Tuesday 9 December 

The Shaftesbury Group will be opening the Arts Centre Gallery with a six day exhibition on Thursday 3rd December, showcasing art from sixteen members of the group. After having to cancel all the Art Fairs in the Town Hall during 2020 they are all looking forward to this show.   See attached poster. 

 Saturday 12 December  The Big Christmas Carol Service with the RSCM and Churches Conservation Trust.  As with their other big on-line services, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to join in from home.  Do save the date and let me know if you’d like a pdf copy of the music booklet. 

 Friday 18 and Saturday 19 December  

Don’t forget to let Jo Churchill know if you’d like to take part in the Enmore Green carol singing.  (6.30 – 7.30 p.m.) Contact her on 01747 850432 or jo.churchill@enmoregreen.co.uk   

 Sunday 20 December   Carols on the Doorstep.  Sue (altos) has sent me details of this - https://www.carolsonthedoorstep.co.uk/   It’s a chance to sing carols on your doorstep with your neighbours (a bit like when we did the clapping for the NHS). Maybe you could arrange to do this in your street? 


For up to date information about online arts programmes, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see and listen to on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/ 


Don’t forget Robin’s new book – the ideal Christmas gift.  Full details last week. 

 Keep well, keep in touch, keep on singing, and, with luck, see you next week.  Feel free to bring a friend along too. 



26 November 2020