Dear All,
Thanks for a really good turn out last weekend at Castle Hill House. Over £500 was raised which is an excellent sum. I’m sure you will agree that it was particularly nice to see Ray (ex tenors) and to have him sing along with us.
We have our final performance of the season this weekend when we will be singing at the Town Twinning concert at St Peter’s Church. We start the concert (!) and our programme (in provisional order) will be: Follow the Heron, Leko Hode Nedo, Stille der Nacht, Blue Moon, Go Placidly. We will then be joined by the ukes to sing Chattanooga Choo Choo and Things. After the interval we will join the Brionne band to sing I Will Follow Him. Although the concert is not until 7.30 it is important we are able to rehearse with the Brionne Jazz Band so we are asking all members of the choir to arrive by 6.30 please. Normal dress code of course.
Saturday 14 September Entertainment for the Shaftesbury-Brionne Exchange. 7.30 p.m. St Peter’s Church. See above. Please download, share, print and display last week’s flyer if you are able.
… and looking further ahead
Monday 2 December Shaftesbury Christmas lights etc. More details later.
Sunday 15 December We have been asked whether we’d like to join the Motcombe Christmas Procession. 5.00 – 7.00 p.m. More details later.
… and looking much further ahead
Friday 8 May 2020 We have been asked to take part in the Shaftesbury VE Day celebrations (75 year celebration). Again, more details later … much later.
I have let Quentin and Maggie know that there are about 10 or 12 people who would lie to visit the farm on Monday 23 September. Arrive by 2.30. Cream tea at 4.30. Cost about £5 per person. Families and friends welcome too! If you have not already told me, please make sure you have given me your name by this weekend if you intend joining the party.
Michael Bailey has produced a card of the choir singing at Gold Hill Fair. Copies cost £2.00 and Julia is taking orders. The cards are also likely to be available from various shops etc. in due course. Larger copies of the picture are also available for £10.00
Shaftesbury Rotary Club have written as follows: Thank you very much for your support of this year’s Gold Hill Fair. It is always good to have local singers as part of the entertainment at the Fair and we hope that new members might join having seen and heard you. We were blessed with fine weather and good attendance, and this together with your help, created a great atmosphere and a successful community event. We have raised a worthwhile sum for a wide range of causes – many of them local. We could not have done this without your assistance and hope for your support again next year! David Wynn-Mackenzie, Gold Hill fair Committee, Shaftesbury Rotary.
Sunday 15 September A West Gallery Evensong - St John's Tisbury 6.00 p.m.
This service will be based on West Gallery music. This delightful tradition, which flourished during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, was a reaction against the formality of cathedral choral music with organ accompaniment. Local people of all abilities would play and sing. It’s an approachable style, deeply rooted in the West Country but found elsewhere, which uses instruments to accompany the singers. It takes its name from the fact that the musicians usually sat in a west gallery in the church - until the 19th century St John’s church had just such a gallery. There will be a workshop for players and singers at 4pm followed by tea. The service is at 6pm. If you would like to sing please contact Stuart Robinson or through the Parish Office. Otherwise just come and be part of the congregation!
Sunday 6 October Singing workshop with Helen Porter. Shaftesbury Town Hall. See attached flyer.
Saturday 19 October The Music Makers of London. “Sun, Moon and Stars” Concert at St. John’s Church, Tisbury. Tickets can be bought in advance at: (See last week’s flyer)
Don’t forget Sue Clifford and Angela King have reprinted their first (green) Shaftesbury Tree Walk leaflet and produced a second leaflet (blue) detailing a slightly longer walk taking in Gold Hill, St James, Enmore Green and Tout Hill. Both leaflets, which have lovely maps in them, are available on Wednesday evenings and are quite FREE.
Both Lloyds Bank and the Cancer Research shop will take any unwanted holiday money.