15 OCTOBER 2020


We have been invited (as individuals or as a choir depending on take up) to join the Gillingham Imperial Silver Band to make a video for Remembrance Sunday.   Like ourselves, they have been unable to rehearse in person since mid March and have had to adapt. They have done this by making videos of themselves, all done individually at home, then put together into one finished 'performance'.  (This is a link to their latest effort: https://youtu.be/DpSogohKxQc   It looks and sounds very professional I’m sure you’ll agree.) The band would usually be heavily involved in the Remembrance Day parade and service on the morning of Remembrance Sunday, but as with everything else, this is not possible this year. So, they are going to make a video instead and Jim Bennett, their MD, is asking if any of us would be up for joining them by singing the hymn 'Oh Valiant Hearts'. All it would require is for each of us to video ourselves singing along to a backing track that he will provide.  We would do this from the comfort of our own homes. The deadline for sending the videos to him is October 25 which gives him the time to do the necessary editing.  I need to know take up by this weekend so that I can get the backing tracks etc. from him in good time to be able to send stuff to you and for you to send your video on to Jim.  Do take part in this if you can.  Although the occasion is very serious of course, the activity itself should be fun and, for most of us, a bit of an adventure


Saturday 17 October: 8pm Sydney time (10am UK) 

Keeping with all things Australian, Karen’s friend Gillian from Norwich has been joining us online for several weeks now and would like to draw our attention to SPZOOMKY.
To quote from their publicity, this is a “special online event where we will make the very best of the current restrictions to create an intimate spooky performance for you. In the grandest of the blue mountain halls, with appropriate social distancing, sweet lighting, and your smiling schnozzes and comments on a screen we can see, we’re going to go as close to the real spooky experience as we can.”  This is a nominally free event, but they’d love you to donate.  Tickets and all details at www.massivesinglet.com/spzoomky 

Book now, because….tickets are limited.  The concert will last approximately 75 minutes. 

Saturday 24 October: Celebration Day 2020 Those of you who enjoy church music will be interested to hear about the latest virtual evensong being organised by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM).  It is on 24 October 2020 at 17:30.   Let me know if you would like a copy of the music being used so that you can join in.  More information about Celebration Day 2020 can be found on www.rscm.org.uk/events/rscm-celebration-day-2020/.  

Looking ahead: The Big RSCM Carol Service   On Saturday 12 December the RSCM  will be hosting a joint their Big Christmas Carol Service with the Churches Conservation Trust.  As with our other big services, there will be downloadable music packs available in advance and plenty of opportunities for you to join in from home.  Do save the date, more information to follow in due course. 


For up to date information about online arts programmes, don’t forget to check the Fine Times Recorder’s listings.  There are lots of wonderful free things to see and listen to on-line: http://www.theftr.co.uk/whats-on/ 


Keep well, keep in touch, keep on singing, and, with luck, see you next week.  Bring a friend along too. 
