8 JUNE 2017

Dear All,

Lots of coming events so please get your diaries out.  The programme for Castle Hill is attached.  Other programmes to follow.

Reminder:  The Abbey Museum shop has greetings cards with a watercolour of the choir on them.  Get yours before stocks run out.

And, most importantly, next Wednesday will be BADGE WEDNESDAY. Bring a name badge (as flamboyant or as simple as you like).  Julia will have sticky labels if you forget.


Saturday 17 June: Singing for Castle Hill House Book Swap and BBQ (including Great Pudding Bake Off).  Community choir singing between 12.30 & 1.15 and any members may bring books & £1 to take any book away, or £5 for 6 books.The programme will consist of (in no particular order): Up above my head, Dvorak Anthem, Java Jive, Hold On, Bela Mama, Eternal Flame, For Once in my life, Alleluia, Rongo Mau, Chattanooga.  Normal dress code please.

Saturday 1 July: Gospel Singalong at the Cattle Market (£5) as part of Shaftesbury Fringe Festival. 10.00 – 11.00 a.m.

Sunday 2 July: Singing on Park Walk in the early afternoon (partly in conjunction with the ukes) again as part of theShaftesbury Fringe Festival. .

Sunday 23 July: Afternoon concert at St James’ Church. 3 o’clock.  Followed by afternoon tea.

Sunday 24 September:  Holnest Country Fayre. Rylands Farm, nr Sherborne.  2.00 – 2.45.  (In aid of the Future Roots project)  Look it up on http://www.futureroots.net/

Unspecified Wednesday sometime VERY soon: Bring-a-friend day.  Four or five new songs for regulars and newcomers alike.  More details later.


Shaftesbury Fringe Festival (www.shaftesburyfringe.co.uk) is looking for volunteers to help over our 3 day festival. The tasks will include being a visible presence in the town, meeting and greeting visitors and helping them find the various venues. The Festival coincides with the Gold Hill Fair and we are expecting it to be a really busy, exciting weekend packed with a whole variety of live performances. If you're free over the weekend and would like to help with any of the morning, afternoon or evening sessions please email: Fringemakers@shaftesburyfringe.co.uk.   As you know the choir is performing on Saturday morning (1 July) and Sunday afternoon (2 July) so as you'll be in town already you may like to volunteer before or after the performance.

Home - Shaftesbury Fringe 2017


Yes we’re back! After last year’s hugely successful inaugural event, Shaftesbury Fringe 2017 is bigger than ever, with nearly a hundred shows by some 70 acts at ...


Thursday 15 June: Walk and Talk around Shaftesbury.  Following the great success last year of Matthew’s (tenor) historic walk and talk around Shaftesbury there is a follow on at 6.30 p.m. starting at Cedars Nursing Home, Angel Lane.  Free, but donations to Cedars / Castle Hill welcome.  Contact Sue Daddy (alto) on 01747 853733 or via e-mail: drsuedaddy@hotmail.com

Saturday 17 June: Bournemouth Male Voice Choir singing at St Mary’s Gillingham at 7-30pm. £5 on the door.

Sunday 18 June: Cream Tea (4 o’clock) and Songs of Praise (5.30).  East Stour Church.  See attached flier

Saturday 1 July: BIG SING DAY at Othona West Dorset with Gilo and Sarah 10am – 5pm£20 including buffet lunchContact Othona to book: 01308 897130 OR mail@othona-bb.org.uk


Summer Nights with Spectra Musica.  North Cadbury.  See details on our website.

Saturday 15 July: Tisbury Community Choir Festival.  See details on our website.


If you want to order a pizza and have it waiting for you before choir on a Wednesday, call 07521 413720.
